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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Zumi

  1. [shrek voice] get outta me swamp as for you, lemarin; don't worry, we'll help you out! (but, you may have already seen that as people are explaining things to you right now!)
  2. why does birthright hurt me so

  3. my name's blurry face and i care what you think

    1. Garnet.


      i dont like that song but i like that group

  4. dude i could use some coffee rn tbh

    1. DogHistorian


      same. i could go for some like all the time


    1. Jacobliterator



  6. curry for dinner is good shit

    1. Marcello


      that does indeed sound like good shit I'd kill for a curry tbh

  7. There's a few things I like about myself! I'm proud of that I'm capable of making art and music, and making people happy with the things I make. I'm a people pleaser, and I thrive on it when people tell me they like what I made or if they tell me it made them happy. I put a lot of time and effort in most of my work, and hearing people tell me that it looks/sounds good makes me really glad since it motivates me to keep going. I like that hardworking part of myself, especially considering I can be lazy at times too, so whenever I do work hard on something and the effort pays off, I'm really glad that there's a part of me that makes me push myself to keep working. I rarely ever run out of ideas or inspiration, and being able to constantly produce new ideas is something I'm pretty proud of. I also like to think that I'm easy to approach, as I can get along with a lot of people. There's only a few types of people I can't really get along with, but other than that I think I'm pretty approachable for most people. I like talking with people, I also like talking with new people, and I want people to feel comfortable around me, so I do my best to do so! I like making people smile and being good company, so that's a goal I've been working to and (hopefully) already achieved. I'm also happy about that I'm as open minded as I am and that I'm very able to adjust myself to people. Having been bullied for several years of my life, I didn't become bitter but instead very accepting of the people around me, mainly because that way they don't have to feel left out or bad. I'm very open to new ideas and beliefs, and I'm also very accepting towards people who have different a sexuality and/or gender. I'm a good listener too, so I'm almost always there to listen to people's troubles if they have any, and help them out if I can. I'm very grateful that I grew up in an open minded family as well, since I feel like they're part of the reason why I'm very easy with accepting people. Also, just a side note, but I'm really glad this thread exists because I've been in a slump lately due to a huge amount of stress that piled up from various smaller things and it's been kicking at my self confidence lately, so this post kind of helped me to appreciate myself a bit more. lksjdflkjasd this post turned out to be so long oh my god i apologize if i came across as vain LOL
  8. Ampharos! I liked electric types to begin with,. My fav electric type used to be Luxray (and my overall favourite was Darmanitan), but then Rejuvenation came along, and... Well, let's just say Ampharos haxed everything into oblivion which is why it got shifted to after the 6th gym to become available. Nontheless, the fact that it did so well in one of my runs in Rejuvenation made it my favourite mon and my go-to hax inflicter next to Crobat. it also looks so happy tbh it's so cute
  9. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SCARLET You're a pretty rad dude and we've talked several times before, but I honestly should be putting a bit more effort in because you really seem like an interesting person. I hope you have a great day!!
  10. Thanks for joining the stream, despite it being a bit short. My voice is sort of dead tho oop

    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow


    2. Zumi
  11. Streaming some good ol' singing since people have been asking me to do so lately! Join me at https://www.twitch.tv/zumistreams :]

    1. Alextron


      I'm watching your stream lol

    2. Ojama Yellow
    3. Spineblade


      It was good while it lasted!

  12. Stream in 15 minutes!

    1. Alextron


      Wait,what stream?

  13. so if i were to do a karaoke stream tonight, what songs would you like me to sing?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Shing


      Respect Your Elders - Leffen Diss Track

    3. Sparky


      One day we need to have a Reborn Karaoke Night

    4. Cepheus


      zumi sings again? gotta tune in :D

  14. You'll probably like it in our group :] Make sure to visit the war room sometime though!
  15. why do people feel the need to kick my ass all the time :[[[

    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      dont worry they feel the same need with me

  16. obligatory status post

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. AuthorReborn


      original comment that will be ignored

    3. Zumi


      obligatory response about why you should not kick my ass

    4. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      obligatory fuck zumis comment and kick her ass anyway

  17. A small update, but the flower parade (and more specifically, our float from last year) made it to the cover page of an international art magazine! (which i think is really cool btw omg) And as an extra, here's a video of how a parade workspace is built!
  18. i fully take the blame for this one i am so sorry
  19. And here's the official logo for the Amazon Nation! Full size Small size
  20. you come into our house and then tell us, the people of the amazon nation, to support avalon shame on you
    1. Omega_Ra1der


      the absorbs levels are too damn high!

    2. Cepheus


      cute kitty!!!! :3


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