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team rocket pr guy

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by team rocket pr guy

  1. snoooooooow : D on the website

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  2. i like to eat nice candy and play games that dont drive me into frustration =w=
  3. wow the switch looks pretty great : o

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  4. nintendo direct soon! hope we hear something good! : D

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  5. i like mudkips <3 i chose mudkip both times i've played ( had to restart in the middle of my first run cus of a problem) and he has rarely disapointed me.
  6. tfw you see this thread wonder if theres anything you could add then remember your single and start feeling lonely
  7. legend of zelda and legend of zelda 2 the adventure of link. i got close with the first one then stopped and i was doing good with 2 (tho i had save states going on) but then messed something up and lost a lot of progress =w= then got discouraged and never went back.
  8. yay for dogs winning splatfest! ... tho im not sure how i feel about the way the results were come to >.>

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  9. one day i was just an average kid working as team rockets entire pr department ... but now im a squid! and a kid! that still works as a pr guy

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    1. zimvader42


      u r a pokocho ._.

    2. team rocket pr guy

      team rocket pr guy

      pikachus and pokochos can be kids that are squids to :o probably

  10. if i start a new game now will i be able to get back to my old save files still with the new save back up stuff?

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    1. BIGJRA


      yes, just rename the old one and keep your 'active' file named Game.rxdata

    2. team rocket pr guy
  11. if i start a new game now will i be able to get back to my old save files still with the new save back up stuff?

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  12. (earlier) ya know ... i got a lot of time to spend doing things.i should take advantage and finally finish breeding pokemon to make a living pokedex infact i think i'll start later tonight. (a little bit later) yea just gona plug in my 3ds let it charge up a bit ... hey i should look on the forums see whats going on there. (now) ep15 ep15 ep15

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  13. saw the new trailer for pokemon mystery dungeon :o already liking it. major complaint though is that the pokemon you can play as are limited to all starters pikachu riolu. would have been nice to get a little more variety like in some of the other games. with that said though it still looks pretty nice :3 cant wait to learn more

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    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. team rocket pr guy

      team rocket pr guy

      yea thats true at least xD

    3. zimvader42


      The PMD game that allowed me to be a ghost type would be the best in my eyes.

      Anyways, have only played the original so I can't say about the newer ones.

    4. Aurorain


      Best mystery dungeon's probably Explorers of Sky, since it's basically Explorers of Time/Darkness, but with several new additions.

  14. tfw you need a shaymin in pokemon to complete your pokedex in the main games and it finally gets an event ... in pokemon shuffle T-T
  15. some weird people in team rocket that keep chasing this one kid decided to start singing o.o it was pretty good though
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