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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Zumi

  1. hm? hmmmmm? Seems like a small snippet of a picture has been found... Who could this be?
  2. pick 4 people who would be suitable for each role in this picture, any 4 people 


    1. Chrixai


      The fighter please. 💪🏾

    2. Commander


      Can I be the guy who is sitting next to the fighter?

    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      ill be the bottom left, thanks

  3. yee, and i cannot stress this enough, haw


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      wait hold up I didnt even


      I havent even done anything you shitheads

    3. Zumi



    4. Swampellow


      sorry bibs, whenever Zumi complains it is your fault at least 90% of the time.

  5. i realized that there's a recurring pattern in which every time i post a status update that isn't about something i made or something serious, it just results in bibs flinging some fuckin remark at my head for no fuckin reason


    fuck u bibs

  6.  hi i did a thing (click post pls)

  7. why is it that none of the things i post show up in my activity feed anymore. the only thing that showed up recently was when i posted my remix. what is this hot garbage

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. seki108


      Ame or whoever fixes this stuff already knows, so it'll be fixed......eventually.  Apparently there's a forum update today, so fingers crossed 

    3. Dreamy


      yea they've been borked for a few weeks, hopefully todays maint might fix

    4. Zumi
  8. Hasn't really crossed my mind to do so, nope! I'm likely gonna stick to just Rejuvenation as I think being involved with one art project that involves that much pixel work is enough for me already, as I also have other things i want to work on ;v; But maybe someday I'll do a mockup?? iunno, not very likely but it's not out of the question
  9. Hey guys! I'm back again with some more Neat Graphic Updates(TM). And it's quite a significant update, too! Lots of sprites have received cosmetic upgrades since the last update! ...what do you mean i'm supposed to be working on school or other things. i have no clue what you're talking about. shut ur hell mouth. ANYWAYS This time, the first thing we're covering are some upgrades to the sprites for the player characters. All of the protagonists that got a design overhaul in V10 have received a slight cosmetic upgrade to their backsprites! This is to make sure they're consistent in quality compared to the other backsprites that received an upgrade last week. I also actually forgot to upgrade Keta's backsprites last time (he actually has a complete sprite sheet in comparison to the rest -- so I didn't see his in the graphics folder at first. big oops), so his is included as well in this list. Before and afters in the spoiler below! Next up is something some people might've been waiting for in the meantime as well; the design overhauls for the two remaining protagonists that didn't get an overhaul in V10 -- Alain and Aero! Both received a pretty significant upgrade in their designs, though Alain's a little bit more drastic in terms of color scheme and look compared to Aero. Each of their new looks can be found in the spoilers below! Keep in mind that the protagonists' designs aren't made with a specific gender in mind, but are moreso designed with a personality in mind. You'll be able to pick any of the protagonist's designs regardless of whether you pick to play as a male, female or nonbinary protagonist! And to finish this post off; last but not least, some more sprite edits of some major characters I forgot to upgrade last time. As with the others, you can see the differences in the spoiler! so yeah maybe i have gone a bit overboard with the amount of sprites i did for v11 only already. BUT HEY at least it'll make the game more enjoyable!!! right??? ? ? i hope. my hand is dying EITHER WAY ENJOY!!!
  10. school pls stop kicking my ass thanks

    1. Garnet.


      cheers mate ill drink 2 tht

    2. CrossImpact


      if it kicks one cheek, hold out the other too 😤

    3. Ojama Yellow
  11. meh i don't think updating *only* battle sprites is gonna compare much to the 65+ ish sprites and sprite updates i've done for just V11 only, which includes more complex stuff like mugshots and backsprites (which take up a lot more time to edit) :^) ....though i guess there's still another few i might want to update before v11's release because while counting the amount of sprite edits i've done made me realize i forgot to do some. oops.
  12. I know! Though I'm the type who cares about the little details, so making the backsprites look good was also one of my things on the priority list. Basically my goal for V11 was to do updates for all of the major characters' sprites, even if it's something you only see briefly in battle. Though at some point I may just go ham and give literally every trainer sprite in the game an update, LOL But that's probably something I'm gonna save for the final version of Rejuv. Depends.
  13. it feels good to get something out of the way you haven't been looking forward to doing at all. it sucks when it involves having to disappoint someone in some way or another, but thankfully the person picked it up properly and we ended up just having a good chat about whatever a few hours afterwards, so all's well ends well

  14. Hewwo! Wewcome to the Wejuvenation cwuise!!! Zumi repowting fow duty to bwing you some more pwetty gwaphicaw updates that you will see in V11!! This time, ouw speciawity of the day is backspwites!! Pwease enjoy the fine wowk in the spwoilews bewow. Hawve fun duwing your time on the cwuise as we twavel to our dwestination of V11's welease!!!!!!!
  15. Hey @calmseismitoad and @ArcBolt27, might be better to move this conversation to PM's so they don't clog up the dev thread here!
  16. big stinky

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. CrossImpact


      now the problem is that Shinon is a racist ass-hat.

    3. Swampellow


      stop smelling bibs zoomi.

    4. Zumi


      yeah i probably should 😕

  17. its october my dudes........ 🎃

  18. while y'all are waiting for v11, have a doodle of a certain crazy ice lady i did for a warmup earlier today :^) ...fun fact, i actually have to start the game over myself as well because my SSD died a few weeks ago and it was Pain(TM) but it's a good excuse to play the game when u gotta test it, don't you think? :V
  19. hewwo??? i made a hat in time remix (click on the status so u can see it)


    1. Swampellow


      OwO what’s this 

      *notices ur remix* 


      V nice zumba 

    2. Caimie
  20. I BET U THOUGHT THAT WAS THE LAST OF THE UPDATES AND I BET U THOUGHT I WAS DEAD TOO well ur right because i honestly kinda was for a good while because summer is always kind of hell for me BUT I AM BACK AND WITH SOME MORE SPRITE REVISIONS!!! In the spoiler are before and afters for a majority of the gym leader's battle sprites!! ....And not just that! I've also got a previously unfought character's VS sprite at the very end for everyone to see for the very first time. Dare to open and find out? :]
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