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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Zumi

  1. tfw lil bro is the cause of ruined grilled cheese and i cry

  2. mfw life does not allow me to do the things i actually want to do and moreso forces me to do stuff i NEED to do but not necessarily want to do

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Halloween


      ah yes the joy of game design schools and their completely unnecessary blocks of shit you won't even work with

    3. Zumi


      Actually, since this is a school which primarily focuses on 3D and triple A game quality, animation is actually pretty important, and scripting is very useful for making small programs within Maya which ca create objects and make them easier to modify with a few sliders. It's not actually all that useless, I'm just not that good at scripting LOL

    4. Halloween


      Oh yaaah that kinda scripting, I getchu. I thought you meant like, writing Unity scripts which is like, bring a gender studies degree to prison if you're gonna be a game designer. Maya seriously needs a cloner object. Mind telling me the name of your school? through smoke signals or pm or whatnot, i've been looking into game schools for 3D design, especially if it's Maya rather than 3Ds whacks

  3. You can actually quote multiple things in one post, y'know :] It'll just be added to the post you're working on! Also, I'm not entirely sure if the whole deal with Erick is meant for that purpose... But we'll see, I actually don't really know exactly what Jan is planning to do with that.
  4. tbh im skipping redemption this week. too busy and too much happened this week that threw me off for many reasons for me to focus so i'll challenge again next friday :]

  5. mannnnnnnnnn being sick SUCKS

  6. pokémon rejuvenation dungeon: explorers of v8 confirmed y/y
  7. i think i broke gif icons for myself. whoopsie daisy

    1. Vinny


      Don't change your avatar so much, please.


      a hypocrite.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie
    3. Vinny


      Cool shirt.

      Cute face.


    4. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      With that camera angle, I can barely get what the print on the shirt is supposed to represent tho :/

  8. Mostly tumblr and epicmafia, with a bit of minecraft and deviantart to the side. Other than that I just hung out on skype with friends a lot :v
  9. should i keep meduka meguca coobie as my avatar for now or do i change it back to something else

    1. Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      Change it to a picture of Megumin

  10. what is it coobie


    1. NickCrash


      Too many souls for the Ghost Rider to burn...

  12. Apparently, Eric Medalle, the Creative Design Director for the english versions of several Pokémon games, was killed in a windstorm on Sunday. R.I.P.

    1. Ironbound


      C'est la vie, et la mort. My condolences to his people.

  13. Hello, Solarus! Welcome to Reborn :] Community rules can be found to the left, so make sure to check those out as well, just to be sure of the do's and don'ts around these parts. Hope to see you around and enjoy your stay!
  14. fries for dinner. yes good

  15. some selfies i took because i am WEAK and also like hoodies and a bonus
  16. finally got this icon to work askjdhgasdkjhsa

  17. Please no necroposting! You could ask this question in one of the pinned topics, or create a new topic, but please do not post in topics which haven't been posted in for over 2 months. Locking thread.
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