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Everything posted by Zumi

  1. Zumi


    That's either emerald, neo or the actual pyrrha, but we don't know until next week sadly :c I'd still consider the possibility, yeah
  2. tfw stomach aches are keeping you at home
  3. Zumi


    but you're ruthless in undertale you should at least give the pacifist route a chance too though (after you delete your save bc it fucks up the true ending if you did a no mercy run beforehand)
  4. 6/12 HA, competetive schmopetetive (?????) just kidding. either way, i'm not that interested in the league mainly because i have zero strategy myself and would just end up doing something while not really knowing what, so nah people seem to be having fun though, so hope you guys will enjoy it at least :V
  5. Welcome to Reborn! Hope you enjoy your stay here c:
  6. Welcome to Reborn! Hope you enjoy your stay here c: I've also got a question for you...
  7. Zumi


    they're gonna do something to penny they're gonna do something to penny i do not like the look of this please protect her i'm really digging all the new music though tbh
  8. tfw im at home sick :c

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Cyaloom


      get well soon!

      I copied from mde to be sure what I wrote was right c:

    3. TimTim


      Get well soon Zumi, dont overwork.

    4. Vinny


      Get well soon!

      Drink some coffee!

      We'll be waiting \o/

  9. Thank you for the warm welcome back tbh ;w; in case anyone is interested, the reason why i was MIA for the weekend was because i was working on this remix! I'm also putting it on my page, but check it out if you're interested in an undertale remix c:

    1. Combat


      Wow, this sounds pretty good. Keep up the great work!

    2. Juniper


      Welcome back :}

    3. Marcello


      You didn't just come back, you came back bringing awesome music? I feel like no matter how many times I say 'Zumi Rocks', it never gets less true.

  10. gonna be MIA for the weekend. just gotta take a weekend off, nothing to worry about c: see you guys later!

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      No problem. Cya later Zumi. Have a nice Weekend lol.

  11. [napstablook voice] after a great meal i like to lie on the ground and feel like garbage

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. zimvader42


      Az bro you don't get it, the point is to FEEL like garbage, not be it.

      You also are not garbage bro, you're a duck, get your shit together.

    3. zimvader42
    4. Azeria


      Eh, still not too sure on the lying on the floor thing. Napstablook's a ghost, wouldn't he technically be floating slightly above the floor?

      Aside from the technicalities, feeling like garbage has never been that hard tbh, mostly because I feel like that most of the time, so that's why I said that I was garbage.

  12. the new coldplay album is so good tho

  13. QotD 3/12 get rid of geert wilders (if you were dutch you'd know)
  14. I'd say that the Solosis line might be ancient as well, considering how they practically resemble cells and cells are a key part of any living organism... Any thoughts on that? :V
  15. Sadly, nope. The fight was only available during the Valor mountain Xen occupation, so you're in bad luck :V I don't know if Jan ever plans to implement the Kyogre fight for Jenkel's laboratory relive machine, because you might be able to get the key like that in the future then, but other than that I'm almost certain you won't be able to get the key in some other way. Sorry!
  16. Singles and single elimination is the most fun, imo. I mean doubles are ALSO fun, but they take long to finish tbh
  17. what to do about days you don't have a pretty bad temper tho :c i feel like im gonna be annoyed at things way faster than i usually would today, but maybe thats just because i slept too little (yet again)

  18. Since a docile nature has no effect on the base stats whatsoever, it doesn't really matter what's a better option, you just gotta look at the base stats. Shiftry has a higher base Attack stat (100), so physical would be a better choice, although its special attack stat isn't that bad either (90). Both would work, although attack better than sp. attack at least c: It learns extrasensory as a Nuzleaf at level 49 (which it doesn't as a Shiftry), so maybe you can take that one as well. Aside from that, it also learns Leaf Storm and a few grass attacks that might be useful, but you're better off by looking into what moves it can learn by TM. I'd keep the list with available TM's in Rejuvenation next to it while you decide on a moveset for Shiftry.
  19. Welcome to Reborn, Barry! Hope you'll enjoy your stay c:
  20. Hey so, I'm pretty short on money right now and I need some more to be able to survive school 'till winter break, so I'm doing a pay-what-you-want sketch request stream tomorrow evening! Basically what this means is that I'll draw something for you against any amount of money, but would anyone actually here be interested in watching/supporting/requesting? That way I can estimate how long the stream has to be and if i have to do more than one or not :V

    1. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      I would, except I am in similar conditions when it comes to money :/

      Best of luck tho.

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