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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Zumi

  1. Okay okay, that's enough of that. Like people are saying, please be patient for a little bit longer and don't try to be pushy for a release when people are already working their ass off to get new content made for you guys. But let's drop that topic and move on to the next, ok?
  2. awawawa panel in 30 minutes aaaAAAAA

  3. new phone who dis http://prntscr.com/bp5rb4

    1. dead account

      dead account

      Cleaning your hair hair after facing Godot in court must be a nightmare. I can't imagine having coffee in your hair is pleasant.

    2. Ojama Yellow
    3. Lord Chespin

      Lord Chespin

      Wow. I'm pretty sure I've said it before, but Zumi, you're an incredible artist!

  4. F O R M T H E B A N A N A

    1. BlueMoonIceCream


      G O B A N A N A S

    2. Maelstrom


      Beware the hammock.

  5. smashes head onto desk

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. IntSys


      poor desk

    3. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge



    4. Jacobliterator


      Smashes desk onto head.

  6. oh my goodness that is glorious a+ tbh The protagonists are called Aevia (white f!protag), Aevis (white m!protag), Axel (black m!protag), Aria (black f!protag), Aero (black nonbinary protag) and Alain (white nonbinary protag). The character you drew is Aria! Also, it's always nice to see some rejuvenation fanart. Well done! :]
  7. Happy birthday Ark! We haven't really talked one on one a lot, but the times we did talk were fun and you're a fun person to hang out with. I hope you have a great day and that we can talk more in the future!
  8. Thank you guys so much for sticking with me through the final case! It was a ton of fun!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. pbood2


      Lol thanks zumi. I finished playing whole team yesterday on YouTube because I couldn't wait to see what happened and who did it. I felt bad for Lana though.

    3. pbood2


      Finished watching whole case on YouTube yesterday*

  9. I'm gonna be playing the second half of the last case of the first AA game! Come join me at http://www.twitch.tv/zumistreams :]]

  10. I'll be streaming Ace Attorney in an hour again!

    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      tfw I wont be able to be there after all


  11. Rampardos and M-Lopunny are both heavy hitters. Hell, Rampardos is more offensive than anything else. Although, Mega Heracross might indeed be a more suitable replacement for M-Lopunny if you really really REALLY want to hit hard, the problem is that it's a lot slower, and a glaring 4x weakness to flying attacks will mean the death of it if any mons with flying moves are still alive, outspeed it and could be used to counter it. Lopunny doesn't have this 4x weakness but rather 2x and is faster, so it could take care of those mons before they get the chance to kill it. Hoopa may be nice for a special attacker though, but I don't know if you should replace Rampardos with that.
  12. Thanks once again for joining! Tomorrow at 4PM my time (10 am EST) we'll start on the second half of the case and hopefully get it wrapped up that evening as well, so hope to see you guys there again!

    1. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      Ok, I'll be there! I'll wake up early! Man, I'm really sorry I missed a portion of your stream. I woke up at 1 PM! But, I'm catching up right now and looking at your videos! :D Can't wait for tomorrow! :D

    2. Commander


      CG if you hop on like at 10am straight, you'll be caught up pretty quickly. You just missed the build up.

    3. pbood2


      you were in the stream commander? Man now I'm sad I missed it cause we could have compared music tastes like me and CG and others do. Sorry for missing the stream Zumi. I just woke up lol. 10 am EST!? Well I'm missing a whack ton of that stream too I guess. I plan to watch the past broadcast so I hope you are archiving them. ;)

  13. time for more buttclench central with the fifth case of the first AA game, starting off where we stopped yesterday! http://www.twitch.tv/zumistreams

    1. Skullkin


      alcoholics anonymous has games?

    2. Godot


      That case is pretty damn intense.

  14. Thanks everyone for joining the stream! (and suffering with me through my buttclench worthy playthrough of the 5th case of AA)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zumi


      ((which isn't finished yet))

    3. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      You're welcome! :D Always a pleasure! :D Hope you get to do more streams! :D And thanks to you playing Ace Attorney, I think I'm gonna actually play it! :D

    4. pbood2


      Awesome stream but it was certainly interesting to see you do the wrong things no offense lol. ;)

  15. Stream will be delayed until 7:30 PM because of a few things irl, but I'll have everything set up by then. See you guys in about 75 minutes!

  16. I'll be streaming again at 7pm my time tonight! (1PM EST)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Red_Chaos


      shit, ill be at work..is it on twitch so i can watch it later?

    3. Zumi


      yes, but i'll have to see how i can save streams oops

    4. CodeCass


      Silly question, but what's your twitch name so I can give you a follow?

  17. curse these stupid stomach aches

    1. Honchy
    2. Maelstrom


      That might be the coffee doing you in.

    3. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      Drink rose water. It really helps with stomach aches.

  18. I have no other words than that I have so, so SO much respect for you that you're still walking around on this planet after all the things you've gone through in your life, and that you've found the motivation and courage to keep going. I can only wish for you it'll keep getting better for you from here on out, Kuro. Happy birthday, and I hope many, many more will follow for you!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Exalted


      no!Go back and study young lady i care not you're done for the day or its late

    3. YinYang9705


      Now you get to go to collage!

    4. Lugruf


      You're free Zumi! Free! Have a nice summer now

  20. just another few hours until i'm done with school. i g o t t h i s

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Zumi


      ding dong you are WRONG

    3. Zumi


      also we don't have summer school here so jokes on you

    4. CMV



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