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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Zumi

  1. boy he boutta do it

  2. hello excuse me i'm going to fight you about this later you weenie
  3. i'd probably be pretty terrified honestly? but at the same time im like god dammit. god dammit why are these things actually real that's fucked up dude
  4. Mmhm! I've never really had trouble adapting to things, really. I'm flexible with a lot of stuff. If it's like once or twice, I brush it off. If it's a consistent problem though, I will approach them about it and see if we can work it out together. If I get "mad", I tend to talk in all caps, and it's not really 100% anger, just some complaining really. When I'm actually genuinely pissed though, I tend to start talking with uh. Proper grammar and all that stuff, and kinda get way sassier and direct with things than I usually am with stuff, so you'll be able to tell the difference from when I'm actually honestly mad or just grumbling about something trivial which I'm not even genuinely mad about. Not really. Especially not with these elections lately, and all the shit that has been happening. I just don't think I'd feel safe. I'd love to visit my friends though, really! I just don't have any desire to actually live there for an extended period of time. Good things: Good music, things that interest me, funny stories/pictures, fanart of things i've made, and any encouraging messages aimed at me!Peeves: People who don't read things before they post, people who are only negative all the time, and manipulative/passive agressive people (although those piss me off more than peeve me) Hope is inspired by people who come together and do something amazing to help each other, as well as people who pulled off amazing things on their own and have made it very far in life. Despair comes from the people who do horrible things to others out of corruption, greed or hatred. People who are down to earth, friendly and know how to take a joke. Also, they gotta be a bit talkative and be able to deal with my memes so ye Yes. I usually just take that time to play a game or draw stuff on my own. Not that I don't like being around people, I just don't need to be around people all the time. tfw pseudo-extrovert Entirely alone? Not really, as I'd get super lonely. But if it's like... I'm not talking to someone but I could whenever I actually feel like it, then I could easily go without talking to people for a while. Just knowing that they're there makes me feel more at ease, as I kind of have a fear for being left alone again because of past experiences :v Any of the moments that give me happiness, no matter how small or big they are. They're all worth living for, and it's why I've been able to pick myself up again after having fallen down so many times. I enjoyed it a lot, so I'm very satisfied with the game's story and gameplay! Sure, there's some things that could've been better, such as the characterization of some of the characters cough hinoka cough corrin (kinda but at the same time it's not entirely out of place since he/she was locked up in a tower for a majority of their life with little knowledge of what was going on outside the confines of the fortress so i don't entirely blame them for not being all that smart at times) cough, but other than that I really, REALLY like it and it's probably one of my favourite games. Chrom, Robin, Stahl, Ryoma, Takumi, Leo, Setsuna, Xander, Elise, Niles, Soleil, m!Kana. I honestly really like all of these characters whoops A very beautiful world without violence and sadness. UH. Soleil, Chrom or Ryoma, tbh. Or Robin. Or Chiaki Nanami. Or Yosuke Hanamura............ I feel like they'd all be pretty great to hang with so I can't really pick aaaaAAAA FUck I can get kinda petty and a bit fixated when I really dislike someone... It's not healthy tbh and it stresses me out a lot. The thing is that I'm very sensitive to emotions so it's kind of hard to keep them under my control sometimes, rip I'm just going to steal Jan's answer to the same question here and say that I wouldn't do it unless one of my friends also takes it, just so I won't outlive ALL of my friends, and have someone that can keep me company. probably a really annoying/mocking laugh for one of the taunts, and the other being "git gud". idk about the poses tho but yeah Idk... Probably if it's a famous person or something, who I have no connection to other than liking their work. If it means that a bunch of other horrible people die though, then it's probably worth it more than a sacrifice of a bunch of innocent people. yes, and i will tell them to stop because it's creepy af no incest please pokemon i mean i could say fire emblem or persona but chances i'd die would be big so no thanks well at first i'd be like "what the actual fuck" for about a day, but if i find a way to survive i will try my best to stay alive and see if i can find anyone i know. i'm picking ikaru because the netherlands is full of jan's and if some random jan dies that i do not know, then its w/eyou never specified which jan you meant and i only know one ikaru so hee :^) ​ Yes. It heavily depends, for both of these questions, if the clones have any sense of what's going on around them, or if they have been awake at all before having their organs harvested. The brainless clones are fine as they probably are unable to experience life, but with the fully developed clones, it depends on whether they saw the light of life or not. If they have a fully developed personality, then I don't think it's okay to do so without their consent. No. I'd drop the bomb. I'd feel horrible about having to shoot all of these people individually, with these people having to dread death for such a long time while waiting. It's best to kill them all at once, almost painless and instantly. Depends. If one of them offers their life to save the others, then that person would be the one being sacrificed. However, I'll try to talk to them if it's possible if no one offers it, and ask if they'd be able to give their life to save the others.
  5. happy birthday you absolute weenie :] hope you have a great day!
  6. not gonna be online today a whole lot, i have to do chores around the house. rip

  7. The song is actually an original composition by a friend of Jan and mine, so it's not from any game.
  8. booty i'm not really into digimon so i don't know that much about it and can't really pick one ;v; Only sometimes I have a day where I need a break or something. I'm still on the server most of the time though, mostly so that whenever staff is actually needed for something I'm always approachable. I just don't really have to actively talk if I don't need to, so it's alright like this. I enjoy being around though, so I don't mind! Through Jan, when he started playing Reborn, and then created Rejuvenation :] ...i can bellydance a bit? just a bit tho but other than that i can't think of anything weird MY NICKNAME WAS ZUMI BEFORE IT WAS COOL aka before X/Y was released at allIt's actually derived from a very old OC I made back in like... 2011, I think? I bought minecraft a while later in 2012, and made my username Zumidesu. I met Jan and a bunch of my other friends which I still talk to on a minecraft server, and people made my nickname Zumi because of it, so I decided to keep on using it afterwards and it's always been a nickname and username for me since then! tbh
  9. he has good taste in music, we share similar interests, it's really fun to talk w/ him about things??? like i think he's a nice person overall and i don't get bored when im talking to him at all. his personality draws me to him so ye i appreciate him a lot tbh and it's also fun to whoop his ass in challenge cup 1v1 :]
  10. i got my first pokemon game with a gameboy color and pokemon blue when i was four years old! i never really stopped playing afterwards, so i've always had a love for the series c: also i met bibs in main and first we were like??? rivals i guess?? and then we started memeing on each other and then we started actually talking more and then we became friends and it's pretty neat bibs still sucks tho
  11. i always chew on something?? usually i have like...a spoon or something in my mouth, or my ds stylus, or a pen, sometimes im not even aware of that i still have it my mouth when i go downstairs and then my mom's like ????? when she sees it lmao also i tend to talk to myself. oops
  12. joris & de draak tbh i like rollercoasters
  13. if i'm absolutely 100% P E R F E C T L Y honest... it kinda randomly popped up in my head at 3 am once lmAOof course i was inspired by jan's enthusiasm with rejuvenation, but the idea itself for the story of the game just randomly popped up so there's that Not that often anymore, these years. The last time I went abroad was in my exam year of secondary school, I went to Budapest with my classmates for 5 days! Not very actively since I'm home quite a lot, but I'm currently level 6 and part of team instinct :] HOW COULD YOU MAKE ME CHOOSE I HONESTLY LIKE BOTH A LOTbut to be fair i like hoshido better because of the characters ; v ; conquest also has good characters, just... not as many as hoshido has aaaa
  14. mmmmmm... Honestly I don't have an artist that seriously influences my art style? I sorta developed it myself, but I really like Yusuke Kozaki's, Kushinov Ilya's, crispy-6usiness' (tumblr), ploitato's (tumblr) and fabledtactician's (tumblr) artwork. They all have very distinctive art styles though so rip, i can't really tell you which ones have influenced me more :[ "bye nice lady" -ikaru ...which kind of couple do you meanalthough the first obvious choice would be me x ikaru :^) UHHHHHHH HAIKYUU SEASON 3. and hibike! euphonium season 2 tbh
  15. Chocolate cappuccino! Well I almost got hit by a speeding car once at a traffic light that was green for me and red for the speeding car so that was. Scary as shit and probably would've cost me my life or at least would've caused me a to break a few (or several) bones if I got hit so there's thatHe pressed his brakes on time though but jesus christ that was. so terrifying no i think it probably attracts him instead ehhhhhh.... bug she's a filthy memer but for other reasons than that you should probably ask her
  16. oh man oh man i love curry madras i could eat that every day and not get sick of it it's so good
  17. im sorry for not streaming lately but i've just been so busy and energy deprived ;-;

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. YinYang9705


      it's fine, don't worry about it.

    3. Avatar of Grima

      Avatar of Grima

      drink more coffee

    4. Zumi


      doesn't help much tbh

  18. I actually did have an experience once. It's... Kinda weird honestly. I was in the north part of the Netherlands for a few days during summer holidays once, it was in the middle of the day, and we were on our way home when I swear I could see someone crossing the road. My dad was about to hit the person and I was about to scream to stop the car, but I blinked like twice and he was gone??? Like I looked around from the windows and I could see literally no one walking around where I SWEAR I thought I saw someone walking?? There were no poles or trees around either so that was honestly really fucking weird and I honestly still think about it sometimes because shit dudehonestly it's the most paranormal thing i can think of atm that i experienced Oh and also that I've had dejavu's and dreams of things that happened at a later point in life too, but that's probably not all that special as dejavu is a more common thing under people and i can't really call it paranormal because of it i think also yes i like pretzels they're good
  19. I didn't want to make one because I was afraid that I wouldn't be taken seriously even after saying that I'd rather be using these kind of topics for more serious topics and questions/answers, even though I was curious as hell about what kind of things would be asked. Because of my behavior sometimes on the server, I'm not taken seriously all that often, and I don't mind it most of the time because I don't want to be taken seriously all the time either. It's that when I'm actually serious and I'm not being taken as such, it's extremely frustrating for me as I don't want to be reduced to a joke, which leads to the reason as of why I hesitated so long with making an AMA. So after a long time of thinking, I just decided to make it as clear as possible that I'd really rather have the AMA be a bit more serious than constant trolling and memeing, as that stuff happens on the server enough already. ehhhh i actually honestly don't know. maybe mde to a server mod too or something because of his timezone, he's pretty neat (J)RPG, Adventure, Puzzle and strategy. Things that don't really require me to be fast with things in order to beat and give me time to think, at least :v you know, as much as i'd like to say it outright i think it's pretty obvious who it is if you know what's been going on recently, and if you don't know then that's probably for the better since I don't really like making public callouts all that much. uhhhhhh nope People who are down to earth, are honest and are fun to talk with and share interests. The second thing being the most important, because I'll feel much more like I can trust a person if they're open with me as well. A good leader is one who appeals to the crowds, but also knows how to get shit done and doesn't make false promises. (the latter probably not counting for me because im dumb and forgot to stream today even though i said i would because a lot of stuff has been happening and i've just been so busy i completely forgot about it) Love is something that requires dedication and mutual trust and honesty with each other. Being open to each other is especially important so there's no tension between you and your partner(s). But if you keep it up and care for each other and put energy into being open, it can be something beautiful and fulfilling c: Visual art or animation for games, of course! Perhaps freelance, but definitely not at a huge company. Smaller companies seem more appealing as they offer more variation in what I can do. perhaps that i'm very open to talk to people??? or perhaps that i'm good at creative stuff but... idk i'm not really sure otherwise haha,, Ame and Jan. Ame mostly because I honestly admire her for the incredible work she's put into Reborn, and Jan mostly because I'm so so so SO proud of him for making it as far as he did with Rejuvenation (like... man i had to teach him how to sprite at first because he had no clue how to properly do so at first and now he's gotten honestly good at it) and also because i'm jealous of his storywriting skills. give them to me tbh :^) The thing I'm probably the proudest of right now is my game, since I've put so much time and effort into it already, and I haven't even started on the maps or anything. I'm especially happy with how the music is turning out, as that's the biggest challenge for me overall. It's mainly because the music heavily influences the atmosphere of a game and therefore I consider it to be very important that it sounds right for each place, and I really try my hardest to get the right feeling for each song down, just that I'm still not all that certain if it comes across the way I want it to, but... Hearing from people that they can actually imagine things with it is a super good sign, so I'm really proud of that I've been able to pull it off so far! man, my second oldest digital drawing is from 2010, is in my storage on deviantart and it looks like this: now if you compare it to the stuff i've posted in my commission/showcase thread, then i can honestly tell you that yes, I'm actually pretty proud of how far I've come! c: well i picked up a pencil at the age of 3 and never really stopped drawing so i figured i may as well just continue with it and make a living out of it as i enjoy doing it the most :] Ampharos! When I was playing through earlier versions of Rejuvenation (mostly during testing), Mareep was still available after the first gym, and it helped me IMMENSELY throughout the game so it kinda became my favourite mon because of it, as I consider Rejuv to be pretty difficult, and it's also the first difficult pokemon game I played. floof is a real trooper, my dude Electric and Fire are tied for favourites. Electric because of amphy of course, and fire because that's been an all-time favourite in general because they're such powerful attackers. Darmanitan used to be my favourite mon before Ampharos c: Team galactic. I honestly loved how they were always a step ahead of the player during the entire game, and you were only able to stop them right after they set their main plan in motion (with dialga, palkia or giratina), so there was this kind of feeling like... "Damn, I was too slow, AGAIN" and then it's super satisfying to finally put a stop to them, y'feel? Also Cyrus has the best theme imo tbh jsalso flare sucks and the only redeemable thing about team flare is lysandre's battle theme bye Think out a basic concept first, then start fleshing it out. Add characters, start worldbuilding, do whatever you please, but make sure the basic concept is solid and leaves you without any doubts about it. Also, don't worry about taking clichés as a basis, as you can take those and twist them around into something new and original too! Don't be afraid to experiment. Also, make sure that everything fits well together. If something feels out of place (i.e. the music for the game), the game may feel like it's not coming together as a whole so be careful with that.
  20. Wow now you made me sad because i don't want to kill any of them.... But if you insist, I'd probably kill juzo sakakura because he's kind of an asshole (he probably got his reasons but. still) BUT IM FROM INSTINCT SO RUDE If i had to choose between the two tho i'd still go for valor because red is my favourite color and the leader looks cute tbh delete espurr (because im still salty about that shiny one i couldn't catch in rejuvenation because i ran out of pokeballs, so i had to kill it and it. made me encounter absolutely no shinies up to the point where jan made me test valor mountain for the first time (aka for about 8 months))
  21. y'all god damn know what this is about. fine, fine i give in but only because of sheer curiosity because i like these kind of things actually okay. okay? okay i like sharing things about myself and my knowledge. it's a guilty pleasure and i'm sorry but i really. really enjoy these things actually despite having yelled about not wanting to make the topic BUT I HAVE MY REASONS OKAY ..That aside, just one thing; As much as I like the meme-y questions, I'm actually expecting serious questions more so over the memes, as those actually interest me more as well in these kind of situations. You can expect a more serious and lengthy answer from me with those questions too. It's one of the reasons I actually really hesitated with making an AMA for myself too, since, well... If you've talked to me on the server, you know I'm kind of a prankster and like to mess with people (and get messed with equally in return). However, as a result, I often feel like I don't get taken all that seriously because of it (which is fair I guess because I kinda called it out over myself), and therefore want to use this opportunity to have a more serious questions session. not that i don't like jokes of course, because you know how i am :V Just don't, uh... outnumber the serious questions with jokes I guess? I kinda like these kind of topics to actually share opinions about things and share knowledge/things about myself. There's just more to me than just the memer side of me, and I'd like to talk about the other sides too as they're also part of me, so you'd do me a huge favor if you asked me about those kind of things too! And for those who aren't really aware of who I am, let me give you a short introduction... My name is Famke, but a lot of people know me simply as Zumi. I'm 18 years old, my birthday is on December 15th, and I'm going to be a sophomore student at a college for game design; more specifically visual arts. I'm pansexual and demipanromantic, I have an A+ boyfriend ( :^) ) and my mbti type is ISFP. I love making art and music, I'm currently developing my own fangame and i absolutely fucking love coffee tbh So... There you have it! I'll be waiting patiently for your questions c: also please don't overwhelm me with a huge list of questions, like... 10 at most at a time tbh
  22. zero escape fucked me up

  23. zero escape fucked me up

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