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ZEL last won the day on September 1 2019

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360 Altruist

About ZEL

  • Birthday 12/02/1994

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  1. I feel it is of dire importance that I let you know there was a dream sequence in my dream tonight where I was on the forums to see that ICSW released a mod for reborn in which all the characters were turned into cat versions of themselves. Complete with little kitty sprites and all. Except Cain, who was a dog. (Which I can only assume to mean he is a Cainine, but I don't want to give my sleeping brain that much credit.)

    ...If Sirius would be a dog too, by pun logic, is sadly not known to me, as none of the Meteors made an appearance :c (Which is a shame in and by itself - I would have loved to meet the AlCATara family and Lumeow.)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      That dream was a glimpse into the future. I plan on doing exactly that. 

    3. ZEL


      I'm taking that as a promise.

    4. Q-Jei


      What an inspirational dream! ~

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