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Rebel Mudkip

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Rebel Mudkip

  1. Thanks! Already had swift swim anyway I won so yeah thanks everyone
  2. Ok I'll try that when I get floatzel! Thanks!
  3. Yeah they do. Where do you get a Snorunt?
  4. Hello! I'm currently at Ciel and she's hard. Noivern, Togekiss, Talonflame can't beat. I have no clue what her ace is. (Altaria??) PLEASE BEAR IN MIND I AM DOING GENERATION 4 RUN! Team + Rotation [infernape][Level 73] [iron Fist] [Naughty] - Flare Blitz - Acrobatics - Shadow Claw - Close Combat [Rotom Wash][Level 73] [Levitate] [bold] - Discharge - Ominous Wind - Hydro Pump - Substitute [Gastradon][Level 73] [storm Drain] [Adamant] - Waterfall - Sludge Wave - Surf - Recover [A Big and Powerful Staraptor][Level 73] [intimidate] [Naughty] - Final Gambit - Agility - Brave Bird - Close Combat [Magnezone][Level 73] [sturdy] [impish] - Discharge - Zap Cannon - Flash Cannon - Charge Beam [Yanmega][Level 73] [speed Boost] [Hasty] - Detect - Ancient Power - Air Slash - Bug Buzz [Luxray][Level 73] [Guts] [Naive] - Wild Charge - Swagger - Electric Terrain - Crunch [Drapion][Level 73] [battle Armor] [Docile] - Bulldoze - Toxic Spikes - Cross Poison - Night Slash [Probopass][Level 73] [Magnet Pull] [Lax] - Stone Edge - Power Gem - Earth Power - Discharge [bronzong][Level 73] [Heatproof] [Modest] - Extrasensory - Heal Block - Heavy Slam - Explosion [Toxicroak][Level 73] [Poison Touch] [Jolly] - Poison Jab - Bounce - Sucker Punch - Drain Punch Other Pokémon in my PC. Turtwig Being Grinded ATM. Has Egg move Superpower! Bidoof Level 6 Pachirisu Level 23 Purugly Level 44 Carnivine Level 43 Happiny Level 10 [CAN'T EVOLVE CAUSE FINAL FORM IS NOT FROM GENERATION 4!] Thanks if you help me!
  5. Ok. Thank you for telling me and I'll be sure to do that. (if I don't forget.)
  6. I did it! just managed a clutch with coffagrigus easily surviving rotom-Heat. revived krookodile with cotton candy (had some money) and used outrage. Found a weird bug as well. :/ Thank you guys/girls so much!!!
  7. Ok, I'll try that thanks! I'll see if it works for me. EDIT 1: Doesn't work for me. Stupid darmanitan.
  8. I HAVE COMPLETED IT. DON'T WORRY ABOUT POSTING. Hello! So I'm currently at Charlotte. It's hard. So yeah... I'll put all my pokemon down below. Please help if you have a strategy. NOTE: I can't go to Reborn City. POKEMON IN ROTATION Hawlucha with Moldbreaker Braviary with defiant Slurpuff with sweet veil Magnezone with Sturdy Swoobat with simple Hariyama with Sheer force Pyroar with Rivalry Sharpedo with speed boost Toxicroak with dry skin Greninja with Protean Coffigrigus with mummy Noivern with Frisk Krookadile with intimidate. BOXED POKEMON Pachirisu, Budew, Azurill, Ponyta, Glameow, Happiny, 5 Phanpy (pickup squad.Don't ask.) Clefairy, pidgey, pidove. Help.
  9. What will you do? Hello I am Rebel Mudkip and yeah. I have no clue on how to start this... I started playing since Generation 3 (hence the name) My first ever pokemon is Mudkip (SURPRISE!) My least favorite gen is.... uuuh dunno. Yeah. I play competitive since XY. (I suck.) Pokemon Reborn is my first pokemon game that isn't made by game freak (no clue on how to describe it.) (EDIT 1:Fangame. Thanks TheGoat!) uuh yeah. BYE!
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