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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Zumi

  1. what d fuk helo?

  2. jan is a fucking nerd pass it on

    1. Azeria


      zumi calling people nerds



    2. Zumi


      okay so listen up here you nerd,

  3. olay

    1. Maelstrom


      whatever you say, Ramus.

  4. I just checked the PBS files and apparently it IS supposed to be level 33. I think it's because Gengar is actually really strong and may be hard to outspeed and beat if it was any higher level.
  5. There's a chance your file may have been switched to Casual for some reason. You could upload your savefile to the troubleshooting topic so someone can check it for you.
  6. 👦🚪✋🎣🚗🚪

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Zumi
    3. Lugruf


      my eyes are bleeding

    4. Cobalt996


      Don't look outside, Zumi, or man door hand hook car door

  7. As of right now, there's no option to do so unless you let someone who's able to access the debug mode edit your file manually.
  8. cat's outta the bag

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Zumi


      what the HECK

    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      sigh she let the cat escape again

    4. Jmanultrax1


      were you collecting cats again?


  10. when people flatter you and you do the [scree and hit yourself in confusion

    1. Azeria


      zumi used SUPER[CREE

    2. Ojama Yellow
    3. Ikaru


      when you don't just accept that you're the best :/

  11. There's such a thing as other people's curiosity. Other than that it's not really a big deal and just because one downloaded your file, you shouldn't be assuming that people will edit the file for you.
  12. Just because you're requesting a team doesn't mean it will be made for you within 10 minutes after posting the topic. Have some patience.
  13. Old topic, please don't necropost.
  14. ech overworld sprites

  15. i was writing this before but then i accidentally backspaced out of the tab and i lost all my progress and motivation BUT I STILL WANTED TO DO THIS so here's attempt 2 at a nohrian unit because a bunch of people are double dipping anyways Explanation
  16. something something something fuck mosquitoes because i slept like ass something something maybe no stream this week after all something

    1. Lugruf


      You ok Zumi?

  17. tfw overworld sprites can bite me because im almost done with them heahaeheaheaha

    1. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      Yay! :D You can do it! :D Go, go GOOOOOOOOOO ZUUUUMMMMIIIIII!

    2. Azeria


      don't worry you'll be making more soon :^)

  18. This topic has been dead for over 3 months, so please don't actually post in this topic anymore as it counts as necroposting. It wasn't meant to be revived.
  19. PLEASE

    1. Lord Chespin

      Lord Chespin

      Zumi, do you need a hug?

  20. I should mention that I'm getting subbed for too, as I honestly can't tell how much time I'll have this weekend due to my parents probably wanting to help me with some stuff around the house. rip
  21. why can't i just snap my fingers and have all the overworld sprites done like that. would save me SO MUCH TIME

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