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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Zumi

  1. bibs would kick my ass, he said, that he thinks it's fun, he said. i'm the last one laughing

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ironbound


      But Bibs actually is shit though (jk)

    3. pyrromanis


      Kick your ass? No way!

      Kiss your ass? Maybe...

    4. Ojama Yellow
  2. ame threatens to send people to the shadow realm and then ends up /d'ing herself to the Dark World

  3. 1111 rep tho

    1. Zumi


      jer you ruined it

  4. Edited OP to have a fixed map attached for the Secret Shore lock bug.
  5. when ur zum com home and makes hte music

    1. Plok


      makes dem good stuff

    2. Ironbound


      Aika is that you

  6. I don't think it was the fault of Nintendo for this decision. In all seriousness, do remember that people create their own realities (you know how it is with getting jinxed), so try not to talk or think about it too much. The chances that either Reborn or Rejuvenation get taken down are relatively slim as they haven't drawn even half the attention that Uranium got, as well as their popularity having gradually risen rather than Uranium's popularity having spiked in 2-3 days. And as someone who's making a game as well, I'm also taking a risk by making a fangame as making one is in a very grey zone of fanworks of something, so when deciding to make one, it's very much possible that my game gets a takedown notice as well. This is a risk that a game creator takes and accepts to take from the moment they start working on it. Refusing to accept these risks is simply a matter of not being ready or able to face the consequences if a similar situation as Uranium happens. Jan knows about this, Ame knows about this, and if it ever does occur that the game gets a takedown notice, they'll be fully prepared for it. But right now as things are, the chances that these games get taken down is just very, very small, so it's better to not worry and think about it all the time until the time comes that there's a popularity spike.
  7. impeccable timing [22:09:27] • @Zuмi slides in [22:09:36] Kappa Maid Lost: Hi Zumi :> [22:09:42] @Zuмi: 'lo [22:09:42] Zeledonia: Hi Zumi you're still living [22:09:43] %Njab: oi Zumi [22:09:48] #Pineapple the Blue: NO [22:09:49] #Pineapple the Blue: WHAT THE FUCK [22:09:52] #Pineapple the Blue: THIS CANT BE [22:09:54] Zeledonia: ... [22:09:56] Kappa Maid Lost: ... [22:09:57] Zeledonia: do i dare ask [22:09:57] +RBRN Azery: what happened [22:10:01] @Zuмi: did i jinx bibs by joining [22:10:03] @Zuмi: if so, good [22:10:03] +RBRN Azery: who died [22:10:05] +IceCreamSandWitch: I thought Ody's grandma would win [22:10:08] +IceCreamSandWitch: Also hi Zumi [22:10:10] #Pineapple the Blue: http://prntscr.com/cks1c4 THIS LITERALLY HAPPENED JUST NOW WHY [22:10:14] @Zuмi: hi icsw! [22:10:17] #Pineapple the Blue: ZUMI WHY DID YOU APPEAR [22:10:17] Zeledonia: LMAO [22:10:20] +RBRN Azery: hey zumi [22:10:21] %Njab: hahah [22:10:22] @Zuмi: LOL [22:10:23] Memester DW: Why [22:10:23] YinYang9705: HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH [22:10:24] Zeledonia: also stop it DW [22:10:24] Kappa Maid Lost: the timing [22:10:24] @Zuмi: CALLED IT [22:10:29] Kappa Maid Lost: wonderful [22:10:31] #Pineapple the Blue: /BAN ZUMI [22:10:31] +RBRN Azery: LOL [22:10:32] +RBRN Azery: THAT [22:10:33] Memester DW: am I killing my mother now [22:10:33] +RBRN Azery: TIMING [22:10:35] YinYang9705: WHAT TIMING [22:10:36] +RBRN Azery: UNBELIEVABLE [22:10:37] %Njab: best way to kill a pineapple [22:10:39] +RBRN Azery: GET REKT BIBS [22:10:40] Memester DW: xD [22:10:43] +RBRN Azery: bring in zumi [22:10:45] Zeledonia: no, you tried [22:10:45] +RBRN Azery: that's how [22:10:47] @Zuмi: me: slides in [22:10:47] @Zuмi: bibs: dies [22:11:00] #Pineapple the Blue: STOP [22:11:01] #Pineapple the Blue: SLIDING IN [22:11:02] Zeledonia: you took him by surprise [22:11:02] #Pineapple the Blue: TBH [22:11:07] @Zuмi: qb time
  8. i apologize for lurking until now but if i may give you a bit of feedback, i'd be very careful with leaving so much empty space in a map. from far away you won't really see it, but when testing ingame, you'll notice that when walking on a map, it's very large but has very little in it. try putting the buildings more close to each other, or add more stuff to the map. if you need any examples as of how you can populate a map a bit better, take a look at reborn or rejuvenation's maps. most of those maps are much more densely decorated and populated with things to do, and it keeps the player interested. of course, it's up to you to decide what you want to do with these maps, so i wish you the best of luck with your game! c:
  9. in the distant future

  10. happy birthdya :] hope your day is a good one even tho you just told me you're at school, rip
  11. ass chan

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shamitako


      I prefer Oppai-chan

      And by that I mean Himawari, not the actual oppaichan thing...

      Actually the more I think about it the more I regret that I'm about to post this

    3. Zumi


      ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

    4. Ironbound


      I fail to see the point. That probably means whatever you're doing is right.

  12. will be gone for most of the day, i'll be back in the evening c:

    1. Zumi


      (also i swear things will settle down after today so i'll probably be able to do more stuff for my game after this weekend)

  13. the worst thing is when an idea sounds better in your head than it looks on paper dflgkjsdflkj

    1. Felicity


      Everyone has standards you prolly can't reach.

      I think it'd be boring if we could do something flawlessly.

  14. 8/10 idk know shit about fate but the art is nice
  15. can my sentimental ass stop getting emotional over the flower parade, holy shit dude

  16. Zumi


    You need to put only normal type mons around it, otherwise it won't work as it should. Also, you should have all of the other purifying chambers filled with mons as well. Also, locking thread to avoid necroposting. Please try not to post in any topics that have been inactive for over 2 months.
  17. i finally caught up with reborn LOL

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zumi


      crobat/mamoswine/sharpedo/houndoom/ampharos/alakazam was the team i had for ciel

      i have vivillon, swampert, empoleon and dusclops in rotation :^)

    3. Azeria


      i see ampharos and crobat.

      but where is dusknoir thoooo.....

    4. Zumi


      where tf do i get the reaper cloth then

  18. slept like ass + having to go to school all day + blazing hot weather = me dying

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wendel


      slept like ass + too sick to go to school so dying all day with a bucket + blazing hot weather = me already dead

    3. Lord Chespin
    4. Zumi


      it's too hot for hugs

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