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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Zumi

  1. Fixed! Added it to the list. In case you find anything new, lemme know!
  2. Save in a pokemon center, then simply update all your files with the files provided in the V6 .rar for rejuvenation. Everything should work after that.
  3. i did voluntary work today but now im so burnt out and dont wanna do anything anymore rip

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. laggless01


      What kind of voluntary work?

    3. SnowGlaceon


      Well, at least you helped the community or something right?

    4. Zumi


      i work at one of twenty flower parade workplaces in my town, bc there's a huge flower parade each year done entirely by volunteers and it's a lot of fun... but also very tiring, so rip

  4. Updated the list again. Lombre is now only available through an event near Goldenleaf.
  5. In PMD, when you take an item from an in-dungeon kecleon shop (which randomly spawns in dungeon floors sometimes) without paying, a barrage of ridiculously strong kecleon starts chasing and attacking you. If you're not close to the stairways, you're practically boned if you're a low level.
  6. welp, time to get to work again :V

  7. Another useful tip: When shading, use the color wheel to slightly change the hue of the color you're shading with.This technique is applied by a LOT of artists, not just pixel artists, but it makes things usually look a lot nicer. For example, when you're shading a blue color, change the hue to a slightly more purple tone (although still a darker tone of course), but only a tiny bit. When you end up shading with 3-4 colors, you'll see that the shadow slowly fades to a darker purple instead of dark blue. Another few colors that apply with this technique is orange to red, yellow to orange (or green depending on which kind of yellow you're going for), green to blue, etc. You can try it out yourself too in order to see which colors seem nice. A few examples where said technique is used are here, here and here!
  8. bbbb so many things i wanna do and have to do but so little time...

  9. Updated! Also, try not to list pokemon that haven't changed locations, so check if a pokemon's encounter information has already been listed before reporting any.
  10. waking up earlier and earlier and earlier... i got up at 9 today. maybe there is hope for my sleep schedule after all

    1. BlueMoonIceCream


      yes, wher as I went to bed at 9 and magically woke up at 2 in the afternoon gg sleep, gg

  11. ewww its all clammy outside. it's gonna rain tonight >:V

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zumi


      it is, but not if it's like 30C outside the entire day :(

    3. Cyaloom


      Is it really that hot there?

      Here the worst has passed, though.

    4. Simon
  12. god. that ending of LiS episode 4. im dead, goodbye world, it was nice knowing you

    1. leocain


      Didn't know that game was updating, forgot all about it.

  13. Huh, i thought you wouldn't be able to get in there without beating Venam first though? I wasn't able to get in at least...
  14. It's the big building near the water not too far away from the Gearen Laboratory in the western part of Gearen city. It's locked until you've beaten Venam, though.
  15. i dont think ill be sleeping late tonight... i had a normal amount of sleep but im still tired as balls :V

  16. dhhghghh why am i awake this early

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zumi


      my bed was so comfy until my mom woke me up to babysit my lil bro :(

    3. BlueMoonIceCream


      I know how that feels to be woken up and then babysitting

    4. Simon
  17. zero regrets tho

    1. SnowGlaceon


      So... There's not going to be a sacrifice?

    2. Zumi


      not this time :^)

  18. gregory house the doctor I have a feeling we haven't seen the last of him either. I have a feeling it's gonna take more than mewtwo slamming him into OBLIBVION the pedestal to get rid of him :V
  19. Maybe not directly the representative, but Geara could be it considering he used Giratina for his own purposes. Also, Geara and Giratina sounds remotely similar, doesn't it?
  20. he's bACK

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Polaris
    3. Azeria


      Snart has returned;Zumi is in terrible Danger. Time to bring out the popcorn!

    4. Zumi
  21. too many jelly beans... blergh. i am not touching them again until at least tomorrow >:V

    1. Cepheus


      there is no such thing as "too much Jellybeans"!!! :P

    2. Marcello
  22. lies down this is what i get for using the shit out of ampharos before it got moved i want my earliest file back
  23. well guess who's not sleeping tonight because she bought a pot of jelly beans and a bottle of iced tea... huhuhu

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Eternal Edge
    3. DashingStorm


      plis share da beans

    4. Simon


      lol Zumi. I hope you're not eating the disgusting ones :T

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