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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by klajdi

  1. The v13.5 will be the last episode or are you planning for more? (I haven't play the game for a long time... And I don't know in what stage the progress of story is...)
  2. Hello. I'm thinking to download the game but I'm not a fan of fakemon.. So I have a question... Are other fakemon in game except mega Mightyena and Darkrai Perfection..?
  3. You need to talk to the girl in the onyx before the event, after completing the event talk to her and she will give you the egg.. [and you don't say wet need to talk to the girl before..] I complete the event and after i was gone to onyx and I dont get the cacnea.. [2 pokemon in my party]
  4. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=9142entry167891 check the link and update the post for cacnea.
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