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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Zumi

  1. ah yes, starly starly actually used to be able to be found in the wild near goldenwood forest in the very early stages of rejuvenation (i think even before release?) before it got axed for a very long time due to that it wrecked everything in it's path lmaO another flying type that i abused the shit out of while testing bc it was 2STRONK, huhuhuhu... im sorry guys
  2. guess who woke up at a normal time for a change? yes. thats right.

    1. Shing


      oh mai.


    2. Shing


      Also btw, the location thing.

  3. Stand in front of one, and press A. it doesn't apply to the first floor though, because you don't need to do so there.
  4. Perhaps it's because the same object is being downloaded by multiple people at the same time? Could be a reason, or else it's just internet or mega/mediafire perhaps.
  5. rip status update bar. you will be buried in rejuvenation hype

    1. Vinny


      hype > status

  6. Thank you! I only did some graphical updates and some of the music, but we're glad you guys were all patient until the very last moment with waiting for the release. We really hope you guys will enjoy the game!
  7. We hope you guys will enjoy the update! (I most certainly did.)
  8. ok for real this time. ARE YOU GUYS EXCITED

    1. Zumi



    2. Azeria



    3. SnowGlaceon


      But are they worthy?

      (No one is prepared Zumi, NO ONE)

  9. are you guys ready. are you?

  10. if zubat didn't get moved, keta would've been a whole lot easier to beat, honestly. golbat absolutely wiped the floor with keta because it was so fast :V might've kinda maybe perhaps been my fault that it got moved tho bc it wrecked everything in my path while testing and jan got salty.... huhuhu
  11. i could really go for some starbucks right now tbh :V too bad the one that's closest to me is like 16 miles away. sobs

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Omega_Ra1der


      curse you, now I want some caramel frapp even it irritate my bladder.

  12. kaneki ken did nothing wrong

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Simon



    3. Chevaleresse



    4. Zumi


      homura did everything wrong

  13. You can. I bought it via steam as well, and I can use essentials just fine.
  14. mmmmm dat thunder tho

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Abyssreaper99


      I love listening to storms too. The sounds created every time it thunders is so cool and then the soft pitter-patter of rain that accompanies it makes it all soothing.

    3. Sunbean


      I love thunder but it's WAY too extreme where I live... not so much a rumble, but like a giant is eating chips while jumping around .-.

    1. zimvader42


      wait....that avi....could it be....cheermancy?

  15. Thanks yo! I'm happy to be able to help more now!
  16. well, i got knocked out of a smash tournament without winning even once. ironically, i beat the guy who beat me in the loser bracket twice after the tournament matches... why couldn't it be the other way around ahhHHHH

    1. Simon


      Nice try Zumi, maybe you'll do better next time.

  17. mmmmm why does it take an entire week for a new chapter of tg:re to come out. lies down

    1. Plok


      shh patience is a virtue

    2. Jan


      Attack on titan takes a month :P.

    3. Zumi


      but i'm not as into that as i am in tg tho :(

  18. my mom's baking bacon and it smells so good *q*

    1. Lord Chespin

      Lord Chespin

      To quote the comedian Jim Gaffigan, "Bacon is so good, even the sound of it cooking sounds like applause! 'Yay, Bacon!'"

    2. Fumble


      No, Zumi. Just no.

  19. oH MY GOD. i forgot to put my alarm on and now my mom woke me up at 2:40 pm ;_: i need to get my sleep schedule fixed

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Peepeepoopoo


      But it's summer

    3. Shing


      Not so long darkspite.

    4. Tringus


      DarkSpite, that's what people say before they end up breaking their sleep schedules. I thought the same thing a long time ago, but now my sleep schedule is out of balance. Though this week, I've been actually trying to put in effort to fix my sleep schedule problem.

  20. i think im becoming friends with an artist on twitter and they're rly nice and we keep sharing ideas and drawings and its a lot of fun tbh ;v; i really hope we can share more art n stuff because i always like meeting more artists tbh

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