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Everything posted by Zumi

  1. If I calculated it correctly with the information john gave me, the chance to get Axew or Ralts is 1 in 525. Also no, I don't think you can. good luck
  2. hi im zumi and why am i still awake

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Because you are obviusly still on whatever device you are typing this on... have you ever tried... turning it off and then trying to sleep? Might be more lucrative.

    3. Simon


      You can't avoid the sacrifice :]

    4. Meruem



  3. You sure you looked through the entirety of Valor? You should be able to activate another crystal somewhere.
  4. Are you sure you drag and dropped all the files from the V6 .rar in the folder where your Version 5 files are? Otherwise, redownloading would be a good idea, yeah.
  5. Errr... You're supposed to replace the files, not delete 'em. That might be the problem. Also, you need to drag the contents of the .rar file into the folder, not the .rar itself.
  6. Ah, alright! But yeah, this'll be added to the list of bugs. Thank you for reporting!
  7. It's closed in V6, so there's no use for it right now.
  8. Can you show a screenshot of what you did?
  9. I guess I should do an introduction as well! My name is Zumi! I'm 17 years old, I'm from the Netherlands and I'm starting at an uni for game development in September-- More specifically at the visual art department. Some people might know me from the status update bar or the Rejuvenation subforum. I've been helping out Jan with Rejuvenation from the very beginning, although that was mostly graphical stuff. I recently bought RPG Maker XP in order to help out with fixing savefiles and figure out Ruby myself a little, but I haven't really been able to really indulge myself in it. However, from now on, I'll start helping out with trying my hardest and hopefully fixing stuff in Reborn as well! ...But, like I said, I only recently bought RPG Maker, so I currently have very little experience with Ruby. I hope to change that in the upcoming weeks though, and will work hard in order to help out the best I can, so I hope you'll bear with me! I got my first Pokemon game when i was 4 years old (Blue version), and never stopped liking the series. In my free time next to playing pokemon I like to sprite, draw, compose/remix music or play fire emblem, sm4sh or animal crossing... Or nap, although not that often. I think that covers it pretty much. I'm glad I got this opportunity, and I look forward to working with everyone!
  10. These are certainly interesting views on the matter, tbh. But are there any other characters you have theories about too aside from melia?
  11. I think it has the same effect as it has in reborn. I looked it up, and quoting Amethyst, the Blue moon icecream doesn't only restore 200 HP, but also makes the pokemon's happiness skyrocket I don't know if this is the same for Rejuvenation, but I think you can assume it is.
  12. Gimme your save on the savefile troubleshooting topic, I'll get you unstuck.
  13. Replace all the files in your old rejuvenation folder with the files that come with the V6 .rar file you downloaded. It'll do the trick.
  14. [quietly slips back into fe:a hell] oops

    1. Peepeepoopoo


      Zumi clean your inbox I'm trying to holla at you.

    2. Zumi


      whOOPs alright

  15. This is an essentials error, sorry. You'll have to use ability capsules.
  16. As of right now? I don't think so. Correct me if I'm wrong though.
  17. If you haven't downloaded the patch for V6, you should do that. I believe that 6.1 has been released as well, so you should download those if you haven't. Anyways, fixed! (Download it via here, because I exceeded my attachment limit)
  18. I actually really wish to keep improving on my art and eventually end up being able to make a living of it, since drawing is the thing I love doing the most. ...And I also really hope I'll stop walking in front of my own feet, aka stop ending up thinking bad thoughts about myself and stop being too scared to approach anyone in order to become friends, because anxiety sucks and I want to stab it.
  19. the music from fe:fates from the hoshido version sounds like it could come straight out of an okami game. rei kondo, bruh

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Zumi


      rip... i recently started a playthrough on hard mode bc being the scrub i am, i've played on normal/casual on all of my files so far |D... I should try lunatic at one point tho, but i'm probably gonna die about 500 times while trying.

    3. RasenShot


      I know, I had my first file on normal/casual too, just to see how it was but my main now is Hard/Classic. You probably should start there before Lunatic.

    4. RasenShot


      I know, I had my first file on normal/casual too, just to see how it was but my main now is Hard/Classic. You probably should start there before Lunatic.

  20. ...i'm aware. i already got him back for that, but seems like i'm going to die for real once he gets back, oops he won't be able to get back at me for a while with that i kept bugging him with OP pokemon though (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖) COUGHS CLAWITZER AMPHAROS COUGH
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