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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Zumi

  1. hey!! i'm looking for a few additional artists for my game, please read this post for more information! 


  2. It's best to have played V10's content before this as it'll give a bit more context!
  3. That's not the problem, the thing was that you were being incredibly condescending about it in a way by saying that it's "the most tumblr thing you've read on this site", that's what's the problem (you probably know that tumblr doesn't really have a good reputation anyways). Your manner of speech is backhanded and condescending and may come off as rude more than anything else, so please think twice before you say something, you might unintentionally upset someone. Regardless, let's drop this discussion. This topic isn't meant for drama.
  4. Man... Just let people enjoy their things. It's not that hard.
  5. Oh no! I Made A Small Insignificant Mistake! Big whoop. Not to be rude but that was 1) completely uncalled for and 2) try to stay on topic, as this isn't what this topic is for. You may wanna be careful with what you're saying. Anyways, If I may add to this thread myself, probably my favourite thing about Rejuv is how distinct the characters are. You can really tell they're different people, and I love that a lot! Also, the route designs are 10/10 and their aesthetics all make them like unique and beautiful areas!
  6. tfw at school and i'm stuck in meeting limbo... and every time there's time between meetings, it's not enough to get me focused to work on stuff for the project OTL

    1. GenEric


      Why does school need meetings?

    2. Zumi


      im on a group project, i follow a game dev study

  7. So! I've made a thread like this before, but let's spread some positivity about this game, shall we? Tell me your favourite thing about Rejuvenation! This can be anything, from custom graphics to the music to the storyline, although of course it'd be best if it was directly related to the game, and not like "[x] song is good", because it's not directly made by the team working on Rejuvenation. Make sure to put any V10 related content, if it's some of your favourite stuff, in a spoiler tag!


    now lemme take another 3 years until i finish eventing......... laughs into the sun

    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      ...I legitimately read that as v1 of rejuv at first and thought you were still trolling

  9. There's been some changes to the Goldenleaf area, until then you won't see much different.
  10. Guys, don't actually spam the thread or you will get a warning fwiw
  11. Have a problem? Are you stuck? Place your save file here and we'll fix it ASAP! PLEASE PATCH YOUR GAME TO THE LATEST PATCH IF THERE'S ONE AND YOU HAVEN'T DONE SO YET! Q: How do I attach my savefile?
  12. Note: This is not a bug! Don't report it as your post will be ignored.
  13. PLEASE READ THE BUGLIST BEFORE POSTING. THIS IS NOT THE SAVE FILE TROUBLESHOOTING THREAD. Green - Fixed in current patch. Red - Still present Yellow - Fixed, but not in the current version Buglist:
  14. Hey guys, so for those who want a bit more insight on V1 of Rejuvenation, the game is going to turn into a mobile gacha game! You'll obtain most of your pokemon through the random pokemon dispenser, and you'll be able to use those pokemon to progress through the game. You can use Real Life Currency to buy Pokeballs to catch Pokemon in the wild, but you can also use money to earn Jan Bucks(TM), which will let you buy supplies like repels and potions. Hope you guys are looking forward to it
  15. man...... v1 of rejuv is gonna be amazing..... downgraded graphics and everything 😩👌

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DemICE




      Here's something to listen to while playing v1

    3. seki108


      If we are downgrading, I will only an accept E.T.-level  product that will be remembered decades from now.

    4. Commander


      Still better than chrono trigger steam

  16. ohohohoho

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ojama Yellow
    3. Hycrox




      swoosh swoosh swoosh swoosh swoosh swoosh

    4. Sayia



  17. in anticipation for the release of V10, here's a small preview of the cover art!! :3c
  18. ayyyy the updated mugshots are finally here, done by yours truly :^) enjoy!!
  19. back at it again at krispy kreme

    [backflips and hits the fuckign wall,]

    1. Maelstrom


      Easy on the sugar there, zooms.

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