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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Zumi

  1. return of reborn

  2. y'all making it very easy to do my job when clarice does it for me LOL https://i.gyazo.com/4a7b50717bd0604a0f42e03e65efa2b8.png

    1. Ironbound


      We're here to help

  3. kill me i have my god damn panel review on the last day of the panels as well as having the two sterner teachers out of the three people i could've gotten

    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      go getm zumi

      gonna do well

    2. TimTim


      Good luck, i have my panel for scientific presentation this friday as well, lets both do our best

    3. Ironbound


      You always worry about things like this. It'll be fine, I tell you.

  4. i don't think i've ever multitasked this much before. orz

  5. god i just want to work on my own game already ;_; @school can you maybe chill

  6. 7.8/10 sunglasses shouldve been bigger imo mega sunglasses
  7. the first thing i did today was accidentally drink mouldy orange juice from the box. send help

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Avatar of Grima

      Avatar of Grima

      :c to expensive to help otherwise I would

    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      viri im going to throw you out of the window

    4. Ironbound


      That sounds pane-ful, Bibs.

  8. my bed has never felt this comfortable to lay in after having waited for an hour just to catch the bus home

  9. it's been 8 hours since i woke up and today has already been too much of a rollercoaster for me. me @ myself: let me live

    1. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge

      Take a break. Like aside from necessary commitments. Your own health is most important.

    2. Exalted


      zumeme relax breathe clear your head take a shower drink a glass of milk and sit down for a few minutes you will feel beter

  10. I'm a human, not a machine.

  11. YAYAYAYAYA PAGE 2 LET'S BEGIN just a note but idk if i'll have page 3 done tomorrow but i'LL TRY MY BEST
  12. Happy birthday, Cool Girl! Hope you have a wonderful day! :]
  13. have fun at the party tonight!

    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      how could u zumi

  14. INUKI MY BRO HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU BIG MEME you've been a hella fun person to be around and a super supportive person, so i'm super glad we're friends and i hope we can stay friends for a very long time following the time we've already spent together! and same tbh @ame
  15. gahAHKLHASDKJGHASG OKAY SO I. DID NOT DO 40 POSTS ALL AT ONCE instead I will be posting per page, which means that next post will have everyone on page 2 in it, the post after that will have page 3, yada yada yada anyways it's too much at once so that's why i'm doing it like that please don't sue me i have many regrets about posting this last night and not today okAY I WILL POST PAGE 2 AT A LATER POINT so please be patient with me ;w;
  16. Easy: You post here and I'll give you a song that would fit as a battle music for you, and depending on how well I know you, I'll also give more or less of an explanation as of why I chose the song for you. Have fun! :] also don't expect an immediate reply from me after i've posted this topic because its 1:30 am and i should not be awake right now LOL
  17. tfw i realize i can't even go to the summer party because i got a party irl tomorrow. unbelievable

    1. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      xD Sorry to hear that. We'll be thinking about you at the summer party though! :D

    2. YinYang9705


      you aren't the only one zumi, so take solace in that.

    3. Honchy
  18. Streaming right now!! http://www.twitch.tv/zumistreams

    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      please dont say its a karaoke stream cuz I cant follow it

    2. YinYang9705
    3. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      woah! I had no idea Zumi did streams!

  19. Will be streaming at 7PM my time (1 PM EST)! I'll be working on rigging the entire model for my school project and I'd love to have some company in the meantime. (Also I'll have some silliness in between, don't worry :])

  20. ME TOO THO also i agree with what she said tho because xiri looks hella
  21. wow rude @kabaneri for doing that imo

    1. Felicity


      Nah, it was gonna happen at some point.

    2. Zumi


      still rude

  22. it would be a shame if i passed up on this opportunity tbh
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