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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Zumi

  1. Zumi


    Not bad! I'm assuming you used mixcraft for this? I recognize the instruments because I used it myself before as well, hee. But! If so, you really might want start looking into using effects because the default instrument sounds for mixcraft aren't exactly the best quality if you don't slap some effects on it. or you pirate fl studio from somewhere. immediately much better despite being a tough cookie to figure out at first BUTTTT once you do know how it works you'll never want to switch back to mixcraft
  2. best U.N. owen was her orchestra version y/y
  3. Merry christmas everyone! For me it's a day early since we celebrate christmas here on the 25th and the 26th, but to other people, hope you have a wonderful christmas c:
  4. I ONLY SAW THIS JUST NOW but yes this is a good song and im laughing also, i dont remember if i posted this here before but here's 4 hours of touhou orchestra goodness
  5. fire emblem, smt persona and pokemon are my current favourites tbh (also undertale but thats not really a series?? still a very good game tho) i still want my fire emblem fates european release date dammit. nintendo please
  6. I sorta figured she might've been talking about me seeing as we talked to each other pretty often on the server, hee but thank you very much! i'm glad you like my art c:
  7. hello hello hello hello hello hello

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Cepheus


      the other side?

      oh my god!

      guys gather the Dragon Balls!

      We have to resurrect Zumi!!


    3. Dhanush D Bhatt

      Dhanush D Bhatt

      Eww Zumi, pls no resurrecterino :P

    4. Zumi
  8. Hi Aika! Welcome to reborn, hope your stay is a nice one c: Nice to see that you're friends with Comet, too!
  9. flops into bed

  10. No necroposting please! Locking this thread to avoid it in the future. Next time, you can ask about these sort of things in the Rejuvenation Discussion Thread. Thank you!
  11. I need a distraction.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cepheus


      Look behind you - a three-headed Monkey!

      did that distract you enough?

    3. Etesian


      Ceph's got the right idea, go play Monkey Island :P

    4. Grizzlybrand


      Just so you know there recently was a game that came out that's basically Phoenix Wright but everyone's a bird and it's in victorian London.

      And on sale on steam rn.

  12. that'd be a very cruel joke given the circumstances of the game being competetively orientated i doubt it'd happen, no worries c: jan is evil but not THAT evil
  13. Zumi


    suddenly, the fanclub turned into a country. but yes, that's more like it :3c can i join mettaton's fanclub bye
  14. Zumi


    Oh? So you wouldn't want to be part of Flowey's fanclub then?
  15. Thanks! There's a few more songs that I made for rejuvenation as well, as well as one of my (pretty old) remixes being used i think? I think it's the remix of the gem guardian fight theme that i made is played somewhere during the goldenleaf arc as well, so yeah :V ill probably make more music in the future tbh
  16. I actually made that song! I made it exclusively for Rejuvenation, despite it being relatively long ago since I've made it, hee
  17. Zumi


    its funny bc thats actually canon member list: juu
  18. nahh, i think a game can be good without love interests. i feel like it'd be a bit out of place in this game, honestly. besides, melia and venam totally are gay for each other. i mean what
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