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  1. Lovely mod, just having trouble with the Find Item part. How do you activate that component? Cannot seem to find it. The other mods work just fine.
  2. If it doesnt work, its probably that you saved after talking to her already. If so, applying this doesnt work, so just go back to a save before you talked to her and it should do the trick, thats what helped me
  3. Interesting changes to the first part of the game between 17.0 and 17.0.2 Joltik for Grubbin, Mincinno for Espurr, Snubull for Stufful. How come?
  4. I think there was a bug with this when I played. Try downloading the Latest version (or just the patches). If it doesnt work, go to v8 and enter valor. I had to go with v8 as there were no patches, not sure if fixed now. If it isnt, remember that in v8 you cant have any gen 7 poke in team, and you will need someone for sure and magma drift to just enter (or perhaps you can enter via Crawlys gym back entrance, not sure).
  5. I kept looking at them change but didnt figure it out till you said so. Thanks man !
  6. Having some trouble myself haha, I manage to get to the Dusclops which takes me back, and then some girl teleports me saying something like she doesnt want it to be too easy. Which step is next?
  7. Hey guys, I am having some slight issues with a few games made in RPGMaker (or so I believe) and I think this forum area is good enough to post this. I played games like Pokemon Reborn, Rejuvenation, Uranium, Insurgence and had no issues with those, but I am having issue with Pokemon Full Moon and Pokemon Crimson Skies. The problem is that, well, those 2 games just dont start. It might sound weird, but simply put, I download, extracted and when I went to the Game.exe (which is used for starting) nothing happens. No bug message, not even a trace in task manager. In case of Pokemon Full Moon, I managed to get it working somehow, but I did so many different things that its really hard to pinpoint what did the trick, and now I cant find it for Crimskon Skies. I am also aware that googling can give results, but I did some research and the suggestions I found werent that helpful. So if anyone has any ideas why this might happen, or perhaps a solution, please let me know. Here are some things I tried with for example Crimskon Skies: Tried extracting/copying somewhere else besides Download/Desktop Run as Administrator Run in Compatibility mode change the setting in control panel->system->adv perfomance->something with data downloaded RPG XP maker and ACE lite (I think thats the name?)
  8. Please, start using either your status or rejuvenation discussion thread for posting random stuff. And I guess the topic "last question till v8" was a lie...
  9. For the open areas of the city I would suggest like someone said to add perhaps trees on the side of it (perhaps on some wide streets like the one leading the center and the train station), and perhaps add some commercial boards next to the shops and selling points. You know, the small ones like in real life, standing in front of coffe shops and such to show if there is a sale/deal going on.
  10. Yeah I have been playing it from the start (jan 19,no beta or headstart). Level 43 bm at the moment, quite enjoyable game I have to say. Its only a bit annoying to lvl from 41-45 but knowing what I will get in the end, I kind of just push a bit more.
  11. I know for that "trick" (mostly because one day I just went and browsed everything in the reborn folder) but I never used it except if I wanted to test how some sprite looks. While it does give me the sprite that I wanted, it still doesnt fully satisfy me. It somehow lacks the "wow" factor for me and I dont really feel like I actually have the shiny sprite... Perhaps because I always think first of shinies as how I got them and the struggle/luck behind it. The actual sprites comes in second
  12. Pokemon glazed is the most polished out of all the games, and it was quite enjoyable so its my top rom hack for sure. And besides some other suggested, I really enjoyed adventures red as well. Pokemon special manga had a good story and nice character development, and this hack follows its story quite nicely.
  13. First of all, for the problem with stones. Some stones (or most of it? ) can be found somewhere in the game, but yeah its easy to miss them if you dont know where they are hidden or you dont press on every tile as you walk. So you can always search on the forum or check in this thread for the item you want (it may not be fully updated to the latest version, not sure) http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=14538 And if that particular stone cant be found, but actually can be mined you can always softreset when mining till you get the one you want, but yeah that can be a bit time consuming. And for the team, I dont like giving much info or opinions but I enjoyed my earyl-mid game with my starter, lillipup, oddish and misdreavus (and ofc their evolutions) .
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