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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Zumi

  1. he actually used multiple remixes of the primal dialga/fogbound lake theme for terajuma island and its routes/towns, so i think he won't use it for the champion anymore ;_; agreed tho, i love primal dialga's theme. it's so good ;;
  2. im so excited about persona 5 tbh? i just wish i had a ps4 :V

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Felicity


      Ouch. Rip thy soul

    3. Shing


      You can get my ps3 for free lol.

      Nah jk, i don't know about mailing.

      I don't use my ps3 anymore :P

  3. when u win on 9.0 mode classic smash but barely don't break your record with 1000 points :T

    1. Guzam


      Now beat it without losing any lives :V

  4. wooow i just had the biggest dejavu ._. do you ever do or experience something and you're like "i swear i did this before but i also don't remember doing it"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shing



    3. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      I remember reading a couple cool (if absolutely non-scientific) theories about that somewhere...

    4. Cepheus


      Matrix / previous Savepoint loaded etc. :P

  5. delete all grass types. whats a grass type? never heard of it
  6. all around me are familiar faces

    1. Felicity


      worn out places

  7. inb4 puzzle harder or longer than crawli's puzzle i could totally see it happen
  8. It's a popular pokémon and a lot of people use it, which is probably why he decided to axe it ...but it also depends on how broken the pokemon is in playthrough cough ampharos cough
  9. I don't think it'll be power up punch, since that one was replaced with bulk up bc it was really broken, but uh... low sweep maybe?
  10. ampharos or riot ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ when ur fav gets axed.... rip
  11. yep, the harbor is a lot more organized now (jan redid the entire map) iirc from what i saw on jan's screenshots. there won't be as much of a mess like before!
  12. i love it when i skip to a random part of the video and it just happened to be a moment where someone makes a really weird noise

  13. now im just marathoning anime i used to watch a few years ago omg ._. what's up with the nostalgia today?

    1. Peepeepoopoo


      You old fart you

    2. Zumi


      im like 90 years old u got me

  14. lmAO its fine omg ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
  15. cant believe i found myself watching videos from years ago again. at one side im kinda like why but on the other hand, ah.... the memories

    1. Shing


      How i felt with yt poops.

  16. thanks jan, now im craving crepes

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KingRyan


      people like crepes - gavin free

    3. Peepeepoopoo


      I can make you some.

    4. Cepheus


      pancakes > crepes

      (literally :P)

  17. pfffft

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Zumi
    3. Peepeepoopoo


      Whoever denied it supplied it.

    4. Abyssreaper99


      Whoever did the rhyme did the crime.

  18. I know, I said I might come over as crabby about it as well, but I have no intentions of actually upsetting people, so if i seemed like a joykiller I apologize. I never said you can't stop discussing about which pokemon will appear or which will not, I'm simply saying that you shouldn't ask Jan constantly (and this is something you should consider doing not because I say so, but rather try thinking how he feels about things before you do something). It's perfectly fine to discuss about it, seriously! Also, I don't mean to put anyone below myself or to look down on others, so if i sounded like that, I'm sorry about that too, really. I never meant it to be like that. Anyways, I rest my case and I'd really rather not escalate things in this topic. If you still want to talk about it, it's fine if you want to PM me about it.
  19. what jan does is up to him. besides, you're not being forced to ask which pokemon is going to replace it, so it's an option to figure it out for yourself in v6.
  20. why do i end up watching these mildly disturbing videos on youtube sometimes??? like sometimes i come across some really creepy shit and im just like "how did i end up here again"

    1. zimvader42


      That's the weird part of youtube. Everyone with a computer and internet is bound to end there at some point.

  21. good afternoon y'all

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shing


      Good afternoon you too Zumi.

    3. Odybld


      I'm one hour ahead of the Netherlands. It's morning. In 20 minutes, it'll be noon.

  22. 5 am. i probably should sleep, oops

    1. Vinny


      Who needs sleep anyway...


    2. KingRyan


      puny weak mor.....zzzz.....

  23. i COULD be wrong tho, so please take it with a grain of salt :V maybe someone else knows better than me :V
  24. The daycare isn't available in v5 iirc
  25. Jan WILL have all pokemon at the end of Rejuvenation, it simply doesn't mean many of those pokémon that you want so bad will be available anytime soon. I feel like you're kinda taking Jan's reply towards some things (such as the constand asking for ditto) as a joke, and... it doesn't really sit well. I know I might sound a little bit crabby about this topic, but I've dealt with stuff similar to this before and it's... mildly annoying to see the same questions asked over and over again when you don't want to answer them. It ruins the surprise of things! It'll be more fun to discover things yourself, or to just let the creator decide if they want to show or tell things about the game. That way, not too many of the suprises no longer will be a surprise, and the creator can hand out details on their own tempo, without feeling forced to do so. Again, I ask you guys to be patient and demand less answers or things to be added (back) into the game. Everything will come in time, it's simply a matter of waiting. Probably a few more weeks (please take this with a grain of salt bc i have no clue how far Jan is with everything, i only helped updating the graphics), and you'll get your V6, so y'all better be prepared
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