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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Zumi

  1. One time, since the event repeat machine is bugged with most people.
  2. my lil bro broke off the keys off my mom's laptop and my mom is Fucking Pissed h my god

  3. 1) they changed in a very good way. the story makes a ton more sense now that it's been revisited, so please just give it a shot. not to mention that the maps all look a lot better and makes the overall story experience a lot more fun. Sure, it's 20 hours, but they're 20 hours well spent and you won't regret it a single bit. Plus, I don't even think that many pokemon were axed, just moved to a later point in the game. 2) A lot of new features are used during the story, so if you're past it you might miss out on some new stuff. 3) you won't know until you play for yourself :>
  4. Nah, it's still in the cove in corta forest, no worries.
  5. famke emblem: awakening

  6. I'm probably starting a new run tonight too. What i did first was play through the update, but not the whole game since i had to find the major bugs first. But yes, like everyone else is saying, you should definitely start a new run. So many things have changed and it's totally worth it to see it all from the very beginning again. i'll miss my precious ampharos and crobat tho... cries for 5 years
  7. is it weird that im not fazed by creepypastas or horror stories at all? :V

    1. Lord Chespin

      Lord Chespin

      Nah. A pretty big chunk of the Creepypastas out there aren't that well-written. Just look up "It WIll Get Worse."

  8. jan's icon makes me want to punch a fish too

    1. Shing


      And your avatar is question me about my anime life.

    2. Zumi


      general liberal, deflation spiral, natural mineral, come on! ≖ ͜ ≖

  9. http://i.gyazo.com/d5051956bd5ec3b39bf3b4d20e2e3652.png this is probably the hardest sprite edit i've made ;_;
    1. Lord Chespin

      Lord Chespin

      Who is it? Yandere-chan?

    2. Azeria


      Can't tell if hurrying or just clumsy..

    3. Meruem


      needs toast in her mouth

      "OH, im so late to school, i hope senpai notices me!!"

  10. i woke up at 1:40 pm.... ooPS

    1. Zumi
    2. Shing


      No 4:20 pm, i'm dissapointed.

  11. Older version of rejuv, most likely. :V
  12. google searches: how to not let small things get to you and end up in a miserable blob of tears

    1. Peepeepoopoo


      Things to google next; stress/anxiety management techniques

    2. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      /me pats.

      It's ok. If you just tell yourself you don't give a fuck for a REALLLLLLY long time. You eventually won't.

    3. Jan


      ^ Same.

  13. Strange, since my golbat evolved kinda fast actually... Then again, it was available in amethyst cave when i got it and i used the hell out of it against keta, so that might also be a reason. But ya, you'd think it would've evolved by now. Kinda sucks tbh, but if you let it faint a lot, the friendship decreases too, so be wary of how you train it.
  14. [internal screaming about fire emblem fates]

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Zumi


      b o t h

      and maybe the third path too once it's available

    3. RasenShot


      If they do the same they did with Awakening's release, then I'm sorry...

    4. Zumi


      i'd fucking cry

  15. Nah, it's getting moved, not axed. But yeah, people will have a harder time :V i am so glad i got it early, hot damn
  16. Zumi


    zubat can be found in the cave close to the research center in corta forest.
  17. if i ever did a stream to show how i pixel stuff, would anyone be interested in watching? i mean, i still sprite differently from the style gamefreak has but...

  18. the shinies i've caught in rejuvenation are purrloin and oddish, and two others which you can encounter in v6 but i won't tell which ones until v6 is released of course! :>
  19. And to think a lot of trainers had to be nerfed bc op....
  20. ayyyy macarena

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. zimvader42


      Dale a tu cuerpo alegria macarena, eeeeh, macarena, a-Aay!


  21. I wasn't into competitive before rejuvenation either, and tbh, i had the worst trouble at first when playing the game, so that's definitely true. It's kinda funny to see how shofu plays it tho and how poor he often does, i'm not even gonna lie :V venam kept kicking my ass. psdkjgdlkfj.
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