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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Zumi

  1. if you want a really good poison typed glass cannon though, you should go for Crobat. Acrobatics, confuse ray, poison fang and air slash (or hypnosis/brave bird by breeding) will make a LOT of fights later on much easier due to that it outspeeds almost everything, making it easy to confuse others and having a chance of inflicting toxic poison with poison fang, while acrobatics literally destroys everything considering crobat's attack stat is ridiculous. the only thing is that it's a real glass cannon, so it can usually only survive one hit if a move is super effective. it can easily inflict status effects before you can give the other a chance to do any damage though because of its speed, so make use of that.
  2. Title says all. We want to know your opinion on the major fights in Rejuvenation! Did you think they were too hard? Too easy? Or just right? Feel free to tell us. If you want to add anything to your choices, feel free to reply to this post with your opinions, or if you think you find another battle very difficult/too easy that isn't listed here, please let us know here! We're trying to make the difficulty more fluent instead of having spikes all over the place. Thank you for taking your time to fill in this poll! We hope you're all excited for the soon arriving release of V7 c:
  3. it started out like that but then shit got real really fast practically it's much more story based now, at least
  4. updated my profile w/ some new stuff and music

    1. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge

      Dat Lon'qu tho I approve

    2. Zumi


      you mean the wind waker one?? :0 or my avatar

  5. Welcome to Reborn! Hope your stay is a nice one c:
  6. Yes, very. You have a 1/400 something chance of getting a jackpot starter, so you're really, REALLY lucky to get it on your fourth reset. Congrats!
  7. If you freed Kreiss, you should be able to get the TM rock climb from him to get there.
  8. Happy birthday, Hukuna! Hope your day is a good one c:
  9. 1/1 best rival is a tie between barry and wally. barry is just great bc he's way too active, while wally actually makes some serious character growth in the game, which i think is pretty neat since you don't often see character development that much in canon pokemon games. 2/1 give sinnoh/unova/johto mash. pls sinnoh for the lore, unova for the story and johto for the atmosphere
  10. THESE ARE REALLY NICE im definitely saving these tbh
  11. im running out of witty things to put in the status bar and im growing increasingly dissapointed with myself

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shing


      Who's Ian Ody? I don't know this Ian person.

    3. Zumi
    4. Felicity
  12. i'd like to see if someone can get me a good icon c: bonus points if it's lon'qu or something fire emblem awakening related
  13. Welcome to Reborn, LordGarchomp! Hope your stay here is a good one c:
  14. time to kick my own ass to bed because i gotta FIX MY SLEEP SCHEDULE. GOD.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Azeria


      The spam is real rofl.

    3. Azeria
    4. Komodojoe


      Yeah... We've all been there. In fact, I'm still there. If there's one thing that I should warn everyone about, it's that working overnight screws your sleeping schedule up beyond belief.

  15. > Persona Q HEYYYY I BOUGHT THAT GAME THIS WEEK ACTUALLY and im really enjoying it and im glad you like persona. good. very good also you should try playing rejuv version 6 tho tbh i helped make stuff for rejuv and its actually a pretty fun game *bricked* Anyways, hi Zen! Welcome to Reborn-- Hope you enjoy your stay here c:
  16. We can't give out any certain estimates as of when the new version will be released to the public, but I can tell you that we're close to finishing things up so the second phase of alpha testing can start, so beta testing might not take too much time anymore for it to happen. Just a little longer, guys! We're getting there, hope you guys are excited for the new version at least!
  17. buuuuttttheeeaaaadddd

    1. Felicity
    2. Hiss13


      I am the great Cornholio!

    3. Cepheus


      the king of bungholio!

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