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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Zumi

  1. this is a psa by yours truly: mosquitoes need to die

    1. pbood2


      agreed but i think mosquitoes are important for some reason. :(

    2. Cepheus


      mosquitoes only purpose is to serve as food for spiders and frogs...

      unlike Wasps... who have NO PURPOSE whatsoever!!

    3. Cyaloom


      There are so many things that I wish would never leave a Natural Reserve...

  2. sorry for the short stream but thank you for joining if you did anyways!!

  3. Stream will be delayed until 6:45 PM, so we'll start in a little over an hour!

  4. Just a notice, but please try to avoid making so many separate topics. A lot of the questions you're asking could be answered in one of the pinned topics, so go and ask your questions there unless you're 100% sure you don't think those topics are suitable for your question. Thanks!
  5. FraRPetO's sprite is done! This one was quite a challenge and I still feel like there could be a few tweaks here and there, but I'll have to fix it later as I can't put my finger on it quite just yet what it is that's missing. In any case I hope the sprite still looks good! ;w;
  6. Note that I'll be playing more Ace Attorney tonight at 6:30 PM (12:30PM EST), so if you want to be there keep an eye on the status bar and time!

  7. For v9? Possible. But for v8? No. Not to mention that some of the sprites come directly from B/W(2). This also was a choice made so the pokemon don't show up extremely small when on the player's side. Also, please know it's not really that nice to constantly demand things from people when they're already working really hard to make the gameplay as enjoyable as possible and getting things fixed up. We've been over this literally a few days before. Please be a bit more patient.
  8. Thank you guys for coming to the stream! We'll be continuing Case 2 on sunday at 6:30 PM (12:30PM EST)!

    1. Sparky


      oml Did I miss a little of Justice For All?

    2. YinYang9705


      You're welcome Zumi, twas quite fun.

  9. And we're live! Doing some spriting, and later tonight we'll be making a start on PW:AA ~ Justice for all! http://www.twitch.tv/zumistreams

  11. Stream in 30 minutes!

  12. If the story of Reborn is not your cup of tea, it's also an option to not play the game, or just ignore it and play for the gameplay. It's also an option to focus on the more positive parts of the game, rather than just complaining about the "bad things" all the time. And as there's people who do not like the story, there's also an overwhelming amount of people who DO like the story! Evidence of this is basically how big of a community this forum has, and how many people appreciate Ame and her dev team's work. And let's be real here about the characters in terms of design choices; would a super happy looking protagonist with incredibly bright colors fit that well as a silent protagonist in a (semi) post-apocalyptic setting? I wouldn't really be all that content either if the train you were on would get blown up upon arriving in the city while you didn't ask for that to happen at all. Giving too much personality to a character based on their sprites is also a bit dangerous as the player is supposed to be able to put themselves in the silent player character's shoes, which would lead to more of a neutral color scheme. Given the setting and the situation the player character is in, the designs make a lot more sense than if there was some kind of super bright and colorful player character. It's simply more fitting. And in regards of angsty and edgy characters; seeing as a lot of bad things happened before your arrival, I wouldn't be too happy either. Sure, things are a bit angsty and edgy because of it, but again, taking the setting of the game in mind, it's all pretty justified as of why the characters are like that. Of course, they look a lot brighter than your player character, but a lot of these characters are gym leaders or other major plot characters, and having them ALL blend in with the environment would make the game look a bit bland. In any case, I hope it explains a few things. Please know that these are just assumptions in regards of the design choices as I'm not part of the dev team but rather looking at it from a game dev's viewpoint, but it'd make sense if those were some of the reasons behind the choices made. Reborn has its flaws, but it's really not as bad as you're making it out to be. A lot of game design choices are justified by the overall setting and feeling of the game. If I would go into this any further though, it'd become Opinion Town™ so I won't do that.
  13. The address for your saved games should be something along the lines of C:\Users\[uSERNAME]\Saved Games\Pokemon Rejuvenation Make sure to replace [uSERNAME] with the proper username you're using for your computer, though that should speak for itself.
  14. my hair is a mess but here i am
  15. wow my legs are dead but it was worth it

  16. 50km biking round gogogogogo

  17. Tomorrow's stream will have some spriting, a bit of karaoke, and requested the most according to the poll; the start of the new playthrough of the second Ace Attorney game! I'll start around 7pm my time as per usual, so hope to see you there! :]

  18. http://www.strawpoll.me/10689740 What do you guys want to see in the stream tomorrow evening?
    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow


      but karaoke is also fine

    2. Hycrox


      Muddy heights lol

  19. i forgot this exists. stop triple-q 2k16
  20. tfw you got a 9 out of 10 for your final school project of the year \o/
  21. alice you gotta stop killing people

  22. Will be hosting a BGO game in the Games room on the server in 30 minutes! If you feel like joining, you'll have until then to join the channel!

    1. pbood2


      what is BGO? I have seen people use it but don't know what it is lol.

  23. Okay okay, that's enough of that. Like people are saying, please be patient for a little bit longer and don't try to be pushy for a release when people are already working their ass off to get new content made for you guys. But let's drop that topic and move on to the next, ok?
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