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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Zumi


    1. Dreamy


      Chairs are people too.

    2. Jmanultrax1


      You need rights to sit on a chair

    3. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      I won't stand for people disrespecting chairs.

  2. Variables, switches and conditional branches are your best friend! If you make a certain choice, you can set a variable to be higher or lower (or a switch to be turned on or off), depending on whether your response is good or bad, and use that variable/switch to determine a certain dialogue or result later on with conditional branches. In RPG maker it's very easy to set variables and switches as they're part of events, not scripts, so you'll get the hang of them fast enough.

    1. Maelstrom


      scatter arrow needs a nerf pls.

  4. http://prnt.sc/f3dwgr art is hard but lucio is pure so i don't mind

    1. Hycrox



  5. i don't know what it is today but i seem to have had a short fuse today and i'm sorry

    1. Felicity


      its a shame this didnt happen on 4/20, your fuse being lit would have meant something entirely different.

  6. welp, i completely missed that then. i'll leave it to them in that case :] also there's a magenta outline because it looks nicer with the light pink shading for the white used in the sprites :V it really doesn't look out of place to me tbf, you gotta keep in mind that you're currently seeing it against a dark background, in game it would look different
  7. hi i'm here to be bad(TM) and give my own interpretation of the tsareena line. do with this as you please tbh, but consider others' options first before mine since i didn't claim it oops
  8. crabrawler line is done! i took the inspiration for the colors from punch out's little mac :]
  9. give me the crabrawler line or give me death im gonna spiff up my favourite weird ass crab (i'd make the name yellow but yay phone)
  10. Thank you very much for the kind words! I'm really happy with how they turned out myself, so I'm glad others share that opinion as well ;v;
  11. Dhelmise and the Rowlet line are finished!
  12. i've been talking to myself in a notes channel for the dev team of my game for 15 minutes now and i've also been staring at the to-do list and it makes me want to cry LOL


    god why do i do this to myself,

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jmanultrax1


      talking to yourself for a certain amount of time is sign that you might be going crazy lol

    3. Commander


      @Jmanultrax1 I thought it was a given all Rebornians are crazy.

    4. Jmanultrax1


       @Commander well yeah, but in this case more crazy lol

  13. wow these stomach aches need to not exist

    1. Sardines
    2. Felicity


      paracetamol is a good. Aches in general are god awful so git better, and gud too if you can. 

  14. Don't forget that today is the day of a community PVP matches in Overwatch! We'll be hosting a voice call for it on Reborn's discord server, so make sure to be there if you want to join in!

  15. Forgot to mention it here as well, but we'll be playing on Saturday April 15th at 2PM EST! If you want to join in, make sure you've got a PC version of overwatch, and are in the Reborn discord channel. Hope to see you guys there!
  16. Hey guys! Figured I'd post an update here real quick and mention that I've added a new tier between the 1$ and 5$ tier, namely a 3$ tier. There's been some slight changes with the rewards as well, but those who are already patrons don't have to worry about losing any of the ones that were available for them before. The biggest change is that the patron-only streams are available from the 3$ tier and above from here on out.
  17. i can't believe zumi is fucking dead

  18. animation is so much work please send help my children are starving and i'm very tired

    1. Hycrox


      You could sell your animation for food

  19. hey remember this topic lemme revive it I want to bring this back! how many people would we be able to round up for a 6vs6 at some point in the next week or so? Like... friday/saturday/sunday next week sometime? You'll need discord for it as we'll host the voice call on there, but before we make it an actual thing, I just need an estimate of people who would be willing to join in during that weekend. Best thing would be if we got at least 10 players so we can do 5v5 at the very least, but if we can gather up more that'd be fantastic! so yeah lemme know if you'd be willing and have time to join in during next weekend! i'll pin a time if we go through with it.
  20. ehhhhh took me about 20-30 minutes? it's a bit of messing around with styles honestly but it's fun to draw in that one so i can do it rather quickly also color and lighting is fun to me so i've practiced a lot of it c: Thanks for the compliments though, people! I'll post more here of rejuv fanart if I make any, but feel free to post your work here as well.
  21. i could really go for some cup noodles about right now because man why is animating so much work

  22. Old topic got archived and is closed now (you should still check it for the cool fanart people made of the game tho), so while we're all patiently waiting for v9, let me just... Make a second thread about it, cuz fanart is great and this game is great and i'm totally not biased or anything what are you talking about anyways here get distracted and have a warmup doodle i made today before i started on schoolwork
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