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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Zumi

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIBS your present is a free ass kicking by yours truly, have fun with that :] Nah, in all seriousness, happy birthday dude. You've become a pretty great friend of mine and i discovered that you're actually a good and fun to talk to person once you shove most memes aside (not that memes are bad tho hehehe) I hope you have an awesome day, you egghecker :]
  2. According to Jan, V8 is possibly going to be the shortest update to date, but after that... It's going to be big. Just a little longer until a version with a ton of content is released!
  3. #mutesquod

    1. Exalted



  4. haha no queen's/king's game zumi yet again
  5. I DID LIKE NOTHING I DONT DESERVE THE CREDIT IM GETTING i didn't have time and i feel bad ;-;
  6. no im not going back on the server until im in the bus home

  7. It's called using reference, and there's nothing wrong with using reference material, seriously. Even if the poses were traced, you learn a lot from just drawing pre-existing poses. It just gets a lot of stigma for some reason, and it's absolutely unnecessary as soooo many artists use reference material, even famous painters such as Vincent van Gogh and Rembrandt. It shouldn't be considered a bad thing. There's still a difference between using reference and tracing though. Using reference is taking something and drawing from it, so not tracting over the lines, just draw from what you see and use it to your advantage. Tracing can be tracing a pose, which is fine, but the only time you should be getting mad about tracing is when it outright copies a pre-existing artwork down to all the lines.
  8. yachi best haikyuu girl

    1. YinYang9705


      I'll take your word for it.

    2. Garnet.


      tbh tho,,,


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. TimTim


      Haikyuu/10 is a legit rating though

    3. dead account

      dead account

      Is giraffe neck/10 a viable rating?

    4. Zumi


      no but tim's rating is viable

  10. 8/10 it's an interesting art style and actually looks pretty cute!
  11. He probably rounded it up for notation convenience :V
  12. Well played, TarTar! I probably should've ran a defensive team, since I had a feeling you'd be running a scarf team, but I decided to ignore it for some reason (????? curse my stupid logic LOL) Either way, the battle was fun and I wish you luck in the next week against Phantom Vulcan!
  13. I feel like Arrival of the birds + Transformation fits for my hometown because?? Idk how to describe it but it has this incredible feeling to it because it's kind of a bland looking town but there's so much more to it than what it looks like. There's a LOT to do each year, especially during the summer with the flower parade building season and whatnot, not to mention that it's the birthplace of Vincent van Gogh, so... I feel like a song that sounds calm but builds up to something beautiful is what would describe my town best; Once you know what ACTUALLY is some of the stuff that has happened (and still happens) in the town, the town suddenly becomes a lot more beautiful, despite that it doesn't look all that special at first glance. it's also the reason why i literally refuse to move away from this town LOL Try finding a song that fits this picture best! :]
  14. tokyo ghoul just got onto a whole new level of fucked up what the hELL

    1. Plok


      yep,and here am I just wondering if suzuya is still alive

  15. For some reason I can imagine that there's a bunch of icicles crashing down from the ceiling from the crash and the sudden heat and you're being chased through the cavern in order to avoid getting impaled, so I immediately thought of this song: hahaha this is so self indulgent but What would be a fitting boss battle theme for me?
  16. This is one of my favourite relaxing songs from also one of my favourite artists, so I think you'd like it :] You suddenly gained a random superpower! What's your response to the power you gained? (Make sure to mention the super power you randomly got from clicking the link. No retries either, first one counts only!)
  17. The rules are simple; The person gives a situation, and the person next to post posts a song that they think is fitting for that person in said situation. After that, you can put down a prompt yourself and see what people reply with! A few examples for situations you could use for this little game: What do you think would be final boss battle music for a battle between you and me? Everyone at the party is drunk except you, what music would fit the situation? What song would describe your mood if you would have to stay up till 3 AM to study for something? What music would be playing if the fire alarm suddenly went off? There are plenty of situations you could think of. Don't be afraid to be creative either! There's plenty of situations you can use for this. They can be situations other people have proposed as well, but don't keep it the same all the time. You can be as silly or as serious as you want with your answer, but it's fun if you also explain why you chose the song (although this obviously isn't necessary.) Make sure to post a Youtube video, or embed the soundcloud link when replying! With that out of the way... Let's start small. What do you think would be a fitting theme song for me? Edit: Also, If you don't know a lot about the person above you, try imagining the situation using the user's avatar instead! Maybe it'll give some inspiration :] Have fun!
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