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About Oris

  • Birthday 05/04/1995

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    the Crypt of the Necrodancer!
  • Interests
    videogames, programing, anime, food, sleeping, and lewd stuffs.

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  1. Finally.....
    I've stuck the landing!

  2. trainer journal
    day **3

    that was alooooot of training. but think im ready to face ciel again. hope I can make it this time.... its gona be what, the 12th or so time i face her? either way, wish me luck.
    .... I might ask her on a date after our battle. aaor if she do wears thongs.

  3. welll.... i already gave you porygon Z for alolan ninetails... aurora veil. and make sure that she can bring hail to the field. should be eassy with snow warning, but you might wana run hail, just to be sure. other than that, an ice stab move and a fairy stab move? choise is yours. for galvantula.... sticky web, thunder wave, and two stabs sounds good. empoleon.... is a mess. mine ran waterfall surf rainy day and icy wind. and blaziken.... im gona ssume you don't have protect, but if you do, give him it. other than that, blaze kick or flame blitz, high jump kick or sky uppercut, sword dance and stone edge or rock slide.
  4. not bad. I like it! specifically trough the mansion, dont htink chandelure would be a good idea. just go with blaziken since you already got him done
  5. going by parts.... 1: metagross probably would get the job done well. i made it trough fiore mantion with my delphox mostly, and empoleon. tsarena helped alot on the last battle to, but... its really about being smart with your partner there, and not be afraid to use items. 2: like i said, never had a drapion, never raised one, and honestly, i kinda dislike drapion... so.... out of luck there. 3: if im not wrong... with upgrade, and then, with dubious disk. in regular games you make him hold the items and trade, so i imagine using a link stone while he holds the items should do the job.
  6. trainer journal:
    day **

    heck, Ciel is bae..... but I have no idea how to beat her. apparently most of my team sucks against flying types.... oof. and I don't wana leave my anthropomorphic mons only run die just yet....

    shes forgiven since she's bae tho. worst part is, i keep getting distracted because i keep imagining her with a thong doing position 52 during our battles. CRAP.

  7. sounds good. well, you got porigon-Z and drapion for a base then..... id use galvantula as a settuper with sticky web and thunder wave potentially, and the goodra seems like a good option for overall bulkyness. for attackers/sweepers, you got a nice array of options there. keep that for last... but since you wana try new mons, id say get aegislash. its fun, its OP, and its helpful as heck. [shadow claw/king's shield/shadow sneak/iron head-or-brick break]. for porigon-Z.... glitch field+coverage. you going to have the speed advantage due to galvanntula's sticky web most of the times, and if you get lucky, you can even set glitch field with conversion+conversion2. alternativelly, do the classic OU Porigon-Z sweep with what you got avaiable. what I recommend using reborn's TM limitations would be something like... [flamethrower/surf/nasty plot/recover] or [conversion 1/conversion2/flamethrower/surf] if you wana try the glitch field. you could also go with aurora veil ninetails for.... sheer awesomeness and coverage. again, you got many options. only thing i ain't really sure about is drapion, since i never messed up with one even in my old dark monotype runs(always was more of a stunky person myself!), buuuuuuuut hope this helps!
  8. im pretty sure its a legacy thing. up until gen 4(if im not wrong?) poison do killed your mons over time. sometimes they survived, sometimes they didn't. its the reason zubats are so annoying in early gen caves. you was gona get poisoned, and die, since you was in a cave with limited resources in early game. with that said, the whole point of poison is to.... kill your pokemon, or reduce it's life. so make sense for it to work out of battle as well, and that is why it is the only one that has that effect. one could consider burn, but honestly... burn (for me at least) is way more significant because of the ATK drop than the life damage. and the other effects.... whatever? can't imagine a field effect for them. the point is, status are there to hinder your pokemon in a specific way. poison hinders by killing your mon... so makes sense for it to do so out of battle. and heck, if you made status go away with time, would you REALLY buy awakenings/full heals/anything that cures the ones that dont hurt you?
  9. Can I have a Link to said dev blog? because I can't seem to find it anywhere. and, sorry for being kinda stupid! lol.
  10. oh. I.... didnt saw the dev blog. my bad. also, fun. heck yea~
  11. yeaa wwas about to say, just spam potions on blaziken and take down her mons 1 by 1. glad you solved your problem tho!
  12. oh you can now put stuff here like twitter. neat!

    ... I have no idea what to do in reborn. help.

    1. Abyssreaper99


      What is it you're stuck with in Reborn? Creating a topic with details with what your stuck with might help. (Having trouble with a certain fight then put in the Team Showcase section or if looking for something then the On the hunt section may help).


    2. Oris


      oh! yea. I was gona do that... but actually just solved the problem. was searching around for where to go at the sewers. just made it to the swallot fight now!

      do thanks for checking it out trough!

  13. gosh, this seems fun. if we adding suggestions for passwords and stuff, I might be game! 1: make a randomizer code/mode, that randomizes every mon in the game.... that would be pretty fun. 2: make a code that gives you all the stickers from the start. 3: code for 100% accuracy pokeballs, ooorrrrr..... 4: a secret shop that you can access with a password, with OP items (master balls, sacred ash, a reusable seed that activates on every field? stuffs like that.) edit: and 5: add a way to maximize/change IVs in the post game. heck, make a currency you earn online or in some part of the post game and use said currency for it. just add a way to do so... not everyone enjoys grind breeding for perfect shinny 6IV mons after all.
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