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alright continuing off, samson seems like a one trick pony, but don't think there is a better field for him other than big top so let's stick with that, both of his teams are just fast fighting spam which is a bit boring so let's tweak things slightly. for his boss rush 1 team i think big top doubles would be interesting with hariyama gallade conkeldurr crabominable emboar marshadow. hariyama gallade lead with synthetic seed guts hariyama with fake out close combat heavy slam rock slide and focus sash inner focus gallade with trick room close combat zen headbutt knock off. assault vest sheer force conkeldurr (max atk max sp def) with hammer arm mach punch brutal swing rock slide. iron ball iron fist crabominable with close combat ice hammer thunder punch fling. synthetic seed emboar with heat crash hammer arm stomp tantrum sucker punch. the same marshadow set is fine but make it marshadium-z to give it a nuke option since it can function outside of trick room and deter set up sweepers. give everything 0 speed ivs -spe nature except marshadow. this fight shouldn't be too bad since trick room is only 5 turns and outlasting it or abusing it should be doable. boss rush2 is fine but i'd replace the lead terrakion with meloetta-p. set i would use is focus sash close combat acrobatics knock off sing (100% accurate) since it's a more restrictive lead, hjk>roost on hawlucha since flying press can be not ideal vs some targets. pheromosa i would also make it focus sash but special with quiver dance focus blast bug buzz ice beam since quiver dance and bug buzz are boosted. rest of the team is fine. --- charlotte's boss rush1 team is already quite good, i wouldn't change anything. for her boss rush2 team i'd like her to play a bit different. some small tweaks i have are to make heatran max hp>max speed since with the +def from the seed it can tank unboosted spread earthquakes. i would also make it dragon pulse>protect for dragon coverage and magma storm>heat wave to not combust the field since i think a bulkier strategy is more threatening for her team than combusting it and turning it into burning (seed effects are +1def and shell trap to punish hitting them which is better than passive damage and +1 atk,spatk, spe imo), reshiram and ho-oh sets are fine but i would replace the blaziken with assault vest intimidate incineroar with fake out flare blitz knock off u-turn for more doubles support and bulk, and the volcarona with elemental seed volcanion steam eruption flamethrower earth power roar max hp max sp atk since steam eruption is boosted on the field and makes her team harder to break. --- make dig one turn instead of two on desert (idk why dive is one turn for water surface and underwater but not dig for desert). desert doubles for both terra fights is fine since both are quite devastating but here are my improvements. in boss rush1 make hippowdon iapapa berry>telluric seed and yawn>slack off to be less passive. make flygon telluric seed>choice scarf and dig>earthquake. the landorus and garchomp set are fine. air balloon>life orb on excadrill so her partner can eq spam more freely and dig>earthquake and x scissor>rapid spin on excadrill, and for gliscor i would make it hyper cutter and telluric seed with acrobatics dig fire fang ice fang. for her boss rush2 team i would actually replace the hippowdon with sand force mega steelix since it is much bulkier, stronger and less passive, and landorus-t>landorus-i for intimidate support as the lead. mega steelix with stealth rock gyro ball earthquake rock slide and telluric seed landorus-t with dig rock slide knock off u-turn. excadrill i would make it dig>earthquake and normalium-z giga impact>rapid spin. garchomp i would replace with assault vest intimidate krookodile with dig knock off rock slide fire fang. groudon set is fine. zygarde i would make it power construct but chesto berry>telluric seed to slightly nerf it. --- for ciel's boss rush1 team i think rainbow doubles would be more interesting with dual weather. pelipper drifblim lugia thundurus-t charizard-y gliscor. pelipper drifblim lead and drizzle negates opposing weather that would destroy rainbow. pelipper set i would give it is focus sash rain dance scald hurricane u-turn, and magical seed unburden drifblim with defog weather ball thunder hp fighting (weather ball in particular hits like a truck with rain, field boost, and seed). modest max hp and sp atk magical seed (pressure since multiscale is a bit op here) lugia with psyshock hurricane thunder weather ball. timid choice scarf thundurus-t with thunder hp ice incinerate grass knot. timid mega charizard-y with fire pledge solar beam dragon pulse hp ground (all of its moves are boosted). toxic orb poison heal gliscor with max hp and attack and swords dance roost earthquake rock slide. for her boss rush2 team, make lugia max sp atk and speed timid (mostly for ninetales-a) with icy wind>roost to make it less passive, change landorus-i to landorus-t with adamant max hp and attack with defog>stealth rock, yveltal and ho-oh set are fine but sucker punch>rock slide for more speed control and burn up>heat wave to make it less wide guard bait and rock prone, salamence i would change to be max sp atk and speed naive with hyper voice heat wave earthquake rock slide since it's more potent. replace skymin with gyarados for more intimidate support and defensive synergy with wacan berry dragon dance waterfall earthquake stone edge. --- misty terrain singles for adrienn's boss rush1 team seems ok for the most part but some edits. nature power (mist ball)>bug buzz on ribombee for better neutral coverage. magical seed>leftovers, stored power>protect and cosmic power>calm mind on clefable since it's double boosted on misty. replace heal bell? sylveon with magical seed tapu fini max sp atk and speed timid with calm mind hydro pump moonblast nature power. mimikium-z>life orb on mimkyu. make magearna max sp atk and speed modest with shift gear>volt switch and thunderbolt>flash cannon for better neutral coverage. mawile set is fine but make it intimidate>hyper cutter. for boss rush2, i think fairy tale doubles would be better with ninetales-alola audino togekiss xerneas magearna primarina. ninetales-alola audino lead and the ninetales set is fine but make it magical seed>light clay, blizzard>aurora beam and encore>dark pulse and max hp and sp atk modest mega audino with thunder wave draining kiss blizzard flamethrower. babiri berry togekiss max sp atk and speed timid with air slash dazzling gleam heat wave ancient power. xerneas and magearna set are fine. max hp and sp atk modest primarina with primarium-z and with sparkling aria moonblast psychic shadow ball. --- don't think there's a better field for titania so fairy tale is fine i guess, her boss rush1 team seems pretty good for the most part. the only thing i would change is earth power>ice beam for better coverage and shuca berry>life orb on dialga to check ground types. also replace scizor with max atk and speed adamant bisharp with magical seed swords dance sucker punch knock off iron head since it's more offensively threatening. also focus sash>magical seed on excadrill is better so it can guarantee do something as the lead as opposed to the player playing around the protection from the seed. her boss rush2 team i think we can make more interesting. i'll be going the samson route with trick room but her selection of pokemon will be more threatening. fairy tale doubles with heatran dialga necrozma-dm mawile magearna kartana. heatran dialga lead and air balloon heatran with stealth rock heat wave earth power nature power(steel type secret sword) and adamant orb dialga with trick room dragon pulse flash cannon ancient power (don't want to give it seed since guaranteed trick room is too op here). necrozma-dm as a back up setter with trick room sunsteel strike psycho cut (stronger than photon) morning sun and solganium-z. mega mawile for intimidate support with play rough iron head sucker punch rock slide. the magearna and kartana set she has currently is fine but smart strike>sacred sword on kartana since it's stronger from field boost and sacred sword is steel anyway. set everything to -spe and 0 speed ivs except kartana. --- won't be suggesting singles or doubles since amaria can be either and both fields seem to be the best for her, but can still be improved. for her boss rush1 team, superpower>earthquake on swampert since it doesn't work on the field and it isn't likely for the player to freeze the field considering the lead. discharge>volt switch since if doubles it's paired with swampert which is immune and thunder>dark pulse since latter doesn't really hit anything and can be a safer option to use over discharge. origin pulse>surf on kyogre so it doesn't hit its partner. toxapex doesn't learn whirlpool so iron defense or venoshock are fine (also make it merciless). scarf on greninja is a liability so make it modest focus sash with scald>surf (mostly if facing koko/zeraora) and water shuriken>gunk shot (also make it torrent>protean since it's activated on the field and would only be helpful for ice beam). specs is also not ideal so make it primarium-z on primarina with sparkling aria>scald and aqua jet>ice beam for more speed control. for her boss rush2 team, i would make it wiki berry>leftovers on tapu fini. make it secret sword>sacred sword on keldeo and i'd give it wacan berry>leftovers. i would also replace the swampert with mega blastoise since swampert has its physical attacks nerfed underwater and blastoise is much stronger and has better coverage. mega blastoise with water pulse dragon pulse aura sphere dark pulse max hp and sp atk modest. palkia and kyogre set are fine, but i'd make it spacial rend>draco meteor on palkia. --- hardy's boss rush1 is rocky doubles which is fine with some changes. gigalith set is fine. fire fang>crunch and ice fang>iron head on aerodactyl for better coverage and make it life orb>mega since he can use a better mega slot. stomp tantrum>poison jab for better coverage and fightinium-z>life orb on terrakion. fire fang>sucker punch on lycanroc-dusk for better coverage since it already has accelerock. make the lycanroc-midday adamant cuz sand rush with focus sash>wide lens and endeavor>fire fang. replace tyranitar with mega aggron since it gives his team an actual defensive profile with rock polish rock slide heavy slam fire punch with an ev spread of 96 hp / 252 atk / 160 spe adamant which lets it outspeed base 150s after a rock polish (+3 spe on rocky). rocky doubles twice is boring, but i had trouble coming up with a strong team and field for boss rush2 since rock is terrible defensively and has a lot of slow mons so i think inverse singles based around trick room rectifies this with gigalith aurorus stakataka rhyperior tyranitar diancie. sturdy gigalith lead with amplfield rock and nature power (trick room on inverse) stealth rock stone edge explosion. refrigerate aurorus with focus sash and nature power hyper voice thunderbolt earth power. stakataka with rockium-z and trick room gyro ball stone edge earthquake. lightning rod rhyperior with assault vest and stone edge earthquake megahorn aqua tail (max atk and sp def). tyranitar with choice band and stone edge earthquake crunch fire punch. mega diancie with diamond storm moonblast earth power psychic naive max sp atk and speed so that his team can function out of trick room if it isn't up, or perhaps if the ai is smart enough to not mega under trick room. make everything -spe and 0 spe ivs aside from diancie. --- finally saphira, since it is the last fight i'll make her as op as possible, within reason ofc. dragon's den singles is boring for both her fights but i think making her boss rush1 team glitch singles would work pretty well. indirect buffs to dragon since dark fairy steel attacks become normal, dragon is neutral to opposing dragons, and dragon can hit fairy and steel types neutrally. garchomp latias giratina kyurem-black guzzlord dragonite. garchomp lead with synthetic seed and stealth rock earthquake flamethrower dragon tail with max hp and spdef careful (gets up rocks, poses a decent threat and isn't set up fodder). mega latias with calm mind recover dragon pulse (draco is too op) psyshock max spdef and speed timid (very strong since only bug hits it super effectively off its defense cuz ghost immune). giratina with assault vest and draco meteor thunder psychic shadow sneak max hp and spdef careful. kyurem-black with life orb and roost blizzard focus blast fusion bolt max sp atk and speed naive. guzzlord with synthetic seed and stockpile rest dragon tail flamethrower max defense and spdef calm (can actually be useful since typeless and insane bulk). dragonite with flyinium-z and dragon dance hurricane earthquake extreme speed max attack and speed adamant. her boss rush2 team seems ok for the most part. i would just make it flamethrower>fire blast (doesn't need more power) and flash cannon>thunder (unnecessary coverage) on dialga. earthquake>night slash on necrozma is better coverage (photon geyser still hits shedinja). v-create>iron head on rayquaza is better coverage and lets the player capitalize off stat drops (broken pls nerf). roost>flash cannon on kyurem-white since it doesn't really hit anything and all of it's other moves cover everything. replace giratina-o (it doesn't really do much) with power construct 50% zygarde with a roseli berry to check fairies (mostly magearna) max hp and attack adamant with dragon dance extreme speed outrage thousand arrows (x2 boosted and part fire on this field). naganadel set is fine. --- well that's all my suggestions, i think i've outdone myself on glitch saphira, rainbow ciel and inverse hardy (making rock actually difficult this late was very challenging). hopefully most of my great ideas make it in in some way or another, would definitely like to see people get their ass beat.
ok i'm a pretty big fan of the idea of boss rush in postgame as a 18 gym gauntlet where there are no restrictions and the kiddy gloves are off so to speak, so i wanted to make it better since i feel it is pretty underwhelming in it's current implementation. there is a lot of redundancy in teams between boss rush 1 and 2 and a lot of them feel unimaginative, don't really have much strategic depth to them, and don't really make full use of the field (also a lot of suboptimal ev spreads and movesets). i also made sure that my suggestions do not overlap with any leader's teams from their theme teams. again these are just ideas and suggestions that you can consider, if not for the base game then for other enterprising difficulty modders out there. --- i think both of julia's teams are fine, but it's a bit boring that they are both electric terrain singles so i would make boss rush2 team doubles format at least, especially since it seems better suited towards it. fix the tapu koko and zekrom evs. also wild charge>thunder punch on tapu koko since no recoil on the field and its stronger, zapdos hp ice>extrasensory and zekrom rock slide>stone edge. also i'd make magnezone sturdy in boss rush1. --- same for florinia, forest field singles twice is quite boring so i would actually rework her boss rush2 team slightly to be on chess singles. remove tapu bulu for tsareena and i would make it the lead (pawn) power whip hjk uturn endeavor queenly majesty wide lens, ferrothorn (king) i would give it a king's rock and replace spikes with strength, kartana (bishop) also has boosted smart strike on chess, and i would give it a muscle band (fix its evs too). celebi (queen) is quite good since nasty plot and psychic are boosted, but make it psychium>grassium since shattered psyche is double boosted here. skymin (knight) and venusaur (rook) are fine. also fix her breloom and decidueye evs in boss rush1 (i'd also give the breloom a telluric seed>life orb). --- forest singles again for shelly? we can do better. boss rush1 i would make it factory singles, forretress genesect scizor volcarona pheromosa vikavolt. custap berry forretress as the lead with stealth rock spikes gyro ball drill run (coverage and to not change the field), life orb genesect with shift gear magnet bomb blaze kick extreme speed since shift gear and magnet bomb are omega boosted, mega scizor with swords dance bullet punch x-scissor brick break because technician goes up to 80 bp on factory, the volcarona set is fine but make it synthetic seed, pheromosa also synthetic seed but make it special with focus blast bug buzz ice beam shock wave. vikavolt i would make it occa berry with roost thunderbolt energy ball flash cannon to check fires if need be. for her boss rush2 team i would make it icy field singles, araquinid scizor genesect pheromosa buzzwole pinsir. idea for icy is that it nerfs fire and increases speed when priority or lunge is used. focus sash araquinid lead with sticky web liquidation lunge icy wind, scizor set is fine but i would make it speedy>hp invested and superpower>u-turn, the genesect set is fine but i would make it thunderbolt>psychic for better coverage. pheromosa is fine but i would make it lunge>u-turn, elemental seed buzzwole to give +2 speed and drain punch lunge earthquake ice punch, pinsir is fine but fix everyone's evs. --- i think shade is for the most part fine, but i would make his boss rush1 team on short circuit singles since the field is slightly weaker for him and it being on dcc is redundant with boss rush2 dcc. short circuit still boosts all of the same offensive moves so its fine. dazzling gleam>power gem and mystical fire>taunt on mismagius for better coverage and shadow sneak>shadow claw on aegislash with a synthetic seed is what i would change. his boss rush2 team is already quite good since he gets field and defensive boosts on dcc. the only thing i would change for it is shadow punch>rock tomb on marshadow since its boosted on the field and by technician. also fix the mimikyu and marshadow evs for both fights. --- aya i think her boss rush1 team is fine but i would actually make her team fight in swamp doubles>singles (its all singles until charlotte which is pretty boring), and i would swap the toxapex with clear body tentacruel with telluric seed since it gives her team more speed and its immune to speed drop from swamp. max speed spatk sludge wave surf ice beam giga drain, also i would make her dragalge and vileplume sp atk>sp def invested since they are already bulky with the seed boost and hp fire>energy ball vileplume since her team loses to some steel types. for her boss rush2 team, wasteland is pretty boring and she isn't buffed by it that much, so i would actually make it grassy terrain singles with the intention that she can work on and switch between grassy, burning and corrosive. nidoqueen salazzle naganadel nihilego skuntank gengar. lead nidoqueen with elemental seed and stealth rock earth power ice beam flamethrower, salazzle with focus sash and heat wave sludge wave hp grass nasty plot, naganadel with poisonium-z sludge wave dragon pulse heat wave nasty plot, nihilego with elemental seed power gem sludge wave grass knot hp fire, life orb skuntank with pursuit sucker punch poison jab flame burst (to combust the field), mega gengar with shadow ball sludge wave energy ball taunt. --- serra is pretty good for the most part (finally no bad ev spreads), the only changes i would make to her boss rush1 team is blizzard>icy wind on ninetales to revert back to icy if they melt it and its a stronger option over freeze dry, and i would replace the choice bands and make weavile life orb and mamoswine elemental seed. for the boss rush2 team, id replace hp poison? with hail on ninetales since this fight is helpless if opposing weather is used vs her. also i would change it to focus sash weavile instead of magical seed (it doesn't have the bulk to live) and give it fake out>icicle crash since doubles. overall pretty solid though. --- both of noel's team are pretty much the same... so let's spice things up. boss rush1 on holy singles seems ok for the most part but here's my attempt to make it a bit better. smeargle linoone meloetta pidgeot porygon-z regigigas. smeargle lead with focus sash sticky web spore endeavor extreme speed and endeavor+espeed can hit ghost types which is nice, linoone with choice band extremespeed return stomp tantrum switcheroo for revenge killing (hits just as hard as el's dnite), the meloetta and porygon-z set are fine but i would replace roost with hyper beam on pidgeot to lean full into hyper offense strats since it isn't bulky enough to roost anyway and it can nab a kill it otherwise can't, regigigas>chansey gives the team bulk and also hits hard on the field, the set i would use is magical seed with nature power (stab judgement) focus blast earth power rock polish, the +1 sp atk from the seed, special normal boost, and judgement boost lets it hit like a truck and slow start doesn't affect its sp atk. for boss rush2 i would make him fight on chess doubles. furret and eevee lead (pawns). id give furret a choice scarf with only follow me and eevee last resort baton pass for extreme eevoboost shenanigans. chess makes it so that they have ingrained focus sashes so they will most likely be able to pull this off since furret will be redirecting as well for support (yes i know it is very evil). mega kangaskhan (bishop) is good support with fake out sucker punch strength power up punch and its first three moves are boosted on chess. snorlax (king) i would give it a king's rock with strength high horsepower ice punch crunch, meloetta-p (knight) i would give it a life orb with close combat strength knock off drain punch, and clefable (queen) i would make it unaware with synthetic seed and calm mind softboiled dazzling gleam flamethrower. the rest of the team can stand on their own without the boost but still benefits greatly from it obviously. --- for radomus starlight arena singles is a bit redundant, but his boss rush2 team looks solid already so i won't touch it (just a bunch of uber psyspam lol). for boss rush1 however i think he can do starlight arena doubles. i would replace the espeon with mew as the lead with aurora veil tailwind dazzling gleam earth power with a colbur berry, starmie is ok but id go swift>rapid spin and magical seed>life orb, magical seed on the alakazam and delphox as well, and for the delphox set i would make it heat wave psychic dazzling gleam shadow ball, lunala set is fine, metagross is fine but make it bullet punch>earthquake cuz doubles. --- i don't understand why luna's boss rush2 team is actually worse than her boss rush1 team (imo), and they're both on new world singles no less, so let's fix this. for her boss rush1 team, earth power>heat wave and flash cannon>surf on hydreigon cuz boosted and better coverage and id give it life orb>choice specs (also make it timid otherwise lopunny/zeraora sweeps), id also replace weavile with spiritomb since it gives her a fighting immunity and trick room counterplay, set i would give it is darkinium-z dark pulse psychic sucker punch willowisp quiet and blackhole eclipse dark pulse one shots magearna which otherwise sweeps, water shuriken>u-turn on greninja for more speed control and to check camerupt and blaziken, rest is fine. for her boss rush2 team i think new world doubles is best. incineroar darkrai yveltal hydreigon gyarados hoopa-u. didn't think there was a more unfair lead than furret eevee chess but vgc cat and prenerf dark void spam probably takes it. assault vest intimidate incineroar fake out flare blitz knock off uturn and focus sash darkrai with dark void snarl icy wind dream eater, snarl>dark pulse on yveltal and it also benefits from incineroar u-turning into it to get the seed immediately and since it's doubles dark aura also boosts her partner's dark moves, the hydreigon i would change it to the same set from boss rush1 (life orb timid earth power flash cannon), mega gyarados gives more intimidate support with a set of dragon dance waterfall crunch stone edge, the hoopa-u set is also fine. --- teambuilding without much difficulty restrictions is pretty fun, though i am keeping in mind not to spam too many focus sashes or unfair seeds, any team overlaps, and that boss rush2 should be a good degree more difficult than boss rush1. i am especially proud of that noel boss rush2 concoction, hopefully i get to see a fight like that but i'll post the rest of my suggestions from samson to saphira when i am done with those.
moving onto postgame, but before that one last suggestion for main game i forgot, granted this is a pretty sizable buff. pyroar>girafarig for noel. pyroar is just stronger, faster, has more resistances, abuses grassy terrain pretty well and also burning field if the player decides to go for it. as it is, the field is moreso a liability for him but less so with pyroar. set i would use is flamethrower, hyper voice, hp grass, dark pulse expert belt. girafarig is pretty underwhelming for him at this point in the game so i would consider it (also make it female cuz alistasia has male). ---- raikou anomaly's rotom-f has max def max sp atk which is not optimal. if rotom was max hp>def, because of how low rotom's base hp is, physical attacks deal the same amount of damage to it being hp invested as opposed to def invested. at least investing in hp gives it better bulk on the special side as well, or you can make it max speed which is ok too. Lvl 110 252+ Atk Blaziken Fire Punch (75 BP Fire) vs. Lvl 103 252 HP / 0 Def Rotom-Frost: 282-332 (90.3 - 106.4%) -- 43.8% chance to OHKO Lvl 110 252+ Atk Blaziken Fire Punch (75 BP Fire) vs. Lvl 103 0 HP / 252 Def Rotom-Frost: 224-266 (90.6 - 107.6%) -- 43.8% chance to OHKO --- stomp tantrum>bulldoze on terrakion in one for all anomaly cuz new world (asking to lose to aegislash). --- this triggers me since i lost a tournament game because i misloaded the team because of it but rough skin>sand veil on taube's rocky helmet garchomp please and thanks. --- elena's alolan marowak is max def instead of max hp, same reasoning as rotom-f i mentioned before so probably swap that or invest in speed cuz she has tailwind. --- corin rouge's cacturne in hoopa anomaly, can you please remove bright powder on it? i'd appreciate this for consistency purposes since random misses can screw you over, and it can't abuse it with sand veil evasion strats on new world anyway. also stomp tantrum>earthquake on his sandslash, and ice fang/iron head/stone edge>earthquake on his gyarados for the same reason. --- replace flora's ferrothorn with her roserade when fighting bennett for magearna quest. ferrothorn will never get up stealth rock in this fight, not even vs the leads if mismagius faints since it will choose to gyro ball ribombee, and everything on bennett's team ohkos it aside from the leads. roserade at least has the advantage of surviving a hit from pheromosa and ohkoing back, while also outspeeding the volcarona and charizard to get off chip with weather ball or potentially sleep powder. even replacing the ferrothorn with a lvl 5 ratatta with quick attack would be more useful since it can actually do something this fight lol. --- this is just a personal grievance whenever i face these fights, but it would be really nice if you replaced the magical seeds on all the pokemon during orphanage gauntlet outside of the own tempo users. so euphie's hoopa (especially you cuz partner), laura's magearna and celebi, and charlotte's chandelure and victini. contending with RNG in confusion bs is quite infuriating since as the player, i can't really optimize these fights in challenge runs. i suppose her whimsicott has safeguard to prevent the confusion but it never uses it over it's other options and rotom targets it so at most it has 2 turns. nvmd new patch says safeguard doesn't prevent seed confusion so its a dead slot, but psychic terrain is probably the most annoying seed effect in the game imo. --- umbral cain has 3 steel fairy types and 5 steel types. i can't say i understand why the prevalent theme is steel types for this fight but personally i think he's one of the weaker umbral fights that can stand to be slightly buffed. his lead is focus sash aurora veil slush rush alolan sandslash with no hail (already worse than titania) and its extreme brick break bait. i feel like replacing it with froslass is just better since it is much faster, has better match ups vs ground and fighting types for his team, and can take advantage of the dcc better. set i would use is aurora veil, frost breath, shadow ball, thunder wave. shadow ball is buffed and thunder wave is helpful for his slower hard hitters to outspeed stuff. it can probably get away with not running focus sash since its pulse2 and gets +1 defenses from the field, so magical seed seems ok. --- fern fight for mew quest is on wasteland field. his team has absolutely no synergy with this field at all, in fact it's nerfed since he can't use ground moves effectively. i would move this fight directly after you enter the gate instead of right before it so it is on starlight arena. also we fought him already on wasteland during main game so i feel this is redundant. earthquake>rock tomb on haxorus and earthquake>stomp tantrum on krookodile. krookodile also benefits from starlight since its knock off is boosted and part fairy. since it can hit dragons with knock off, i guess fire fang>outrage would be better for coverage. also nature power>dragon pulse on serperior since it turn into moonblast which is way stronger. --- hp fire>psycho shift on latias and latios for lumi and eve. psycho shift serves no purpose and both of their teams have no counter measure for scizor, ferrothorn, etc, so having fire coverage definitely helps. hp fire is also helpful for partner eve vs the steel types in shaymin anomaly. --- i think follow me or rage powder would be better to support pulse camerupt instead of safeguard spam, especially since it would still protect it from status and the fact that camerupt already has a lum berry. granted it would still lose to rowap berry, destiny bond and mold breaker spread moves but i think it would be more interesting. like sash follow me/rage powder users on its partner pokes so that the player has to deal with them before dealing with camerupt, just putting that out there. --- flamethrower>psychic on genesect for deoxys anomaly, i think scizor sets up on the lead and sweeps otherwise, and it's just better coverage. --- ho-oh anomaly's latias is max hp and spdef which i don't think is optimal especially since the team already has a ton of special walls and it has calm mind so i'd go speed>spdef. nasty plot>nature power on mew for lugia anomaly, it already has dark pulse which is the same as nature power in dcc and nasty plot lets it hit harder especially since it has no sp atk investment and can do so with the extra bulk from setting up aurora veil. --- nature's madness>nature power on tapu bulu for umbral amaria. nature power is energy ball which is worse since it already has wood hammer and nature's madness is buffed on grassy terrain to deal 75%. makes it is harder to set up on their lead otherwise i would just dragon dance all over them. --- for taka partner for tao on zekrom route. sleep talk>protect on komala would be nice so that it would actually do something the first turn. i think the first turn it will randomly target whichever slot cuz sleep talk, but the turn after it should choose last resort instead to target (i'm less certain on this change, protect is probably fine idk)? groundium-z earthquake>stealth rock gliscor, since he will never go for stealth rock and he will always prioritize damage or setting up tailwind. toxic orb poison heal is not helpful at all for this gauntlet since longevity is not going to be a factor considering everything gets one or two shot anyway, not to mention waiting a turn for it to activate. also make it hyper cutter>poison heal since there's a salamence with intimidate in the second fight. tectonic rage is helpful as a single target nuke that also lets him deal with a lot of the ground weak pokemon for both fights since it isn't nerfed by new world (especially magearna), as well as make spikes on icy for the first. i would also make the minior special>physical. it will more often than not go for attacks, especially since it's unlikely to be able to shell smash. it's special attacks are at least field boosted and allows it to hit a bit harder in shield form (base 60 offenses...). shell smash, power gem, dazzling gleam, swift timid (+spe so it doesn't speed tie the kyurem's, or make it level 135 instead of 134 and modest). can you make his exeggutor attack>defense invested too, it doesn't hit really hard outside of nature power and lets it do damage with its other moves, also the opponent mostly has special attackers so the defense doesn't really help at all. boomburst>encore on his chatot too, the ai will never encore in this fight and boomburst can situationally be useful if your entire team is fainted or if you have a ghost type, in which case it would be smart enough to abuse it. swift>nasty plot would actually be better since its stronger than hyper voice on new world (it will never nasty plot cuz paper defense). the other partner fights seem fine, but no hail makes the fight with this partner worse since it is harder to chip these monsters, so at the very least PLEASE buff to compensate for his lower power level. --- stealth rock>protect on ferrothorn for anomaly naganadel. it's boosted on wasteland and i don't think the ai can use protect+leech seed effectively especially as a lead. similarly for heatran i'd go hp ice>protect. --- second glitch fight for mallet gauntlet has a tyranitar with dark pulse, which is essentially 80 bp normal on this field which isn't helpful outside of field changes, i'd go thunderbolt>dark pulse in this instance since it's assault vest and gives it boltbeam coverage. fourth glitch fight for mallet gauntlet, the alolan ninetales has aurora veil but snow cloak instead of snow warning so swap it's abilities and give it i guess aqua tail>moonblast cuz glitch. the landorus also has an air balloon for some reason so replace it with life orb and swap its hp evs with speed. also i don't know why but the muk is the only pokemon in this quest that has it's ivs nerfed to 15, so probably bump it to 31 at this stage in the game. personally i would replace the zygarde 10% with 50% in the anomaly fight, otherwise the ace is too frail to live to proc complete form. --- umbral noel and xerneas anomaly, i appreciate the gimmick this fight is going for but as it is, it is very exploitable. a slight buff i would implement is to change the giratina-origin to regular form with telepathy (probably not the lele though) for double speed on psychic terrain. that way it's more challenging to double up into noel's slot while ignoring the cosmoem setting up, and the added bulk makes it a bit harder to break. also probably aura sphere>will-o-wisp since it's boosted on the field and lets it outspeed and threaten most dark types which would overrun this fight. i would also replace the lead cosmoem with the magical seed (since confusion can screw it over and psych up already gives +2 sp atk) with the z splash cosmoem and the extra slot i would make it an anticipation ferrothorn (me trying to be creative). anticipation increases sp atk by 2 on switchin, which also helps its partner spamming psych up. set i would use is probably giga drain, gyro ball, thunderbolt, nature power with assault vest quiet nature. it gives their team a good set of resistances while still being a threat, but if that is too avant garde then a focus sash alakazam or deoxys normal form is fine too since their team would appreciate fastmons that can hit hard right off the bat as well. --- for dreamsick anna, i would probably make nihilego the lead instead of xurkitree since it's more potent for hazards to be up at the start and it's likely to get it up. also i would replace brick break<sludge wave for better coverage and core enforcer<dragon tail on zygarde otherwise it is complete set up bait and core enforcer's effect doesn't really ever come into play, and it also synergizes with shuffling hazard damage. i feel like this fight can stand to be slightly buffed especially when compared to trick room lin. anna route arceus anomaly, if you're going to give arceus a semi-debilitating move like roar of time, at the very least make it hyper beam since it gets stab on it and can break through special walls especially since it can't boost. also i'd probably replace blizzard with draco meteor since it is stronger and has better neutral coverage with overheat, and make it careful nature too. oh right if you change it to hyper beam then take off the synthetic seed since it would be typeless and wants stab, so probably life orb would work best. --- well i hope you consider my suggestions, especially the flora buff and taka buff for tao, but yeah that should be it for all of main game and post game. if i'm bored i'll look into side quests and theme teams. for reference i used this guide and trainertext in the scripts which made reviewing these teams a lot more streamlined. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mkxzXPQhR7lgYiwNkxX7woQP4Tp65IbdpHfFNrW1TVI/edit
i believe i have a pretty good grasp for the general difficulty curve for this game, so i will be offering some suggestions on what should be buffed and nerfed. i only combed through all the main game fights, not sidequests or postgame battles which i will probably do later. for what it's worth, i think early game for the most part is solid, especially with what is available to the player at that moment and in terms of gradually increasing difficulty. the suggestions i will be making will for the most part be minimal, unless i feel it's warranted otherwise. --- first here's all the pokemon in gym leader fights that don't have held items from shelly onward since i think it's fine at this point for them to have more competitively minded teams: yanmega, toxicroak, lucario, venusaur and darmanitan. shelly's yanmega i would give it a wise glasses. her team has gone through a lot of rebalancing but i think atm she is slightly underpowered, especially with early protect now being a thing. also i would greatly appreciate it if you gave it wise glasses for orphanage and ametrine double partner battles to make those fights less painful because yanmega has nerfed ivs for all of those too. kiki's toxicroak i would give it a lum berry. i think coba seems a bit much this early, and lum gives it better odds vs ghost types and other random status. for lucario i would give it a shell bell. the item is buffed on the field and i think it can use it semi effectively with its typing, calm mind boosting, and speed stat. aya's venusaur i would give it a wide lens. it uses power whip, nature power (gunk shot), and leech seed. i would actually prefer this as the player since it's more consistent since i can count on it actually killing me for the most part, assuming buffed accuracy. charlotte's darmanitan i would give it a life orb. i think a more explosive opening lead is better for her since the player will have to choose to prioritize the darmanitan ohkoing them or the typhlosion igniting the field. if life orb is too strong muscle band is ok too, but i think charlotte can stand to be buffed a tad more. --- double kick>supersonic nidorino for coral ward cain. its on misty terrain so supersonic fails and double kick gives it coverage. --- shadow ball>toxic reuniclus for radomus. i am not sure when the ai will ever use toxic, but i am fairly certain shadow ball is just better coverage off +1 sp atk. --- flare blitz>flame charge, leech life or u-turn>bug bite and wild charge>morning sun larvesta for iolia bennett and give it magical seed to bounce stealth rock or eviolite. this is his ace poke, and this fight is after sanctum ace which is a much harder fight but still he can do a lot better... moveset is self explanatory and morning sun is nerfed on this field so give it more coverage. it's still very bad with 55 bulk across the board so i would bump it up from lv 58 to 65. also make his venomoth tinted lens since it's mono attacking and dustox shield dust since it doesn't need compound eyes. personally i would just replace dustox with ribombee quiver dance dazzling gleam signal beam nature power for both bennett fights since its buffed on mirror and dcc, and dustox kinda overlaps with venomoth (also it sucks ass). --- TWO uses of earthquake, bulldoze, and magnitude (keep fissure and tectonic rage as one use? same as rejuv) will turn dark crystal cavern and crystal cavern into cave. mostly to buff luna so you can't cheese her field as badly, and small indirect buff to vr fern so his scarf krook can eq more freely. dragon dance>iron head and superpower>brick break tyranitar for luna and also give it a chople berry>magical seed. dragon dance makes it more of a threat, iron head doesn't really hit anything that stone edge doesn't. superpower for stronger neutral coverage and hits harder vs dark and steel types. chople also lets ttar tank any unboosted fighting attack in dcc and gives luna more insurance to check fighting types, cuz otherwise she kinda folds to them. it doesn't need the spdef boost from the seed even though its not sand stream since it already tanks everything due to the terrain outside of fighting attacks, example calc below. Lvl 65 252+ Atk Infernape Close Combat (120 BP Fighting) vs. Lvl 63 0 HP / 0 Def Chople Berry Tyranitar in Dark Crystal Terrain: 156-186 (71.5 - 85.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO ---- toxic>blizzard toxapex for aya partner in LCCC vs aster and eclipse. this is the most conservative buff i can offer. blizzard is bad since its unreliable and the ai will always go for it over icy wind since it's stronger (it still hits piss weak but at least icy wind speed drops). toxic allows toxapex to actually not be dead weight when it's out since it puts bulky pokemon like milotic and oranguru on a timer. it also procs merciless which means it will crit through screens and actually do damage. for example, it does 1-2% after lefties to milotic with sludge bomb, milotic will usually target you instead of toxapex, and milotic has recover so the damage toxapex deals is fruitless, but toxic allows her team to make progress. Lvl 66 85 SpA Toxapex Sludge Bomb (90 BP Poison) vs. Lvl 67 85 HP / 85 SpD Milotic in Factory Terrain through Light Screen: 17-21 (7.1 - 8.7%) -- possibly the worst move ever Lvl 66 85 SpA Toxapex Sludge Bomb (90 BP Poison) vs. Lvl 67 85 HP / 85 SpD Milotic in Factory Terrain on a critical hit: 52-63 (21.7 - 26.3%) -- guaranteed 4HKO after 14 Leftovers recovery and -15 toxic damage --- fire punch>heavy slam golem-alola for julia vs solaris and john at fiore. heavy slam hits literally nothing on their team and fire punch would be helpful to chunk scizor and allows it not to be walled by balloon magnezone and excadrill. superpower would actually be really good so it can ohko tyranitar and chunk those two more but might be a bit too strong of an option. --- ciel's oricorio has air slash, but acrobatics is actually way stronger for it even uninvested since it has a seed which gives +1 attack, not to mention the field boost so i would swap it with that to also enhance its mixed attacking prowess. --- idk how to buff amaria outside of drastic team changes, but i think its ok to leave her as is, even though she's a pretty big step down right after titania. it would be cool if she had a battle bond greninja though, just putting that out there. --- glass workstation aster, his lycanroc-night has elemental seed which doesn't work on this field. i would give it synthetic seed or a life orb and give it sucker punch>throat chop. --- weakness policy>choice band on gigalith for hardy. giving the ai choice items for the most part is pretty detrimental, especially in double battles. this gives it more flexibility as a lead since being choice locked can actually force it to switch out which is really bad since the rest of his team is glass cannons. its also bulky enough to tank most super effective hits especially with aerodactyl as offensive support. since it's not choice locked anymore, i'd give it stealth rock>throat chop. stealth rock is double boosted on this field and it is good team support. also same reasoning for lycanroc-day, i'd give it life orb or focus sash>choice band (if focus sash give it endeavor). also earth power>endeavor on archeops and make it naive. it is very unlikely for archeops to tank a hit without sash and the ai will probably never go for endeavor because of it. earth power gives his team an out by 2hkoing physically defensive bulky steel types (steelix, mawile, metagross, etc.) that his other physical attackers can't deal with. i was apprehensive giving him other spread move options like earthquake and heat wave cuz he's already wide guard bait, but now he might be less so. as it stands, his fight right now is very cheesable so please buff. --- grass knot>nuzzle raichu-alola for victoria partner in labradorra vs avril and steven. the ai doesn't know how to use nuzzle effectively nor is it helpful in this fight and grass knot lets it at least chip mamoswine or mudsdale on the way out. this fight is probably one of the hardest in main game so i believe a slight buff for vicky is in order. --- partner cal up ametrine has blast burn which magmortar can't learn (you fixed labradorra magmortar but not this one). --- defense curl ice ball earthquake surf walrein (probably z-water or metronome but sitrus with belly drum>surf seems ok too), for blake sapphire room. both defense curl (+1 def and +1 spe) and ice ball (+1 spe) boost speed on icy field and defense curl doubles ice ball damage to make it a fast sweeper that snowballs. being locked in doesn't seem bad since speed will always be increasing per use and the first ice ball is 135 bp after defense curl, stab and field boost and is 270, 540, 1080, and 2160 bp consecutively. idk if the ai is smart enough to be able to pull this off but its way funnier than the curse set imo. --- change shed skin so that in dragon's den it only gives a battle bond boost (+1 atk, sp atk and speed) upon switchin (same as crest seviper from rejuv) and status is always healed end of turn. sludge wave flamethrower giga drain dragon tail z-dragon seviper for sirius ruby room. z dragon tail since seviper learns no other dragon moves and gives it a nuke option while rounding out its coverage, also lets it outspeed and ohko things that run over his team, for example. +1 Lvl 98 252 Atk Seviper Devastating Drake (180 BP Dragon) vs. Lvl 100 4 HP / 0 Def Garchomp in Dragon's Den Terrain: 376-444 (105 - 124%) -- guaranteed OHKO --- fake out>rock tomb kangaskhan for el's first elite 4 battle, it will never use rock tomb since its other moves will always be favored (return still hits shedinja on holy) and fake out lets it at least get free chip when it comes in. --- choice scarf>magical seed on gardevoir for anna's elite 4 battle. also i'd give it trick>signal beam since i know the ai is smart enough to pull it off due to technerd naoman. anna's team has a few fastmons but compared to the rest of the e4 where they have tailwind, chlorophyll, scarf ditto and garchomp her team is pretty slow in comparison. gardevoir is a little too frail and slow to abuse the boost and wish support from seed imo. she can't reliably get aurora veil either since ninetales isn't focus sash unlike heather's crobat with tailwind, and gardevoir still hits hard with the field boost without the seed. also generally speaking she is the "weakest" e4 member so i feel this is a fair buff. --- well that's all i care to suggest for main game. there were some early game gym movesets that could have been buffed, but i think they are fine as a primer for newer players to gradually improve, also same for devon fights since player can't leave at this point in the story so i'll leave it at that for now.
hi speedrunner here, i'm really appreciating all the qol changes, especially the puzzle skips from the password. the only one that is missing that i would really like is teknite cave in the desert. it requires a power gem and bulldoze mon to make it past the cave portion. would you mind incorporating a skip for that? it's necessary to get to the new world gate for cosmog which is necessary to progress in postgame. please and thank you!
what shadow pokemon have under/overperformed? any underrated sleeperpicks? were there any interesting ones that got scrapped in development? any plans to give trainer's pokemons shadow moves or is that purely for the benefit of the player (would be funny to fight xen grunts/mages/admins with purified shadow mons/move)? can you make a speedrun bulk password next update, "sr" as shorthand to make it faster to input thanks. here's a test run i did :3 mintpack, powerpack, nohms, antidote, rolls, pinata, 31ivs, nointro EDIT: actually probably include freemegaz too in case someone wants to run terajuma%, not that it would be useful early for a normal speedrun. is there any part of the game that you are still unsatisfied with and are looking to revamp in later versions, or is the objective now solely to focus on e14+ content?
do a speedrun, here's a reference. i recommend routing for a terajuma or a story mode speedrun since that has not been done yet. its a very rewarding and challenging endeavor. i also think monotypes and nuzlockes are too easy on repeats, especially if you know the game well. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL10KJ7nQuJ7r9Cdm5AeeTPXmXx0ZJq3wk
playlist for postgame speedrun https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL10KJ7nQuJ7pCPC-S_LMk5KhtfoY1IkSA postgame speedrun notes https://pastebin.com/JZmiYZbF this is just to showcase the routing and serves as a reference to myself once I eventually do this in a single segment run. granted i won't be attempting this any time soon and will do so whenever the new patch drops since they will have ng+ shards i will need for certain sections of the game, but just thought i'd post here if anybody is interested. the postgame is approximately 4 hours which is almost as long as the main game speedrun is. we do also use 2 new members to help us get through these postgame fights more easily. i'm not going to spoil who they are, but they were chosen based on their viability, team synergy and overall convenience in getting (there were a lot of good options). there's too much to say in regards to all this, so ill just let my notes and sample route speak for itself. if ya'll have any questions or anything feel free to shoot since i left a lot of stuff unclear but yeah enjoy!
so what exactly is the process in how to get the renegade route? i know it entails joining clear and kieren during the school of nightmares section, but don't you need very bad relationship values for that path to open? i guess my question is what exactly do you need to do/the bare minimum for that path to open at all? how much do you have to make everyone hate you lol.
Notes: https://pastebin.com/E9LLZeaf this took a minute, but i finally did it. execution wise the run was pretty on point outside of a couple mistakes, but overall still a good time. there were a couple of fights that trolled me but that's bound to happen in a game like this over the course of hundreds of battles. my sum of best is ~4:30, so there's about 5 minutes of resets that happened due to some miscellaneous bullshit. will try to get this down to at least sub 4:35, but just wanted to showcase the run in its entirety for anybody interested. this is a very execution heavy speedrun that's reliant on muscle memory for the most part but anybody can do this if you just follow the notes/video and you'd probably average 4:45-4:50 for a first time. when i get a run i'm satisfied with ill post a public video (i'm slightly embarassed by my performance in this one) notable instances of time loss: -maxwell trolled me 40:00 -let sharpedo faint to togedemaru, was supposed to switch to nidoqueen 1:11:30 -bad reset vs double before sirius, evs would be screwed up otherwise 1:16:08 -accidentally fought this hiker and went over the ledge, cost me my hjk pp which made the other hiker fight slower 1:54:35 -charlotte crit me which changed her behavior, tried to adapt but costly reset 2:08:40 -mantine crit me, didnt have revives to so had to improvise vs the trainer after with no blaziken 2:26:25 -fern+blake kept trolling me, walrein is cringe 2:35:05 -slightly screwed up this fight 3:36:25 -fought the knight first, was supposed to fight zoroark first and menu after for the knight but zoroark likes to take its sweet time sometimes 3:52:05 -forgot to protect vs haxorus woops 4:26:45
finished routing for e19, this is up to date with patch 19.08. this speedrun is using the speedrun password, but i ban weathermod and powerpack since they make the game too easy, overpowered or what i consider to be instances of cheating. estimated time is still around sub 5 hours, but victory road will probably require a lot of practice to execute perfectly. all the fights are down to an exact science, but a couple of tag fights will require some minor in battle adaptations. i don't anticipate this route to change any time soon unless there are any more drastic changes to the ai, though there might be some more ng+ stars to bypass a couple more puzzles. other than that this is a really tight speedrun that is very execution and memorization heavy with minimal instances of rng, so will need to do a lot of practice before i attempt actual runs. here's the route for anyone interested and crazy enough to run it lol. reborn_pw_speedrun_notes.txt
I wouldn't mind a full changelog once the game is fully released, though not sure how practical that would be without cutting too deep into spoiler territory. surprised you didn't axe the nature changer since mints are being implemented so my assumption is that mints are postgame i guess. kind of interested to see how the new short circuit and crystal cavern work exactly in terms how they cycle so that's cool. move relearner at your disposal in particular is hype. party quick swap mode am i reading that correctly? so i can swap pokemon directly from my party to pokemon in my pc from my party menu? would that also fully heal weakened pokemon from my party if i drop them in the pc and put them back in to my team? that seems like it would invalidate light shards and pokemon centers but i might be misinterpreting this. didn't realize resets can get even faster but i'm all for it. thanks to all the testers and dev team for streamlining gameplay and general qol for the rest of us, can't wait to not touch grass for the forseeable future. :)
If you're looking to cut down on general tedium and needless backtracking, might I suggest making a set of stairs here to replace this rock climbing wall? The player has to go from fiore to the circus multiple times and having to go through the canyon and grass every time is a little annoying. Its not like I would ever use this part of the map currently since by the time you get rock climb you already have fly which is a much more efficient means of travel. If you can include more fast travel options for certain sections of the game, similar to being able to fast travel with radomus and co. back to the castle after dealing with adrienn and el that would be nice for qol, A couple of instances off the top of my head that make sense would be after saving victoria from aster and eclipse at the bottom of the grand stairway and going with her to shelly's place and going with amaria from the harbor to break into the factory, etc. Another thing that I figure would be appreciated by players that replay this game is if you can make the void segment after the glass gauntlet an optional choice to go through. This section mainly serves as story and lore dump which is nice on the first playthrough, but gameplay wise is a bit uneventful and drawn out? That's a creative decision I am less inclined on making a judgement call on though but just wanted to bring it up. Didn't mean to tell you how to do your job, so sorry for rambling. Thanks for trying to streamline gameplay even if it is just moving a tree or two, truly makes a difference.
breh we've been waiting on reborn for years, waiting for rejuv to update is laughably fast in comparison . we're all here for these quality games anyway, so you don't need to appease us with extra unnecessary content. your team's general well being and sanity are more important and these short update posts are more than enough for us to stay optimistic. so basically take care of yourself before you try to take care of others lol. also puppetmaster hype
since you're answering questions regarding gen 8, will pokemon's level up moveset be transitioning to swsh level up movepool or will they stay at usum (referring to non gen 8 pokemon but those that did not get dexited)? is rejuv going to transition to gen 8 tms or stick with gen 7 tms, or are you guys just going to add any extra tms that were added in gen 8 to the existing gen 7 ones? will technical records be added into the game as well? also are you guys going to retroactively remove moves that were removed in gen 8 (e.g. return, hidden power, pursuit, etc.)? my concern with the addition of implementing gen 8 is that some pokemon will benefit from the transition while others will not and am overall curious how this will affect rebalancing the game as a whole.