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  1. For Sp Atk. Ev i would stick to mr seacrests garden during day time but usually mons need 2 types of EV if they need speed EV i would smack on Power lens and whack woobats at underground railnet but if they do not need speed they are likely to need hp so seacrests garden is still the best cause you get hp from caterpie and wurmple. so basically for Sp Atk EV just buy power lens and train at underground railnet or seacreast garden depending on what the 2nd EV needed.
  2. Nice good luck farming and may all the meowth pick up blast powders, nuggets and rare candy for you. As for other mons with pickup ability well you can soft reset the lilipup at onyx to get 1 with pickup and the zigzagoon at the opal ward. but meowth are the most common and easiest to obtain.
  3. steel is possible cause you have piplup as a starter as it evolves into empoleon which is a steel type and you can get trash wormadam and pineco which are steel/bug and decent mons for each badge. also it depends if you are playing a strict mono run or non strict where thing which evolve into the mono type you are using are allowed. There are no starters available for Bug, Electric, Rock, Ice and Normal so you will need to put/modify the starter. Question here is are you playing the game without hacks/mods or with hacks/mods. Ice and rock are basically impossible as there are no ice and rock mons available until you beat julia. Dragon is too crazy hard to do unless you are a mad lad and want to beat julia,florinia, 3 pulse and corey with just a noibat/noivern(technically you can get noivern if you use pick up pokemon as "helpers" to farm up money to spam buy rare candy and common candy down afterwards) heck you even need to solo with noivern until prolly kiki if you get unlucky and not get a mystery egg which is not a dragon and not get turtanator and get heatmor instead. So i would remove dragon, rock and ice from the list unless you are willing to hack in a starter which can help.
  4. err well i did fire,water,grass mono so far cause i cant be bother to put in a starter which is not a starter or not in the list of starters. i would start simple and start with grass mono as there are decent grass types mostly around the early part of the game. flying mono is also fun(doing that atm but stopped halfway cause i want to do prof oak run in reborn instead). So i voted flying cause its you first mono run and i would start easy.
  5. 1) Pick up pokemon. Any level pick up should help while ev training you get free stuff. 2) Grand hall trainers. they should be easy to beat but the problem here is you get random EV from the battles so you must either have decent mons which you do not care about their EV/can reset them when you have the reset baerries. 3) Meowth. Pay day+ team of pick up meowth used to be the way to farm money when the grand hall trainers were not repeatable, still a viable method plus A.meowth makes things easier as they dont try to evolve constantly as they need happiness to evolve. Just dump meowth in day care until it learns payday(level 30), dump 2 meowth so that you can get better pick up mons faster. yes they use up you money but 1 blast powder pick up and poof lots of money. i would start ev training abit with 5 mewoth with pick up in you team. Also if you dont want to bother checking for pick up items, just use the pick up mod in the mod market to auto pick up items when the meowth pick up something. You can grab A.meowth at the aqua hideout in lapis ward most are in the level 20 ish range so not that far from payday.
  6. The sad part here is once you step into agate you cannot get any EV reducing berries. well there is a way to return to reborn city with strength glitch Maybe. Yeah i would not put away any of my original team cause they carried ya all the way even if they have disgusting EV spread. Once you get back to reborn city try fixing your EV with them berries because there are way tougher battles coming. Anyways good luck with your run and i hope you enjoy it.
  7. I advice start EV training your mons as that should help. Also you can farm money easily at agate via the clown battles. Also soft reset to get decent IV if you feel like it but you do not need decent IV to beat the game only decent EV and prolly good natures which are achievable. Anyways here is a list of mons you can beat to gain certain EVs around agate: Atk-Hawlucha(Route 2), Ursaring(Route 2), Machoke(Route 2) SpAtk- Golduck( Celestine mountain Surfing around F1-4, B1-12), Magneton(Route 3 the RSEA caves), HP- wailmer surfing around citrine/celestine/Ametrine mountain Speed- Starly/Staravia(Route 3), Lumineon(surf around Ametrine mountain), Floatzle( Celestine mountain F1-4, B1-9) Also catch a few pick up ability pokemon(ambipom at ametrine city) they help you get some income and items while EV training. I know EV-training is boring but it helps a lot. with power items it is very fast and takes little to no effort to train.
  8. kinda late but you can do this challenge without the level cap rule as you can collect rare candies from pick up pokemon and not hurt your run. but the problem is the julia section of the game is gonna be hard but after julia section you can start buying rare candies from the sweet shop easy to farm up money with pick up team of meowth+payday and the money you get from repeatable trainers. you will need to make your pick up mons level 21 at the start and the drop rate of candies is very rare so i think it is about 1% which means you will be doing a hell lot of grinding. Ekans.spinarak,finneon,goldeen,pidgey,noibat(the biggest annoying thing),starter(totodile), blitzle, joltik,cherubi,teddiursa,stunky,pineco,meowth,gulpin,grimer,combee(finiding a female combee is the hard part),trubbish,whismur,tynamo,surskit and espurr are the hard once. well cause they evolve above level 20 but you can switch train them or vs the doubles couple and park them beside a mon which can atk. you will need a lot of common candies also. personally i think kricketune with fury cutter and struggle bug should be able to handle/solo the double battles npc in grand hall. If you avoid thunderstorm weather you can avoid tynamo,blitzle and surkit. but idk if this is allowed but technically if you do not get the weather you cannot catch these mons. grinding should not be an issue as there are repeatable trainers to battle in grand hall and they are infinite but i would avoid thunderstorm weather cause tynamo is the 2nd hardest thing to grind the most hardest is obviously noibat. other things you should avoid is getting joltik as that is far harder to train than grubin i would soft reset if i get joltik as i am not stronk enuf to handle joltik+noibat+whismur in the same run but if you are a hardcore man than go ahead. I have been planning the run so basically this is the early game (julia section)strategy i would go for: 1) set clock for night to check for joltik( soft reset if you get joltik) 2) soft reset if u get any form of rainy weather coming up in 2 days or the week cause once you hit the rainy weather you will have to add 3 extra mons to the grind 3) Catch and Train up 6 pick up meowth to level 21 for rare candy/item farming(pokesnacks helps with budew,igglybuff,woobat) 4) Rush train the gift krickatot to kricketune. 5) Do story with mons which gain exp slowly IE the slow/medium slow exp growth rate pokemon. 6) Choose totodile as starter duh You only need to plan for before julia if you want to go over level cap and really complete the oak challenge. After julia is easy as you can buy rare candies. wish you all the best and good luck.
  9. Right first off if you are broke just capture some pick up mons and use them while you grind/Ev train mons up. cause pick up mons can pick up useful stuff and you save a lot from not needing to buy so much potions and repels. You will need bronzong with heat proof ability. let it learn trick room and capture a boldore from the ruby caves evolve it to gigalith relearn rock slide and sand storm,swap ability to sand force. Turn 1 bronzong use trick room and Gigalith use sand storm. Turn 2 gigalith rock slide everything and anything you see. crustle,carracosta and golem as back up will help.prefer using carracosta and crustle they both learn rock slide with leveling.Move set items of mons mentioned are in spoiler tag.Hope this helps. as for grinding spots well u can spam kill crustle if u have a good water type and not completed all the crustle puzzle at route 1. or the clown at agate circus. Bronzong-Route 3 Boldore- Ruby cave Crustle-Route 1 Tirtouga- puzzle at agate circus Graveler-Ruby cave TLDR: Trick room,wide guard should help and the mons aroud route 3 and Ruby cave are useful. you do not need to ev train them properly for now but in the future you will need to for other gyms as the other gyms have perfect Ev spread. To Ev train Atk EV kill mons in Route 1 during morning. To train Hp Ev surf in mountain and kill wailmer.
  10. Question here is are you doing 2v2 or 1v1. for 2v2 you team seem ok since magnazone and ampharos both have discharge. i would replace flygon and absol with prolly more electric type mons or mons which can support you with screens i.e Meowstick M, whimsicott. Also try Ev train properly as gyms beyond Charlotte all have perfect EV spreads. Cant do much as little info provided for team moveset. Oh you can also get rid of the water field if u find it difficult to deal with her boosted moves. you can make use of Electric terrain,misty terrain/ grassy terrain to your advantage or use blizzard to freeze up the field. hope this helps and good luck.
  11. Hmm well you can always change the field. Misty Terrain/ Electric Terrain should help. Meowstick-M like other suggested is also useful as duel screens can be very helpful. Well first off you should EV train All your mons correctly, Ev reset berries are sold at department store and Power items are also sold there so as to make Ev training much faster and easier. Ev training will help you in the long run. IV are not really that important but Ev training will help in later parts of the game. Not enough stickers click here for sticker guide Not enough $ catch a bunch of pick up pokemon A.Meowth is the best cause payday=$$$ +extra side income from pick up A good spot to EV train is the underground railnet just spam atk woobat they give +1 speed EV, equip power lens(sp atk)/Bracer(atk)/weights(hp). TLDR: Meowstick M good, Try to Ev train.
  12. prof oak challenge in reborn is gonna be crazy hard seeing that you have to catch a lot of mons and train them beyond level cap. For those who do not know what is prof oak challenge is: Before challenging a gym you need to do this: 1) you need to catch all available Pokemon. 2) you need to evolve them to last stage IE Tepig To Emboar. Should be fun seeing that at the starting area there are a bunch of mons. Training should be ok since there is the trainers which you can re-battle at grand hall. To make things hard no using rare candy . to make it a little easier pick up mons are allowed.
  13. @mrdynamo1211 Okie first things first i need to know what else do you have in your box.mystery egg pokemon ? anyways you kinda missed a free ice stone before agate. it is at citrine mountain you can only get access it if u go to route 1 and complete some of the heracross and pinsar puzzle. But oh well too late. i dont think there is an ice stone around agate area. Also if u are sick and tired of using move slots and team slot for HM head over ---> HERE <--- the modification/swm mod helps with HM problem and many more very useful. As for team help well i will need to get back to you later as i will need to do a run with some mons which can be capture around the agate area.
  14. well i started with snivy line in my grass mono run i m currently doing(vsing sigmund soonish). reason being you cant get snivy in game from any events yet while u can get other starters from events. yes some of the events are quite far back but still there are lots of other grass types which are better than most of the starters which have events. plus it can be helpful for the first pulse tangrowth cause it will not spam acid spray on a countary servine/snivy. other starters will have a hard time vs pulse tangrowth other than bulbasaur and bulletproof chespin/quiladin. oddish,belsprout and roselia can handle pulse tangrowth.
  15. woo thanks again enjoy yer skrelp
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