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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Zumi

  1. living life on the edge for normal people is doing dangerous stuff that could cost them a broken bone or a whole lot or even their life if it goes wrong, and then there's me, who thinks that having her door open while untagged nsfw randomly shows up on her tumblr dashboard is already scary and dangerous


    1. Felicity


      How did the sign that tells us to stay off the grass get onto the grass?

    2. zimvader42


      There's a sign?

    3. Combat


      I'm currently under the grass! Loophole!

  3. The second official Reborn Hunger games have ended! These are the final results: Summary + Final results:
  4. [anime OHOHOHO laugh]

    1. Felicity


      More Tea, Ojou-sama?

  5. it went from a single hg simulation in the main lobby chat and now there's multiple forum topics and a separate room on the server for it. i can't believe this is my fault. im so sorry pine oh my god

    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      this is actually the first time I'm putting the time in organizing something here so don't be tbh

    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      doesn't mean you didn't destroy my life though

    3. Shing


      It's not a curse, it's a blessing my friends.

  6. Today I learned that 500th posts are appearantly supposed to be for hot legs. So... H O T L E G S
  7. Undertale is mentioned already, so I don't think I'd have to suggest that anymore :V (but really, do play Undertale because it's a fantastic game) Portal and Portal 2 might also be fun games to play if you haven't yet! (Portal 2 also supports community mods/maps so there's plenty of content)
  8. i like how i became active here in june and 1) introduced myself in the wrong topic and 2) was super shy and now im just like. ayyy lmao are you ready for H O T L E G S

    1. Shing


      That's pretty true lol.

  9. Zumi


    qrow best waifu [GETS SHOT MULTIPLE TIMES] aNYWAYS, I'm really digging season 3 so far. Winter vs Qrow fight was great (the music.... just, yes.), and I've noticed that a LOT of technical aspects have improved greatly, such as the camerawork and lighting of the scenes. Really curious what they'll bring for episode 4, tbh.
  10. got myself an upgrade and now i have dual screens, so double the wallpapers >:3c (they change like every 10 minutes tho aha)
  11. can i just lock myself in my room and never come out ever again

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. zimvader42


      I was writting while you were posting that :c

      But you can get food delivered inside your room I suppose. And build a small bathroom to cover your needs. And install perpetual wifi and if possible a generator. Then you can actually live there forever.

    3. Avatar of Grima

      Avatar of Grima

      get a fridge, and a bathroom and you certainly can

    4. anethia
  12. tfw you don't live in america, so no american rollercoasters for me. i've been in the rollercoasters in de Efteling in the netherlands though, they're pretty fun c:
  13. Make sure you have the latest version of the game (6.2), then try playing the save you uploaded here again. Also, next time you can simply post your save in the Savefile Troubleshooting topic!
  14. tfw you kinda feel eh but you don't really know what to do about it
  15. im gonna be an """adult""" in 25 days. ahahahaha adult? adult responsibilities. hahahaha. hahh ha hahaHAHA oh boy

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Juniper


      Senpai \o/ notice me

    3. star-kin


      welcome to hell zumi

    4. RasenShot


      Yeah I think I regressed to a 15 year old when that happened.

  16. zumi, ruining lives by dragging them with me into hell since my day of birth. you're welcome

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zumi
    3. zimvader42


      Well, hell never bothered me anyways.

    4. Flux


      But you SAID we were going to Disney Land!

  17. HA anyways i might suggest a few events later on. i remember having made an arena event before, but i would have to write it down again. I'll do that later :V
  18. ^ This. Calling yourself a weaboo is practically placing yourself with a group of people who are actually looked down upon by Japanese, simply for it being fetishizing, gross and disrespectful towards their culture. For illustration... Aaaand that's bad. You really shouldn't do that, it's really disrespectful.

  20. okay. one more try to get photoshop to work again. if it doesnt, well... i don't know what to do, honestly ;;

    1. EluriaMendes


      What kinda problems are you having

  21. the salt is real and strong. adobe cc why must you torture me at the moment i need you the most

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