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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Zumi

  1. Ah yes, that wiki. It's funny that you mention it because one of my friends actually started that one, but never really updated it afterwards. I made my own attempt of making a wiki for rejuvenation when my laptop broke and had no access to drawing tools, but i ended up letting it fall into abandonment as well :V But yeah, having a wiki for this game wouldn't even be half bad of an idea, so I'll help out if more people are willing to help.

  3. im deep in eurovision hell. dont mind me

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wendel


      lol same xD

    3. Arkhi


      Gyaradoskiller claims another victim.

    4. Wendel


      Well at least I'm glad my country didn't make it xD Her song was so horrible... and don't get me started on the original dress

  4. quick someone buy me a "change someone's icon" i need to meme on jan

  5. https://36.media.tumblr.com/e73a076855c0a627ccd3faca366dc5bb/tumblr_notbkyKaXl1u0tvbao1_540.jpg god damn bike. why do i have to make this as an entry assignment for my study. im going to fight it
  6. The thing shing is referring to is something you can also use INSTEAD of an escape rope in caves to escape the place. Yes, the ladder is of relevance, but there's something else you need to do.
  7. Nope, it's available in Kristiline Town. You need a good rod for it, though.
  8. i just want my new laptop ;-;

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zumi
    3. Shing



      No laptop, no sprites for you :c

    4. Zumi



  9. mmmmm i must find another way to mess with jan. i must save up my rupees...

  10. why is geography so much shit to study for. im burning. my hand is dying. goodnight sweet zumi

  11. i woke up early with the mindset of "DAMN I AM GOING TO BE SO PRODUCTIVE TODAY" but i don't want to do anything at all right now

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Cepheus


      oh it's 6 in the morning and I'm wide awake... but the bed is sooo comfy... let me just keep lying in bed for another 5 minutes

      *later* holy crap it's suddenly 9 in the morning... and I'm tired as hell... I want to sleep...

    3. Zumi
  12. holy hell. never thought i'd see the day someone would beat madame x like that, damn
  13. i have been enlightened
  14. Still, fire types aren't exactly the bulkiest of pokemon and have a fair amount of weaknesses, and I can only say that those weaknesses will be exploited more and more in the future. It's best to have a good coverage of multiple types in your team if you're going to want to survive :V
  15. after i finish this, i should sleep. bc getting up early to study and then using the rest of the day to work on my interview assignments is a thing i must do.

  16. for every death toll jan will push back the date... we must run
  17. it's to slowly increase hype until it reaches m a x i m u m v e l o c i t y and people are too god damn excited about V6. Would be fun to see that happen B^)
  18. mmmm im so excited to work on my project but i won't reveal it until at least september probably, depending how fast i make progress :V

  19. That's actually something that goes with misc. fixes, so that'll be taken care of
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