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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Dshuks

  1. Note this thread is not asking Ame to include Gen 8 Pokemon but rather asking if she did add Gen 8 pokemon how would you alter the current gym leader/other character's lineups to include them. For me, I think Frosmoth would fit Sierra's team well especially with her son's interest in bug types. I'd also put either Galarian Rapidash or Hatterene in Adrienne's lineup. I'd also put a Toxtrcity on Aua's team or maybe DJ Archlight's. Finally, I'd put a Duraludon on Titania's team.
  2. TT made a mistake in evolving his lotad so quickly he basically missed out on all of its decent grass moves. I also don't understand why he hasn't tried using his mareep.
  3. I really think people overestimate how much time and effort people who are playing more casually are willing to put into the game, especially if they are just doing it as content for their youtube channels. Yes TT could be doing more and looking at the field effects or pulse readouts more, but at the same time is doing any differently than someone like Shofu? Shofu was really saved by playing early versions of the game at first so he could get mons like Gardevoir and Magarmar much earlier but he was even worse at putting effort into the game.
  4. So after i installed the new patch and beat Geera in the island forest and the carnevine and I got sucked into the rift I got this error which crashed the game it said script ‘pokemonmap’ line 78 no method error occurred undefined method bridge= for nil: NillClass Attached is my save file right before the fight with Geera because I couldn't save after. Please help Game.rxdata
  5. Hi I'm stuck in the Xen boat right after completing the black steeple prison arc and talking to Adam I'm stuck on a small area next to a ladder and can't move. I know this is a known bug but can someone help me? I've already tried soft resetting twice. game.rxdata
  6. So I'm looking to evolve my Pikachu into Alolan Raichu, and I know in rejuvenation you need the pancakes to do that, but in the last version they were sold in the area between Sheridan and GoldenLeaf but now in version 11 they aren't selling them? Have they been moved? is there a badge have to get before they are sold in that area ( I just beat Narcissa in this run)? It would be a bummer if they aren't available until late in the game, Aloaln Raichu is not that good.
  7. Nevermind I tried it again and it didn't get the error this time.
  8. So I have a bit of a problem. I made it to what I assume was the last battle in a series of battles against team meteor /question marks like I said I made it to the last one and beat all of their pokemon except for one last Frossglass. When the Frossglass came out it used a Z move and I got a script hanging error, causing me to have to close out of the game. So I was wondering if someone could use my attached save file to beat those series of battles for and then save the game and post it back afterwards. I understand this an odd request but I really would like to progress in the game, and it would be annoying to have a battle I already basically beat prevent me from going any farther. I saved in front of a pc in the area with the battles so you can make whatever necessary lineup changes you feel like. I also have some common candies in my bag. I would really appreciate it if someone could help me. Game.rxdata
  9. How do you move things I just got Espeon and I'm lost. When on I press z while walking with Espeon near those white blocks around the area the screen goes darker and it makes a sound but nothing moves.
  10. With gen 7 Pokemon being added to version 17 how do you think the starters will fare in Reborn? Personally I think The Primarina line will be the most useful. Fairy is just a pretty useful type in reborn due to the glut of dark types. One downside is that it will struggle during the early game imo. Decidueye will fare the worst in Reborn imo it's too slow and it's typing gives it too many weaknesses.
  11. Hmmm my bad I could have sworn I saw a yellow arrow thing. Thanks anyways.
  12. Hi can someone help me i'm currently stuck on my current play through because I can't find the control panel to the third to last gate n the water treatment plant. I feel like I've been in every room yet cannot for the life of me find the control panel that I clearly missed. Attached is my game data. Game.rxdata
  13. Hi everyone I am planning on coin an Ash Ketchum Kalos team themed run of reborn. Where I will be limiting myself to only using the pokemon on Ash's team in the anime in Kalos. Unfortunately most of dh's team either isn't available or is available relatively later in the game. So If someone could add a goomy, fletchling Hawklucha, , and a pikachu ( maybe with a light ball?) I would greatly appreciate it. I already have a froakie and can get a noibat easily. Decent IVs/natures would be appreciated. Thanks a ton Game.rxdata
  14. So my game keeps crashing because of the rain effect in the growlithe quest can someone get past this for me? Thanks Game.rxdata
  15. Where is a soothe bell located in the game? I heard it was in Sheridan but I can't find it.
  16. Reborn runs fine on my macbook . So I'm really not sure what the problem is.
  17. So I'm playing this on my mac with wine and when I got in the generator room of the XEN lab wine crashed and said there was a serious error. Is there any way I can fix this?
  18. One thing I've wondered about while playing reborn is how much time has passed from the train explosion at the beginning to beating Terra at the end of the 14th episode? I think it's been at least a couple weeks What do you guys think?
  19. Maybe I'm not being clear I'm at the point where this guy was 9:00 minutes into the video except when he turns right theres a thin path he goes through, while with me it's just grass. If it helps here is my save file Nevermind did it myself Game.rxdata
  20. Hi everyone I recently just finished chapter 14 of reborn and am currently working on the side quests. Unfortunately I'm a little puzzled on how I'm supposed to finish the glasses side quest. I've goten most of the logs and spider webs knocked down but can't seem to get into the last area. According to a youtube guide I watched there's supposed to be a path to the right of where you find the sirus berries , but theres tall grass blocking the way for me that I can't get through when I am on a tauros. Any tips?
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