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  1. Tyrant

    LF Larvitar

    Gotcha boss! Headed on rn. Name's same as forum; Tyrant.
  2. Tyrant

    LF Larvitar

    Mind if I second this Mind if I second this? I can trade something for it if you need/if I have
  3. Tyrant


    I'm willing to breed you one, sure. I'll DM you my discord so that whenever you're available we can get the trade squared away. Though, you might want to be a bit more mindful of where you post next time. This ain't the place for trades.
  4. Heya! Randomly re-did a playthrough using the WT and my breeding ditto as a way to make the run interesting and to see what kinda stuff I end up with. The early Feebas w/ Prism Scale, Drillbur, Mareanie, Larvesta, and Gible made the run a fair bit more than I was bargaining for, so I'll be throwing my spares (non-shiny but high IV, or Shiny but high IV's, with a flawed IV somewhere) on WT whenever I get the chance, maybe with an item or two even. The Time will be fairly random, and I think I already dumped a bunch of shinies on wt as/is, so I hope whoever got them is happy! GL!
  5. I have a Beldum with 31/30 in 5 stats (and like 20 speed, but I can keep breeding for a better one if need be.) Is that Larvesta still up for trade?
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