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Burning Bright

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Burning Bright

  1. @NickCrash You mentioned you liked Marvel, and said that Venom was your favorite superhero. Do you have a favorite DC superhero and villain?
  2. I have not played for a year, and I'm in the forest with the Heracross puzzle. What comes after that?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Burning Bright

      Burning Bright

      Hmm, I'll check the number of badges ASAP, and see where to go from there. Thanks for the help

    3. Burning Bright

      Burning Bright

      I have 13 badges, where to go next

    4. Dreamy


      13 badges means that you can fly back to reborn city now. it sounds like E15 was the last version you played, so you probably need to go back to agate circus and into the back room with the computer to trigger the transition, then fly anywhere within the city itself and start looking around, going to the grand hall when ready

  3. Game freezes everytime I step into Opal ward. But why?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. laggless01


      Angie was on a holiday.

    3. Personthing


      Wait a little bit. It might be the game just updating the weather pattern for the week.

    4. Monochrome_Complex


      Yeah that's usually where it happens.

  4. I forgot how to get to ametrine city, can anyone help?

    1. ShadowStar


      Go to North Route 2. enter the Cave, head left to where PULSE is located, head upward and to the right.

    2. Burning Bright
  5. Squirtle is not showing up for me. Is there a difference in rainy and stormy days in e15?

    1. Commander


      That one is a pain. I believe you have to talk the the one guy on a rainy day then go to squirtles location on a clear one. It's a weird event.

  6. Yea..i would be happy if the no TM breeding mechanic was removed, then we wouldn't need as much TMs. Going back and episode is what I do, but it takes a lot of time to get around obstacles, and sometimes the move doesn't even breed down and I can't figure out why.
  7. Can't wait till we get all the TM's....

    1. Azeria


      another 59 years to go.

    2. Burning Bright
  8. Is it possible to breed an Eevee with Curse, Wish, and Protect? I know how to get Wish and Protect on Eevee, but I don't know how to breed on Curse.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. AiedailEclipsed
    3. AuthorReborn


      that's the idea, yes

    4. Burning Bright

      Burning Bright

      okay ... I must not understand breeding as much as i thought. Thanks for help

  9. Rock Polish, Toxic, and Dual Screens would also be very nice. Aerial Ace is not bad, i think it is okay for coverage.
  10. When the nerd that trades me for Karrablasts and Shelmets give me his Shelmets/Karrablasts, do they come with egg moves?

  11. What are the conditions to get the tree blocking the way to the Mysidia Railcave dissapear?

    1. Simon


      Windy night.

  12. I am trying to breed down TM moves, but whenever the TMs do not pass down.

    1. mde2001


      TM moves don't pass down in Reborn.

    2. Fumble


      You'd have to revert to E12 or lower, since that's when TMs were passable (due to Reborn using Gen 5 breeding mechanics)

    3. Burning Bright

      Burning Bright

      I went to e9 to do breeding, but my male pikachu w/ protect would not pass it down to my pichu...

  13. W want to run Flareon. Would Flare Blitz, Return, Iron Tail, and Roar be good?

    1. Burning Bright

      Burning Bright

      Would Rest, Sleep Talk, Facade, and Flare Blitz be viable in reborn?

    2. AuthorReborn


      Sleep Talk is currently bugged in Reborn, so don't depend on that set to work out.

  14. Whenever I go back an episode for breeding purposes, I save in the the Obsidia PokeCenter. When ever I go outside though, my game crashes. Is this normal? Also, sometimes outside, the landscapes graphics are really messed up, but it is not blocking me from going places.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lugruf


      yes, it's pretty usual. it happened quite a lot to me when I was breeding a scald milotic

    3. Burning Bright

      Burning Bright

      Crashes also in daycare...I've tried..

    4. laggless01


      It depends on which version you jump to. Mine works for E14, but idk which ones work for older ones...

  15. Frozen Crustle on Route 2? I found a topic about this, but walking into it did not help.

  16. Do Pansage and Panpour exist in E12? I want to breed Grass Knot and Scald onto my pokemon..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BlueMoonIceCream


      Yeah, I'm fairly sure, you can find the monkey's in route 1 I think, you can also get panpour and pansear as event pokemon in reborn city and maybe pansage? Not sure about pansage :|

    3. Fumble


      Pansage was in the Rhodochodrine Jungle? Or was it Jasper Ward or Beryl Ward or Malchous Forest? I don't remember, and idk if you can find it elsewhere tbh.

    4. Burning Bright

      Burning Bright

      Yes, I found pansage pre evolution and simpour ore evolution in the aventurine forest in E15. Thanks for feedback

  17. I just met Bennet in the Valley, and when he asked me to leave I said yes i will leave. If i leave do things actually happen?

    1. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Currently, I don't think it effects anything story-wise. I imagine in E16 it'll be a relationship variable decision for Bennett, though.

  18. I just got to 7th street. I am asking around, but i have no idea what to do.

    1. Hexagoen
    2. Avatar of Grima

      Avatar of Grima

      You may need to find a certain place first

  19. I went back an episode, and got Ghastly. Is there still a way to get misdreavus?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Combat


      Wasn't it an event in the Wasteland? I got mine during Episode 15, by the way.

    3. Autumn Rain

      Autumn Rain

      They deleted the thread with all the picture locations for playing tag. >.<

    4. Autumn Rain

      Autumn Rain

      The event starts in front of the building where a scientist who hides when it is raining and the event ends when you slide down in the area with axed Mudkip event: backwards ladder loop.

  20. What do the gym leaders, starting from Radomus, give you? Are the TMs different in some episodes?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Burning Bright

      Burning Bright

      Hmm would trick room or calm mind be better?

    3. YinYang9705


      It depends on the team, but ingame I would say calm mind.

    4. Burning Bright

      Burning Bright

      Ahh poop I went back an episodes and he was to hard. I can live with a trick room cofagrigus though.

  21. I am lost in the Aventurine Woods. I am at the breeding center, and it is my first time there. Where do i go now?

    1. Ironbound


      Right, all the way to the right. You'll find the next gym there.

      Asking the way, it might be worth you're whole to solve the seemingly-overcomplicated log and Spider Web puzzle, with all the bouffalant and pinsir/Heracross. There are some good rewards for you hidden in the aventurine woods!

      Search Google for a video walkthrough, but it's more fun to discover its secrets yourself.

    2. Burning Bright

      Burning Bright

      i guess it is good that i brought 8 honeys at lapis. And thanks, I found the castle.

  22. I went to EP 9 to find Ghastly, but it always crashes when I enter the "Wasteland Hall" Helpppp

    1. Lugruf


      Try saving inside the room of the event and changing version there maybe?

    2. Burning Bright

      Burning Bright

      thank you, it worked.

  23. I have a Victreebel with Leaf Blade, Leaf Storm, Gastro Acid and Knock Off. Should I keep Gastro Acid or give it Infestation?

    1. Fabled Asian

      Fabled Asian

      If you got any spare heart stones, you should probably give it Sleep Powder, imo. Otherwise Gastro Acid for those troublesome abilities.

    2. Burning Bright

      Burning Bright

      Okay, gastro acid then.

  24. Is the extra Rock Smash TM a bug? What is it supposed to be? I went back to EP 13 and 10 to see, but it was not there at all.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. dragoniteborntacoz


      i think ive heard of this

      i believe its a bug

    3. YinYang9705


      It's a bug. It's Supposed to be secret power I believe.

    4. Commander


      Oh yeah, it was an honest mistake. I fixed it in Hardcore if you really, really wanted that TM.

  25. Can Rhydon be found in the cave in front of Shade's gym? The one that has Smoochum and Croagunk?

    1. Combat


      I don't believe I've ever encountered one there, but I can't be sure.

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