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Everything posted by Zumi

  1. let's just say that your patience will definitely be rewarded :> i'm sure you guys will like what it has in store. just a little longer...
  2. 1) Most likely somewhere in July. 2) Nope, but Jan did say you can start your quest to find the mega stones in V6.
  3. congrats america on marriage equality!

  4. Welp, then it must've gotten axed earlier on then.
  5. You can explore Amethyst cave a bit more now you have surf. You should be able to find it with the help of it.
  6. i have to get up early tomorrow but i dont wanna >:T

  7. Nope, Jan axed it in V5.
  8. crobat wrecks everything with acrobatics john actually moved it to a later point in the game bc i destroyed keta with golbat when testing lmAO and is also a good pokemon to have confuse ray on, so that one would definitely not hurt having either. it dies easily from rock/electric/psychic attacks (with a slight chance of a clutch) though so you gotta know when to use it :V
  9. now everything is ready and my project can finally make big progress :^)

    1. Peepeepoopoo


      Zumi's project big tomorrow?

  10. heyy thank you, i was the one who made that song! i'm super glad you like it
  11. oh. my god. i got my new laptop ;____; ITS LITERALLY ALL I'VE DREAMT OF

  12. ok i must sleep the memes are becoming too powerful

  13. palms are sweaty. knees weak arms spaghetti mom's spaghetti

  14. hahahaha what is a sleep? i dont know. i mean im shaking and all and im actually kind of cold but sleep? never heard of it. i refuse to look up the definition or try it out for myself

  15. inb4 a secret end boss is sunkern with 125 base stat on everything
  16. I believe this is the song you're looking for? incase you wanted a youtube version...
  17. old man yelling at cloud

  18. If you don't skip any of the text, you should be able to figure out where to go though ._. i don't really get how it wouldn't direct you into the right direction tho, i've been able to figure everything out myself... Also, stocking up on potions is also pretty useful. When you get access to super potions, buy them. You won't get hyper potions until much later, so before heading into anything that you think is xen-related, stock up on a ton of potions and sell anything you don't use if you think you don't have enough money to buy enough.
  19. gg no re jk, i look forward to the return of shing
  20. Ampharos survives at least one hit from earthquake most of the time, giving it a chance to confuse the enemy with confuse ray (or inflict paralysis, if it's not a ground type) :V Quick claw can also help with inflicting status effects. If it has nothing to counter the type it's up against, you can just switch it out if the enemy's confused and send out a pokemon that IS effective against it. Not to mention that Heliolisk heavily depends on TM/HM's to get moves that can cover its weaknesses, otherwise it only has 13 moves that it can learn just from leveling up, which are mostly electric/normal/ground. Also, dat fighting weakness so a pokemon with technician, mach punch and something that boosts fighting move power/attack would be a problem ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ Ampharos is only weak to ground (unless it's mega evolved, but that won't be happening for a very long time jan hates me) and has a better learnset when leveling up, giving it power gem not too late at level 36, signal beam at 51 and dragon pulse at 65. Sure, it can't deal with as many types as heliolisk does when given the right TM's (of which the most aren't even available yet with the exception of surf), but the moves it can learn are stronger for the most part, and overall is capable of dealing more damage attack AND sp. atk wise+being able to resist more. its bulkiness makes up for it being so slow, but even then that can be covered with a quick claw and some luck in it activating :V
  21. (ᓄಠ_ಠ)ᓄ fight me ampharos has a higher base stat sure it's a lot slower than heliolisk i'll give you that, but it's bulkier, has better sp. atk and more balanced def/sp.def stats also mega ampharos ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
  22. I put a quick claw on my own ampharos, it reeeaaally helped me out in a pinch tbh. I often managed to paralyze/confuse pokemon before they could touch me, and it really helped out, but a zap plate for ampharos is good too :0
  23. That's why it's important to always have some reverse candies on you :V I don't know if they got past Madelis, but there'd be a house on the beach of Terajuma selling reverse candies, iirc. But yeah, no reverse candies in jail.
  24. someone please buy me a pizza ;_;

    1. Nova


      You want pizza? Because that's how you get pizza.

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