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Everything posted by Zumi

  1. wow i actually managed to beat jan at smash once holy shit

  2. one day, i will not be broke 24/7

    1. Shamitako



      Oh wait, I have ten dollars ATM, NVM *Parties* Oh, um, now I'm broke again...

  3. blast ball? blasting balls. amazing

  4. ryu and roy are being released today? oh god, time to not go on the smash servers today if i don't want to die from lag

    1. Solarance
    2. Zumi


      rip nintendo servers tho

    3. Shing
  5. mmmmm i need to start learning how to use fl studio properly soon :V

  6. im so bad at drawing dynamic poses ;_;

  7. oh god whats going oN

  8. god i'd say what i've been working on but hhhngng i can't show much aside from artwork and i want to show something that looks remotely complete rip

  9. god i'd say what i would be working on but hhhngng i can't show much aside from artwork and i want to show something that looks remotely complete rip

  10. oh boy, so there's this flower parade in my town and the order in which the floats will pass by has been announced, and the float from the workgroup i'm part of is going to pass by last .____. not to mention that all the results for the prizes are announced DURING the parade, so this is really bad for my incapability to deal with suspense about things which im passionate about >_>

    1. Peepeepoopoo


      Yay flowers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

  11. Tbh, Mega's aren't going to be usable by the player in the game for a long time. Like Jan said a while back, you can start collecting them in some form, but how and what and when still has to be specified. So yeah, for now, you won't be able to use them, and like you said, the worse ones are probably going to be given first. probably won't see mega metagross or ampharos anytime soon. sad face
  12. i like how what you give is what you get is a saying that applies to so many things, even the smallest things and it can be great but also very terrifying and that often makes me think.

  13. i like how what you give is what you get is a saying that applies to so many things, even the smallest things and it can be both great but also terrifying

  14. Well, Jan DID say all pokémon would be available at one point, so that probably means Beedrill WILL get his mega... probably just not anytime soon. Jan isn't that nice to give it anywhere before endgame, probably :V Especially considering it's really fast...
  15. when you try your best, but you don't succeed when you get what you want, but not what you need... but yeah, the increased shiny rate doesn't make it as bad as it would be
  16. The encounter thing is bullshit tbh One time i was searching for a sandslash which had a decent encounter rate (about 5 or 15% i think) and it took me like an hour before i found one ._. it was bad
  17. i just realized i have almost 3 months of absolutely no obligations. this is amazing

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Zumi


      i'm probably getting a job bc i want money so i can buy more games and hide in my room for days

    3. Zumi


      besides, i have plenty of things i want to work on, so i don't think ill be bored very fast, hehe

    4. Simon


      same. im a lazy butt tho so idk ;-;

  18. i just realize i have almost 3 months of absolutely no obligations. this is amazing

  19. You can find gothita on route 2, not in Amethyst cave. You can find zubat as a normal encounter in Amethyst cave, though.
  20. i can't believe math was my highest grade ._. i thought i fucked that topic up

    1. Shamitako


      Math is E-zed

    2. Shing


      I'm proud of you, math for life.

  21. oh my god i juST CHECKED MY MAIL AND I GOT ACCEPTED INTO THE GAME DEVELOPMENT STUDY TOO!!! today is the best day ever holy fucking shit

  22. I GRADUATED!!!

  23. if im not online tomorrow please assume im dead for not having graduated or something :V i'm gonna go play some smash and then sleep, so wish me luck tomorrow! i'm supposed to hear if im graduating between 11 am and 12 pm, rip

    1. RasenShot


      Good luck. I'm in a similiar situation but the difference is that I already know I didn't graduate. Hope you get more lucky! :]

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