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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by CEDComeBack

  1. Blaziken, it has a slick design and vibrant color scheme. With or without speed boost I like Blaziken. Serperior and Hydreigon are my runner ups.
  2. Thanks everyone
  3. Problem is that sprite is too small, I don't know how to edit it w/o making it look fuzzy.
  4. Ok, so I am wondering where you guys got the original colored sprites from? I'm trying to replace the back sprite of my shiny swampert but I can't find a properly sized 5th gen one, I tried using older reborn files but those only used the 4th gen shiny swampert sprite. Nothing against the wonderful spriters here, but I'm not too keen on swamperts shiny. Thanks
  5. Hey guys, the name's Shawn. I've been stalking this forum for a few months now and decided to introduce myself just now I've been under the weather the past few months (still am technically, just now getting back on the internet) so forgive my tardiness. Besides reborn I casually play YGO and play other pokemon rom hacks. Hopefully you'll see me more in this community.
  6. Hi, simple question. I'm looking for an old battlers folder with the original shiny sprites of pokemon in it. Is that available for download anywhere on this site?
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