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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Busti

  1. Thank you. I was unaware of F12. That helps a lot!
  2. Awesome. Thanks! Could we please have a button for quick-reset?
  3. At this point, you're just maximizing replay value aren't you?!
  4. I have always wondered why the miniscore is a multiplier. I consider status effects more like adding: Say thunder wave has a score of 25 And a weak electric attack has 25 A weak electric attack that also paralyzes (nuzzle) would in my opinion be 50. But, that also equates to a score of 25 with a multiplier of 2.0. That seems more arbitrary as a choice. Because that multiplier scales with base damage.
  5. About the field effects, Reborn episode E15 had a "Field Effect Manual.txt" in the game folder. I used that regularly. Here's my suggestion. E19 could a .txt file in the game folder with field effects, or this forums could have a dedicated page to the field effects, similar to the "obtainable pokemon" page.
  6. I just did another play through with the latest demo today. I played through without crash or bugs, and I noted the combat was more fluid - smoother. I appreciate that. The character I do not understand is Glasya - what are his arts? I'm trying to discover through the menu, but I just cannot find them. Without understand these arts (since he doesn't attack), I do not know how to use this character.
  7. Do you suggest redownloading the game from beta?
  8. I would say it was immediately after battle - but my recollection is not certain enough to make that statement. I don't trust my memory on that. However, all three crashes were right near that location as shown in the image, that I do know.
  9. Hi! I really enjoyed playing the demo!!! I had to restart the scene a few times, I had 1 time that the game closed itself without error. 1 time it froze on me. 1 time it gave an error message. See image. All three times were while fleeing Kharniga Keep. I don't remember the specifics sorry of exactly why or what circumstances there were. This is from debug.log [1119/181800.211:ERROR:directory_reader_win.cc(43)] FindFirstFile: The system cannot find the path specified. (0x3) [1119/211529.412:ERROR:directory_reader_win.cc(43)] FindFirstFile: The system cannot find the path specified. (0x3) [1119/214735.191:ERROR:directory_reader_win.cc(43)] FindFirstFile: The system cannot find the path specified. (0x3) Hope it helps. I thought this was very cool and edgy. I tried different things while escaping, that was pretty rough!
  10. I believe there was a thread on this topic before with links and downloads. I have Ep 15, 16, 17, 18 on my computer... If you want it let me know which and I'll share it with you tomorrow?
  11. i=1 while i==1 wait(10) end EDIT: I shortened my code for increased computational efficiency: while 1 end
  12. Happy New Year :D!

  13. Van Harte Gefeliciteerd - Happy Birthday!

  14. Such cool ideas! How about a password to switch shiny and normal sprites? That way, the shiny sprite becomes the normal, and the normal sprite becomes rare.
  15. Haven't checked in in a while. Got my PhD in aerospace eng. I'm a Rocket Scientist 😄


    1. Busti


      Wanted to unwind with some Pokemon fangame. Anything new in the last 6 months?

    2. Candy


      wowww congrats! I think E18 was released within the last 6 months, if you haven't played that content.

      Also if you're looking for new fangames to play, Pokemon Gaia is on V3.2 after not updating for about 2 years. It's a lovely game 🙂

    3. Busti


      Never heard of that! I'll check it out.


  16. Wondering if banner arts (including older versions) will be somewhere to download.

    1. Commander


      They only go back to episode 10 but I believe we have them stored somewhere. If not, just use wayback ma...oh wait old site may not be accessible anymore.

  17. Van harte gefeliciteerd!
    I hope you have a wonderful, satisfying, succesfull and healthy year ahead of you.

  18. I’m excited about the big rocket launch tomorrow. It missed a big red R though

  19. My uncle works at nintendo. He says Pokémon is a conspiracy

    1. Dreamy


      lol people still believe nintendo is real

    2. Josef


      Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies...

  20. How do you reach that pool inside white peridot ward? It's taunting me!

    1. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      After the city restore, I don't think you can reach it anymore. 

  21. Thank you, you guys. I do feel a sense of relief for sharing my troubles. Because of your kind words I talked things over with my wife, and she also insists I take the financial aid to help me move on. So, that is what I will do. Thankfully the psychiatrist is a student benefit, and I will not get charged. I'm giving it a try on Tuesday. EDIT: So the counsellor insisted I call to settle my accounts and accept my parents help, so I did. I called and pleaded my case, getting approximately 30% off my bills across the board, but I had to settle them immediately. That sucked, but I'm done with that. Maybe I will spent my money on things that cheer me up for a little while. I've been assigned to keep a diary and get more exercise. I'm going to give that a try. Who knows, maybe I will be my old self soon?
  22. Hello, It's a little difficult to open up a little, but I have been having a rough time for the last six months and I notice I feel somewhat better after talking about it. Today marks 6 months since I had an accident ... I cut off a couple fingers and the most amazing surgeon reattached them for me. It's hard to imagine the shock. I still can hardly bare to think about it. I was about to host a house-warming party. I was tired from a long night cooking. I still needed to do a gardening chore. I was hasty, clumsy, and for a few seconds I did not think, and suddenly I was hurt. After my surgery I don't think I have been the same as I was. I was told I will never heal and may need further surgery in the future. For now, I am slowly regaining function and the pain is mostly gone. Rather carefree before, I have difficulty coping with stress and a feeling of guilt. I have had to use only my left hand for a few months. I am using my right hand now, avoiding the use of my hurt fingers. Playing piano was my passion, and now I carefully play simple tunes, hoping I may heal and be normal yet again within the next six months. First of all I am having a hard time dealing with a feeling of guilt. The student health care I had was good 4 years ago, but apparently the Obama changes have hollowed my insurance while doubling my premiums. Unaware of those changes, I have racked up a large debt. Three years of high monthly bills is what it takes. I am working a second job just to cover those expenses. I have less energy, less time, and less money to spend with my wife. She, on the other hand, is working harder too to reduce the stress on me. I can tell she has struggled a lot, and I feel so guilty. My parents offered to help financially, and I cannot accept, because I feel like me working harder for the next three years is necessary to "right my wrong". Secondly, I am not coping with stress. I can't deal with traffic congestion. I find myself staring at my screen when I should do work, unable to get started. I need longer breaks to calm down after doing things that seem so intensive now. I worry a lot now. I get reminded about my accident - a lot! Every week, the companies resend me the updated bills. I make steady payments, but my ambulance company sent the account to a collection agency. I don't want to deal with them, but they call me twice a day. And I can't deal with them, I was making steady payments so legally they had no right put me in collections. Because of all that, I can't let this go. Thankfully I have people that care about me, that offer their support. I have been told to talk to a psychologist. I really don't want to, but I promised I will next week. I am still hoping to make peace with myself, accept that my accident does not mean I have to torture myself for a long time to come. I want things to be as they were before. Thank you for listening.
  23. Gelukkig nieuwjaar! (=happy new year)

  24. I've been waiting for public release. Is it going to be a Xmas present?


    1. Wolfox


      around 2018.

    2. Dreamy


      My guess is that public release might be when the spoiler lock drops

    3. Amethyst


      now that you mention it...

  25. I choose grass too. So many options to choose from, but none overpowered. I usually do not choose grass instead getting the same coverage by water+electric types, so it would be more fun to emphasize this type. Also, I think Torterra is really cool.
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