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12 Fledgling

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    Pokemon showdown wi-fi room, My Immortal♥, Tara Gilesbie♥, Goth, Hot Topic

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  1. When I beat him back in v10 I used something that can kill Skarmory and then sweep him with elemental seed speed boost Yanmega.
  2. Hopefully their not too broken or anything Luvdisc Crest: Gives it Regenerator and Cute Charm, makes base Spa & HP same as base Spe Cramorant Crest: Rock attacks does neutral damage, gives a Power Herb effect to Dive and Fly Dubwool Crest: Gives it Scrappy, small boost to Spd Boltund Crest: Reverses physical and special moves (to make use of competitive) Stonjourner Crest: Increase power of its moves by 30% (make power spot works on itself) Eiscue Crest: Makes Ice Face works on special moves and/or Ice Face always restored when its hailing at the end of each turn Morpeko Crest: Aura Wheel does both Electric and Dark damage at the same time but Morpeko becomes pure electric/dark in full belly/hangry mode respectively Perrserker Crest: Calculates damage taken by Special moves using Def (gives all special attacks against it a psyshock effect) Inteleon Crest: Gives it Super Luck in addition to its current ability, Physical attacks use its Special Attack stat rather than its Attack stat (meant to use in addition with Sniper) Cinderace Crest: Swaps Atk with Spa Rillaboom Crest: Replaces its ability with Punk Rock, increase base Spa by 10 Watchog Crest: Reduces damage taken from Pokémon moving before it by 30% and sets Trick Room upon entering the field
  3. I vote for Patty, Piano Lady and Truck Guy I find Patty to be very underrated tbh she needs more love. It seems Melia is the one character that everyone expects to win but people hopes she doesn't
  4. Rabbna

    LOL random XD

    Terrawr would love this mode.
  5. Only singles Amy has rock coverage (Kipkip) but its stone miss so just equip Shedinja with bright powder, hope it missed and toxic stall her team to death. Edit: ok it turns out Cirrus has shadow ball in doubles so Shedinja cheese is possible but you have to get rid of Cirrus/Kipkip first
  6. One thing i want to ask the devs, what does it mean that the genies quest died a little?
  7. Speaking of the rainbow chart missed the Sigmund/Sirius battle in Yureyu after you beat Aya.
  8. Am I the only one here that is more excited for the PMD remake instead of the SWSH DLC "Expansion Pass"? Also surprised that the Regis of all things suddenly gain relevance. low key hoping Regigigas finally gets a buff
  9. (This is not a bug, this is really how it works on the Switch; try it yourself if you don't believe us.)

  10. I find Silvally as a useful catch all mon as it almost always contribute to boss battles with the right memory so its superior compared to Slaking which i find a bit too annoying due to truant (especially in doubles if you dont partner it with something that can get rid of truant).
  11. Its possible that both might be roaming as Mesprit does in DPPt and the birds in XY. Prepare your Shadow Tag Wobbuffets.
  12. I recently just do a redo of my run and i notice that lickitung is available between Radomus and Luna.
  13. Question: If Flora gets arrested does she still blow up the ball? If so how did she escape from jail?
  14. Post Game board is up and omg it nearly take half amount of the scroll bar. Also surpirsed Ame didn't put Regigigas in the same part as its underlings and that the rest of the ultra beast don't have a scoreboard.
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