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Everything posted by Zumi

  1. to do list: get better orchestral vst instruments, get better at fl studio, aquire glitchxcity's skill in music making, make rly cool music n stuff. oh boy, that's gonna take a while.

    1. Peepeepoopoo


      Music theory isn't learned in a day.

    2. Zumi


      i know, and i have some experience, but the instruments i have to my access are like... meh? and very limited too, so that's also a reason why i can't really make most songs how i WANT them to sound like, but DO have an idea of how they're supposed to sound, rip

      still, i still need to work on my composing skills in general bc it still isn't optimal :V

    3. Zumi


      ...and i'm also very impatient sometimes when i want to learn something or work on something. whoops

  2. That something is still going on, or progress is being made on something. It means something isn't finished or done yet.
  3. *chants* get an ampharos get an ampharos get an ampharos jk, but ampharos is a good addition to your team, or at least put it in rotation. mareep is gonna get axed in v6, so i'd suggest getting it while you can :V it's gonna prove being useful in a lot of situations, tbh.
  4. frankly i wouldn't be surprised if jan actually did that
  5. On the ship? Nope. There's a shack on terajuma shore though, which has someone in it that sells reverse candies iirc.
  6. If i recall correctly, Spoink was available as an event pokemon in Ren's house in an earlier version of the game. Maybe try looking into that, otherwise we'll just have to wait for a later version which would give spoink to us :V
  7. I've only been able to beat Yveltal as well. god bless ampharos for being bulky as hell and parafusion. huehue
  8. At least he got ampharos before V6 comes out
  9. do you ever feel so groggy and sleepy that you're simply not tired anymore

  10. so i woke up at 6, biked 50km for fun, then crashed into bed for like 3 hours, then was awake for about 6 hours and then fell asleep again. and now i'm awake again. but damn, that biking round took a toll on my energy and my legs ._.

    1. InvalidCode


      Moral of the story: don't bike

    2. Sutoratosu


      so you rode... 31 miles... on a bike. in the morning. for FUN???

  11. Just replace your old savefile with the new one, and you're set.
  12. yet another day is passing without me being remotely productive :V

  13. Zumi


    look at the pinned threads, it's in between there.
  14. got up at 7:50... its 1 pm and im barely awake anymore .____. i should've gone to bed earlier... i only got like 3 hours of sleep

  15. In the sewers of gearen there's a chinese food restaurant. the chinese food you can buy there restores 50 hp, iirc.
  16. finally the weather is getting a bit colder here so now i won't be as energy and motivation deprived :V back to work i guess

  17. Jan will most likely point out in the post with the release of V6 where it's safe to save your game before updating to the new version, so no worries
  18. ARGH, THIS SUMMER HEAT. please go away, it'd be appreciated by probably the entire netherlands

  19. tried to actually go outside and get a tan, but nope. the heat is unbearable @_@

    1. Omega_Ra1der


      I have practically a natural tan on my lower arms. Not mean to brag.

  20. not sure if sarcastic or not aware that a lot of people actually use blaziken...
  21. When you go through the cave that you went through to find Amber, there's another path leading to a forest clearing. Just explore the cave a bit more and you should be able to find it.
  22. im going to boil on wednesday ;_; its gonna be like 35°C and i have to sit in a poorly isolated building for the graduation ceremony, so it's gonna be like 45°C in there at least. cries

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