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About foovy10

  • Birthday 05/26/2001

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 😄🍰

  2. foovy10

    Ice Stone

    Thanks but I won't need a trade. Was just wondering if I can get it to evolve my ninetails for the ciel fight since that would make the fight easier.
  3. foovy10

    Ice Stone

    Ok so I have two questions. First of all, can I find a ice stone in the agate-calcenon area, and if I can't find it can I mine for it in rocks?
  4. Sorry I did not mention it but I already beat him yesterday with some luck, thanks anyway for the advice guys!
  5. Hey I need help with the new Shade battle. Most of you probably have not vsed shade so here are the details I remember Shade- My big big issue here is the It is probably faster than my whole team and oneshots everything. I currently have: Swoobat -Confusion -Air Cutter -Calm Mind -Air Slash Scrafty -Crunch -Chip Away -High Jump Kick -Drain Punch Clawitzer -Water Pulse -Aqua Jet -Swords Dance -Aura Sphere Growlithe -Flamethrower -Flame Burst -Crunch -Close Combat Decidueye -Pluck -Razor Leaf -Spirit Shackle -Sucker Punch Raticate -Super Fang -Hyper Fang -Crunch -Sucker Punch I also would like to add that I am trying to play the game using the set battle style. Anyone have some ideas?
  6. Oh yeah I completely forgot the pokegear exists lmao. Thanks for the info!
  7. In older episodes they used to put all of the details for field effects in the readme in the download and on the site. Now there is no place where I can find the full details for all the field effects. I can probably just use a readme from an older episode and combine it with the changes included in the new readme to make a new list but is there a full list of changes for each field effect that already exists?
  8. Title, NSFW. Sorry if I am not allowed to post something like this on the forums, read the rules and it looks fine(?).
  9. Thank you so much!
  10. So yesterday I went through Amber's gym and played the song "Emotion Hopeful" and I really like it and want to put it on my playlist. I looked through the whole youtube playlist of all the songs in Rejuvination and I couldn't find it, can anyone help me out?
  11. Ohhhh I assumed that I would be able to look at my pokemon but I guess I never checked until then whoops, Thank you!
  12. Thank you for getting me out of the wall but, when you took me out of the wall a different problem occurred(not sure if it was because of the patch or what) but I don't have the option to look at my pokemon in the menu. Here is a picture showing what I am talking about.
  13. I think me getting there had something to do with me speeding up the game because I see no other reason for that happening, and I am already on the latest version of the game as I downloaded the game less than a week ago, unless the latest version is not on this site for some reason.
  14. As the title says, I somehow got stuck in a wall in the castle and I realized when this happened that I have not saved in a while so I decided to save so I don't have to redo things for an hour. Help getting me out of here would be greatly appreciated! Game.rxdata
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