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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Zumi

  1. I'm late, but welcome to Reborn! Hope your stay is a nice one c:
  2. I'm late but welcome to Reborn! Hope your stay is a good one c:
  3. hrmmm, what to do, what to do...

    1. wytch_doctr
    2. Exalted


      Sleep eat breathe and for the heck of it dance and post that video on youtube and dont forget to share the link

  4. im like half asleep r/n and im fairly sure that when i wake up and look at my post im gonna find like 500 mistakes and have to correct like god knows how much shit oops

    1. mde2001


      It looks great Zumi. Don't fret :D

  5. shit, my bad LMAO i need to replay rejuvenation in its entirety really bad oh my god
  6. The man locked up in the ice prison is Kreiss, the ACTUAL gym leader of Kristilline town. Angie just locked him up and hogged his Gym leader position, instead.
  7. when i have to bullshit something i can easily pump out 2k words in an hour but when i'm actually serious w/ something i get sidetracked nonstop AS WELL AS BEING SLOW AS FUCK. god dammit, why is this

    1. Felicity


      Because you're dedicating more indepth thought processes to it so that your understanding and opinions on the topic are clear. 'Tis the problem of caring.

  8. updated my profile... also im gonna start uploading music each week too because fun times

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Weeeee! Join the club!!!

    2. Arkhi
  9. neat/10 aka that's an 9/10. looks really cool!
  10. Zumi


    I saw this on twitter before! It's probably one of my favourite animations i've seen for undertale tbh. I hope they'll make a finished version of it eventually :0
  11. she wouldn't give us the cold shoulder by just staying away now would she?
  12. Welcome to Reborn, Itamar! Or, well, welcome back at least, hahaha. Hope your stay has been a good one so far and that you'll stick around for a long time!
  13. IM LATE but welcome to Reborn! Hope your stay is a good one!
  14. y'all need to chill about angie, huhuhuhuhu *BRICKED* who knows when she'll be back~
  15. Please post this in the Save file troubleshooting topic! Also, I'm not sure if this is about Rejuvenation or Reborn, so if you need help for Rejuv go here, and for Reborn go here! (Also, no double posting, please.)
  16. IM STILL LAUGHING god bless we still love you bibs <3
  17. save ame 2k14

  18. Welcome to Reborn! Hope your stay is a good one c: Also, that's a clever avatar you got there, hee

  20. Zumi

    Hi all

    Welcome to Reborn! Hope your stay is a good one c:
  21. A lot of bugfixing has been done beforehand and beta testing should also amount to finding/fixing a bunch of bugs, so this time around there probably won't be as many bugs as V6 had! It's also because V6 gave Rejuv a total makeover that there were so many bugs, but V7 shouldn't have as many since there's only around uh... 10-20 new maps, so we're good c:
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