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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

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Everything posted by Zumi

  1. Yep! This is something you probably should ask in the normal rejuvenation discussion topic, though
  2. Mmmm... I'd say Ampharos, but then shing or jan would probably kill me. I actually like Darmanitan a lot, even though it's a glass cannon. Same goes for Crobat, fast, strong, can inflict confusion but a ton of weaknesses and if it's not fast enough, it's probably dead. So ye! There u have it :V also clawitzer. jan axed it bc it destroyed everything in its path at one point and it was just me laughing and jan suffering and me laughing some more and then it got axed and i died a little BUT IT WAS SO WORTH IT.
  3. Here ya go! Hope that fixed it. Also, next time try posting your save in the save file troubleshooting topic.
  4. Talk to the cell bars. If you observe closely, you'll see which one. Your save is fine, otherwise.
  5. It's going to take a while for Act 2 to come out. Jan is currently on a holiday, and he won't really work on any new content for a week or two for sure, so don't expect it to be released soon.
  6. im completely out of rupees now, but that was so worth it

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Odybld


      Irl, Zumi wins. Here, Zumi's done and done and oh so done.

    3. Zumi


      too bad i'd have to cross an ocean to fight him irl... one day tho

    4. Azeria


      Settle it in a meme war smh

  7. You might have to restart your entire file if you can't do the event after you completed V6. It could be glitched for you since you switched to V6; I believe it was mentioned that switching wasn't entirely risk-free, and it might've caused the key event to have glitched out for you with your V5 save.
  8. So... With the end of Act 1 finally here, what'd you think was the most memorable part of it? Any characters, sidequests or parts of the storyline that stood out for you? I'd like to see what you guys thought! I'm probably going to make a topic like this for each act. Just make sure to put your message in a spoiler!
  9. I've tried looking for it, but I haven't found it yet. I'll let you know when I find it, though. Just replace the files in your rejuvenation with the files you get in the patch. The .rar should have folders which are named the same as the folders you originally get with the game, so it's simply drag and dropwork.
  10. soon™

    1. SnowGlaceon


      Wait... I did that. What's coming soon?

    2. Vinny


      Things are coming \o/

  11. It's most likely that the lost camp got closed due to that people would report the same error over and over and over again, or keep complaining about that it's not fixed yet. People tend to skip the known bug list before reporting the errors, so it's most likely going to stay shut until a solution has been found.
  12. Nope, I think it's just a sidequest you can do.
  13. I myself would go for a mixed set, to be able to move against pokemon that either have high defense or high special defense. you could knock 'em out with a move for which they have a lower defense stat. The set you mentioned; Bounce/X-scissor/surft/extrasensory is pretty good to have for that. But that's just what I would do, so it's probably not the best to assume that it's immediately the best choice. Other people might have some input as well :V
  14. I BOUGHT THE WRONG ITEM.... i gotta refund ppl for this bc im dumb and i feel guilty

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Azeria


      ohey you gave him my old title zzzzzzzzz still failed tho XD

    3. Peepeepoopoo


      I can give you more $R if you're going to use it for mischief

    4. Zumi


      i must destroy jan. pls

  15. sooo.... anyone got a few rupees to spare? :^)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. dead account

      dead account

      I could give you mine if you still need some. Not like I'll be using them any time soon.

    3. Zumi


      i need about 300-400 to seal the deal B)

    4. Shing
  16. Here you go! The growlithe has been obtained for you, so you should be able to continue your game now. If not, let me know!
  17. im so excited r/n oh my god

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Zumi


      i meant to say that im gonna be busy most of sunday, but have time on monday. whoops

    3. Polaris


      Congrats Zumi :)

    4. Simon


      Oh that xD Congrats!

  18. The daycare is unlocked after the 3rd gym.
  19. helioptile is gonna have to replace my amphy for now in this new run... damn it. im switching to ampharos as soon as possible tho :(

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Zumi


      i am NOT resetting an entire day for eevee. jan is gonna make the chance rate of getting it just as low as the ralts and axew rate is :(

    3. Peepeepoopoo


      Or you could just open up the game in RPGM and give yourself an Axew or Eevee if you really wanted one as your starter.

    4. Zumi


      nah im good. i have a shiny piplup :^)

  20. I already answered...? Are you stuck on something else still?
  21. im awake but at what cost

  22. decided to start a new run, got tired of softresetting for the new starter, picked piplup as a starter for the heck of it bc almost no one uses it and when i battle amaria it turns out to be SHINY. fsdkfjgdflkj. BOY I DIE. anyways, name suggestions for pokemon are always open :> ...and also pokemon suggestions in general. i have a piplup and a pidove as of right now. (pidove bc of my icon. huhuhuhu)
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