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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Zumi

  1. Again, it's a matter of phrasing, lol. If you don't know the context to the details, they won't be much of a spoiler.
  2. Well, if the story is told in chronological order as shown in the game as the summary should be, there's no need to worry about spoilers, since you can just read up to where you want. It's your own risk in the end, and not the responsibility of the person writing the summary as long as it's written as intended and doesn't have spoilers strewn through it in places where it's not appropriate.
  3. There's an incomplete summary of the game on TV Tropes here (up to chapter 11) along with a bunch of notes on characters here. After v13 we plan to make a complete summary of the story for on the Rejuvenation wiki, but due to that V13 comes along with revisions to quite a handful of story segments, it's redundant to us to have a summary written as of right now as a lot of stuff would have to be rewritten once V13 is out. If you want a complete walkthrough of the game, Nine Icy Tails recently did a 100% playthrough of the game, meaning that you can probably look stuff back up there in video format if you so desire. Narcissa's quest should be included in it. As for the alien cow sidequest.... just don't worry about it.
  4. Sincerely appreciate all the kind comments!! I tried out a couple of new things while working on the backgrounds and I personally am pretty proud of the result, so I'm glad that people like them! Like Jan said, I don't know how many more custom bgs will be introduced for V13, but if I have spare time, I'll probably tackle another background that can be recolored for multiple purposes (even though with caves and forests out of the way i'm starting to run out of things dhjfdkd). Otherwise it's gonna be field effects or custom bgs for important fights! Who knows!!!
  5. They'll be treated as custom megas in the purest sense, and therefore mons that already have a mega will just get an extra alt mega evo (for Charizard, it'll have X, Y and G in that case) And yes, some will have new abilities upon mega evolving! However, I won't be specifying which ones, so you'll just have to figure it out once V13 is out :]
  6. Download the hotfix for this here, this is the strength bug. We rolled out a mini patch for that a while back for people who had this issue.
  7. If the script is hanging that might just be a PC problem. You can try running the unofficial MKXP port of the game (which uses a newer engine) and see if it helps the problem, but otherwise I don't think that's something we can really do anything about since that is mostly an user-to-user based issue.
  8. Can you show a screenshot of the error that shows up? Because the patch should get rid of the error altogether, so I don't see why it wouldn't work. Are you sure you installed the patch correctly?
  9. Please download the 12.2 patch in the V12 thread, this fixes your issue.
  10. We already made the shinies for Gen 8, yeah. All of them came from the dev team itself, sorry if you wanted to get yours in!
  11. You can find a download for a fix here in this topic!
  12. i want to have a talk with the person who listed vitus as INFP on the mbti personality database site because i might have to throw hands

    1. Aphelli


      So there is such a thing as a mbti personality database for fictional characters. 

      I’m really surprised. 

      What type should Vitus be in your opinion? 

    2. SomeNerdIDK


      I refuse to associate with weird creepy cult man

    3. Evi Crystal

      Evi Crystal

      I have some mixed feelings for him. A love/hate relationship.

  13. You definitely just have bad luck! None of the mons bar the shadow pokemon are shiny locked, and the rate is the same as reborn -- 1/100. Just keep trying!
  14. Much better performance on newer pcs for the most part as it's a far more modern engine! The game will run far faster and smoother, and there's barely any lag. It'll be slower on older pcs unfort, but we've been able to optimize the RMXP port (aka the current engine) game for a good chunk thanks to the help of Cass that we've been getting, so there should still be a noticeable difference between V12 and V13 for those who are using the RMXP version of the game -- especially during battles, where the brief lag before move animations playing is no longer an issue.
  15. ok i lied not my only time responding to this thread, but i'd not look into this too deep considering that this bit of information has become obsolete in the current iteration of the game (and any future ones as well). While this was indeed something mentioned during the game's intro on the S.S. Oceana in older versions, it's no longer accurate and it's probably best to just let it slide! It's a remnant of the older versions of the game and no longer holds any value lmao
  16. I don't make the teams, but I'm pretty sure it's a mix of it having fit the character thematically, along with difficulty. Some characters are known to have a bias for certain types (or in Erin's case, color) so it becomes automatically easier to work with. It's finding a healthy balance of what makes sense for the character and what is strong enough for at that point in the game. Most rival characters let go of their type bias however, and just received teams that are more all-round than anything else, but still work with their characters. I'm sure Alex or Azery would probably be able to enlighten you more on the matter, but I'm pretty sure that what I said is the gist of it.
  17. so i could be posting this in the official art thread, but really i don't care enough to do so since it's not really super official anyways, and also slightly outdated lmao the situation is that this drawing was initially made for a video that would contain a remake of flora's battle theme (the one used for the fight at eclysia pyramid), but considering that kinda fell through due to that i was unable to recreate it to an extent that i was actually satisfied with it or that it sounded good, the art kinda lost its purpose so here! have some art of flora and sierra. the latter is an admin from team splicer, the evil team in pokemon xenogene -- my own cancelled fangame, and where the song used for flora's fight initially came from.
  18. Fal (Falirion) was doing a run with Gyarados to show that it's possible to solo Rejuv intense for almost the entirety of the game with Gyarados. Gyarados is currently not legally obtainable in the game as they were debugged in, but it IS pretty undeniable proof that putting it as obtainable anytime soon is a bad idea LOL
  19. you expect us to add in the gameplay system of a wholly different game??? i know it's pokemon but like come on dude, you're expecting something unrealistic here, rejuv isn't a fighting game also if you had checked the status bar on the dev blog anytime today, you would've seen that progress is still being made. please be patient. As for this, we're doing good! Jan was on a break for a week or so so he hasn't been working on the game during that time, but I think it's safe to say that he's returned in full force. He's been feeling inspired and ready to work on the game, particularly for the main story of V13 content, so expect the status of that department to make leaps! I can't disclose what the content entails of course, but he's been having fun with it, so that's definitely a good sign!
  20. its not a tierlist if you can't change the tier names to something weird
  22. The one time I'm actually gonna respond to this topic to clarify something; it's really just genetics! Kenneth and Deagan are basically the in-game equivalent of hispanic, and hispanic people vary quite a bit in skin tone. Deagan and Kenneth likely have different complexions as the result of their parents having different complexions as well, kinda like how Amber inherited Deagan's complexion while Tesla's skin is lighter than Amber's. And uh... Let's not mention that Kenneth's been through some shit. His health absolutely has taken a huge toll over the course of time -- He's a lot paler as Keta as he probably would've been had he been healthier.
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