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About LeviathanHunter

  • Birthday 05/27/1999

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  1. Well this could be said as a slightly better version of hurricane but also slightly worse Cyclone: 90 Power 90 Accuracy The user wraps the target in a raging whirlwind has a 30% chance to confuse and has a high critical hit ratio Users: mostly flying types the only way to get it is through move tutor
  2. Call of Duty Black Ops 2 on veteran difficulty it was rage inducing but it was worth the achievements
  3. Milotic because it can tank special and physical attacks if EV trained with the ability marvel scale as well Lucario because fairy types are a thing and it can bbe ran as a mixed attacker and Darmanitan because sheer force attacks can hit like a truck
  4. true but then there was julia's emolga being a problem for breloom but i don't know if it had a flying move to begin with.
  5. Normally I would say go with what you like but it all depends on what they're advantages and disadvantages are. What I suggest is to look over the gyms and the weaknesses of the starters first before anything else
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