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La Aurora

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La Aurora last won the day on November 22 2023

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9 Fledgling


About La Aurora

  • Birthday January 24

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    Not Telling
  • Location
    Sometime, somewhere.
  • Interests
    - Pokemon
    - Netflix
    - Music
    - Black Humor

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  1. Hi everyone! :) I'm trying to make a lil Ace/Last Mon music mod (like in Rejuv - the pitch and speed of the track changes when a leader sents their last mon in) for Reborn 19.5. The mod itself kinda works but I have a small problem. Everytime a trainer sents their last mon in, the music changes to the Champion Theme instead for some reason. Not sure what I'm missing here. Ty in advance ~ LastMonMusic[BattleRB].rb
  2. i finally solved it! there was nothing wrong with the code itself. just needed to change some lines in PokemonMultipleForms.rb. vanilla reborn edited/yang
  3. ty for the reply! that wasn't the problem unfortunately. i tested the code in both all gen & yang and it works there perfectly. seems to be an issue with vanilla reborn itself idk...
  4. hey everyone! i'm currently having trouble with a custom form (lopunny in this case) i implemented the form and it's mega (mega evolving works) this bug appears after the battle ends tho (it happens for the regular form as well). (every sprite is located in their repective folder and the base is vanilla reborn btw)
  5. it depends at which daytime you talk to him day ~ normal spector night ~ insane spector
  6. hi everyone! is there currently a way to change the location/map name of event mons? it was possible to change it with the mystery gift option but that doesn't exist anymore. ty advance if anyone got an idea :)
  7. this looks amazing! :) would it be possible to include the pbs in the future? ^^
  8. Hi! The shiny rate is the same like in Reborn. You probably just unlucky :/
  9. hey everyone! i'd like to create an terrain overlay mod for Reborn. It would be basically like in Rejuv where terrain overlay moves and abilities overlap fields instead of overwriting them. i'm not sure where to start and would really appreciate some help. ty in advance :)
  10. Mega Blastoise has Mega Launcher as it's ability. Base Blastoise only has Torrent and Rain Dish.
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