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Everything posted by Zumi

  1. just a quick update on my school project to show how things are coming along. 3 days left to finish it! https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CS4MFr3W4AAMerW.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Red_Chaos
    3. KingRyan


      What....is that? I mean, i can tell it's a house, but i cannot honestly understand what it's made of, or the setting. I was gonna guess minecraft, but it looks...off. Look good either way tho :)

    4. Zumi


      It's actually an illusion project! I had to recreate an illusion in Maya, a 3D program, so that's why it looks off, hahaha

  2. Project due is next Friday, and I really can't afford to spend more time doing stuff I'm not supposed to do instead of working on the project, so I'll probably stay inactive for a good week or so. I won't be on the server either for that meantime, so I'll be back in a week or so!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Shing


      Savage Jan.

    3. Fumble


      bye zumi remember to come back for jan

    4. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow


      But D:

      Hackmons D:

  3. I feel like halloween is overhyped as well as extremely commercialized. Besides, people don't even really celebrate it in the Netherlands aside from maybe a few people in Amsterdam, but around here? Nah. I don't really need it to become a thing here either :V
  4. i have never heard jan this high before

    1. Zumi


      fyi he got his wisdom tooth pulled

    2. Felicity


      Abuse this. Abuse it hard

  5. Sucker Punch has been broken for a VEEERY long time. Not even just in Rejuvenation, but in Reborn as well, and AFAIK no one has found a fix for it yet. Pokemon essentials appearantly just doesn't like sucker punch that much, rip
  6. nope, chuck testa gets shot a million times im so sorry shia :>
  7. TIL that getting up early to work on stuff is actually a much better idea than i originally thought because I'm actually getting stuff done while being more awake than usual :V
  8. I'm not going as anything. Mainly because I don't really want to, but also because no one really celebrates it in the Netherlands, hence why I can't really get hyped about Halloween :V
  9. hello from the oTHER SIIIIIIIIIIDE

    1. mde2001


      I love it so much!!! I can't count how many times I've listened to it.

    2. Zumi


      same... it's such a good song tbh

      i want adele's voice

    3. Felicity


      I want monokumas voice

      I could annoy everyone and, with timing, scare the shit out of everyone

  10. sool jim turn to grif seed, must be way back

    1. Chevaleresse
    2. Shamitako


      being Meguca is suffering...

  11. youuuuuuu never saw anything

    1. Felicity


      I saw you. So, are you something, nothing, or everything?

  12. tfw two (imo) really good musicians collaborate and bring out a very good song

    1. Vinny


      so when do we get a link

    2. Arkhi


      so when do we get a zelda

    3. Zumi


      im garbage
  13. i'm pretty sure im a bit closer to death after having my lil bro jumping on my back out of the blue when i was almost falling asleep

    1. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge

      We're all a little closer to death with every second that passes =(

    2. BlueMoonIceCream
    3. Felicity



  14. tfw you're hungry as hell but don't have actual money with you to pay at a cafeteria at which they only accept cash and dont have a PIN machine :c
  15. when did it even get 2:16 pm ._. why does time fly by so fast what the hell

    1. Cepheus


      and to think that it's gonna be already dark outside in like 3 - 3 1/2 hours...

  16. I'm excited about my birthday! ...Which is in a little less than 2 months. But hey, I might get a second monitor or a TV for my room, so who am I to complain? :V
  17. the hunger is real and strong

    1. Shing


      Thank i have mah rice and chicken today c:

    2. Blanchette


      I offer to cook for you~

  18. i need to learn how to make drum 'n bass beats. like, right now tbh

    1. Arkhi


      These are literally the best, learn from them.

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Yea imo part of learning soemthing is to absorb one's self in example so of it to see what others ahve done. It's a very good supplement to learning and it helps one see it in practice.

  19. tfw you don't even feel confident anymore about the one thing you felt confident about sure it'll wave over but still
  20. self confidence? confidence in the things you like doing? ahahaha, what's that. i don't know. what's a confidence

    1. Felicity


      arrogance limited by modesty

    2. zimvader42


      Oh, confidence! I know what that is! I had it for lunch yesterday. It tastes kinda like grape juice.

    3. RasenShot


      That's the thing kewl duds have.

  21. 7:31 pm, Netherlands. I'm not even supposed to be tired at this time but i am ;_;
  22. eggs and bacon you're mistaken juuzou!
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