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Everything posted by Zumi

  1. i like how a bunch of people now have dr icons. im so glad

    1. Bluewolf


      Thinking about getting one. Not sure which character I want though.

  2. who called jan daddy in the comments section for a painful truth v2 because i'm going to kinkshame them

  3. keks

    1. Ojama Yellow
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I honestly thought it was the diluge of Xenogene music that jsut got plopped in my subbox on YouTube... however I was incorrect.

  4. whomp there it is enjoy the new song btw guys :] i enjoyed making it!
  5. holy shit guys are you ready. are you guys READY. because i am ready. are you ready

  6. peridot/10 peridot is best gem so 10/10
  7. Zumi


    [slides in] happy birthday jokes aside, happy anniversary, bibs! despite that we dick on each other quite often and constantly kick each other's asses, i think that we've become pretty great friends over time, and i've enjoyed the time spent together! i hope this friendship will keep standing for a long time :] have a nice day
  8. You can update from V6 to V8-- Just make sure to check where you can't save in the V7 topic as well.
  9. Yep... I think I'm most definitely going to be fine. c:

    1. Ojama Yellow
    2. Hycrox


      based uhhh... fineness? Well being?

  10. according to bibs, i have a 6th sense for joining at the exact moments where something goes against him in hungergames. im so glad

    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow


      yes you have

      im not so glad

    2. Avatar of Grima

      Avatar of Grima

      I think it's hilarious

    3. DW~


      That and the aftermath of you joining is worth watching HG with phone

  11. Mamoswine is absolutely amazing and I would 100% recommend training your Swinub for it! Also, once you're able to catch Zubat, do it because Crobat is broken and will help you a lot as well. Other than that, for a water type you could go for Sharpedo if you have a Carvanha (with speed boost of course). Other people may be able to help you with this better than I can, but I can definitely tell you that Crobat and Mamoswine have been immensely helpful in my run.
  12. happy birthday renzo! hope your day is a good one :]
  13. Since Njab ninja'd me I'll just answer 4 for you as you can edit this in RPGMaker when creating an event. Use these options when choosing a graphic for your event and you should be good to go with making transparent sprites
  14. You have to select the music when creating a map. In map properties, make sure this box is checked, then click on the arrow. You'll get a list with songs that you put in the BGM folder when you do that. Select a song, and it'll play on that map when playing on it.
  15. tfw no laptop tonight bc getting it fixed

  16. hoyl shit happy birthday dude hope you have a wonderful day!
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