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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by ZEL

  1. Y'know, this is always the kind of experience that I hope people take away from Reborn. I can see how for a lot of people it can be annoying to not be able to play through the game with their favourites, since it can be a lot of fun to put together a team from 'mons you like. But with a little bit of thinking and trying, every Pokémon can be made useful in this game, and sometimes you'll be surprised how enjoyable it can be to use them. Also, Bronzong is a god. Underrated 'mon tbh. I greatly enjoy every instance of people running into the Magnezone fight unprepared. Teaches ya to be more careful with that puzzle~
  2. this is the only thing that matters in life now I will take this game thanks In all seriousness, though: I was and still am a little bitter that GO isn't compatible with my phone, and I was going to get a Switch eventually, anyway, so this game actually has me excited. Looks like a fun time killer with the gimmicky stuff. And maybe I'll enjoy it more as a "Kanto Remake" than FRLG, those bored me to death. I'm going to carry my Eevee around on my hat and I will cherish every second of it.
  3. unknown.png


    thanks gamefreak this is fine

  4. Isn't it the other way round? As far as I am aware, the purple "PKRS" sign stands for a Pokémon that is currently infected, and the smiley face indicates that it is cured.
  5. My temper's been so volatile these past days that I'm surprised (pleasantly so) I haven't accidentally snapped at anyone yet. Talk about progress, huh.

  6. The point wasn't that climbing dunes is the same difficulty as climbing stairs - it's that I personally do not experience a disruption in my suspension of disbelief if the game doesn't slow you down for something that would normally be slower than walking on flat ground. Basically, just like how being able to climb a huge staircase without effort doesn't make the stairs feel flat to me, walking over the dunes in normal speed wouldn't ruin the dunes for me. The slowing down effect hardly helps the immersion imho, because at the end of the day your character still half-floats over their edges anyway. tl;dr I get Ame's point, I just personally don't think the slowing effect adds anything to the desert experience
  7. To be fair, since she wasn't meant to kill any of the characters in the room, the story had to find a way to somehow justify why she didn't. First thing that happens is that we're walking into the room more or less at the time Sirius comes in to mention that Lin is about to arrive. Saphira and Sigmund, of course, immediately note that the name sounds familiar to them, which temporarily defuses the situation as they're distracted with pondering over this. Then they get interrupted by Lumi, and it's time for our mandatory exposition about Abra. After that, however, Saphira does immediately flip her attack switch back on: Aaaaand that's when she and the PC get teleported away by Abra, lol. I think it's reasonable enough that the mention of Lin would, for a moment, throw her off a bit. The scene is supposed to allude to the connection between Lin and the orphanage so that's why it's there, and I think it makes sense that it would distract Saphira. Laura tells us about how orphanage Lin bullied her constantly, and Saphira would probably have some sort of feeling attached to a name that's connected to making one of her sisters miserable. The grunts, on the other hand, would have been unlikely to have anything to say that could distract her from her little rampage.
  8. Pffft yeah you're not alone with your opinion this one. But I doubt Ame is going to want to change anything about this. I remember I complained about it to her face the other month, and from what I recall her telling me, the reason is pretty much that she feels it will make the desert seem flat and fake otherwise. See, we've got those beautiful dunes, and she thinks it would kinda ruin the immersion if we could just walk over them like we're on flat ground. Personally I'm not entirely convinced by that, because after all we don't slow down when walking upstairs somewhere, either. But I can see where the argument is coming from. Building the illusion of higher ground in a technically completely flat landscape is difficult enough, I guess she just wouldn't want to sacrifice the one thing that makes it look at least a bit like we're trodding over actual sand hills.^^
  9. There are actually a few things I really like about Victoria. One is that I see her defining character trait to be that she is protective. She sees you, a then relatively new trainer, wanting to pass through a dangerous area, and worries about you. She sees you wanting to battle a little girl who just saw the dead body of her best and only friend's father splattered all over the ground next to her gym - and she wants to stop you, because she wants to protect a deeply shaken Shelly. She sees Kiki fall, knowing that she's nearing the end of her strength? She wants her mentor/parental figure to rest, to protect her. Victoria always has other people's wellbeing in mind, and while it makes her a roadblock to us, it goes to show how much she cares - even if she is lacking the wisdom to understand that her actions are often not the best choice. She also seems to struggle deeply with one of the very lessons that Kiki wants us to learn - "We mustn't let our inner turmoil complicate outside affairs." I find it really interesting to see Victoria struggle with what her feelings tell her - wanting to unleash hell upon the people who are responsible for killing Kiki and hurting so many people - and sticking to Kiki' principles of learning how to stay calm, collected, and above your impulses. She knows that Kiki would not want her to act in violent rage, yet she has a definite wish for revenge that she finds hard to suppress. She talks to us about it during E16, and there's the whole bit about the grunt getting knocked out by her after taunting her about Kiki. Victoria wants to live up to what she thinks Kiki expected her to be, but she keeps running into situations in which she fails this. It gnaws on her because all she wants is to make Kiki proud, yet she feels that she isn't able to. I think a lot of Victoria's behavior, and her flip-flopping back and forth between being confident and determined or not, comes from her trying to figure out what Kiki would want her to do/be. She has always looked up to Kiki as the person who knows what to do, and her approach to any situation seems to be "what would Kiki tell me" - so she beats herself down when she does things that she thinks her mentor wouldn't approve of, and feels lost when she can't figure out what to do. She is dependent on her dead mentor figure. She finds it incredibly hard to be on her own, to make her own decisions, and to push through without knowing if she would have the approval of the person she looked to for directions for so many years. Victoria's problem is that she is trying to copy Kiki, trying to be just like her, when Kiki really wanted her to use her lessons to grow into her own person who is strong by body and mind. And I think this is the thing that Kiki wanted to break by sending Victoria away. I think she was aware that Victoria was lacking independence, and hoped that traveling Reborn to take on the league would help her mature into her own person. That she would learn to make and trust her own decisions. Wean her out of needing an authority figure to point the way. (Especially in the light of the fact that Kiki knew she was dying from her condition.) I think the basic idea of her character arc is that she has to learn to be confidently independent and incorporate Kiki's lessons into her growth, but the abruptness with which she was thrown into a life in which there is no more Kiki at all to provide counsel and reassurance, is what makes things so hard for her. She wasn't so much weaned out of dependence, as tossed right into the cold water.
  10. jeri who? never heard of him bet he's a nerd jk nice to see ya
  11. On the bus to Budapest! Visiting a dear friend of mine for two weeks ❤️

  12. good shit, the search function was... mediocre before, I hope it actually does what it's supposed to now :c Edit: i think it still doesn't pick up archived threads, though. Any chance this can ever be changed, or are those gawn from the search for good?
  13. My favourite would have to be the factory field. And I'm gonna be honest, it's for no other reason than because Klinklang turns into a terrifying monster on it that takes down everyone and everything. Good lord there's nothing more satisfying than seeing your most treasured 'mon going on a rampage. ...Also, aesthetic. Second favourite is the Glitch field, for the fun throwback to Gen I mechanics it is. I just find it thoroughly enjoyable to fight on and to be challenged to bend my mind into forgetting about some of the changes the games have gone through over the years. It's a bit of a reverse of what it was like to grow up and watch the game mechanics change a little bit with each generation. And it's just flat out fun to think up strategies, like how to abuse the undone stat splits or the limited type chart.
  14. I've got a Helix Fossil to spare if you want it and still need one~ Just PM me so I know to wait for a trade request
  15. Closest estimates we got for some (that I actually remember lol) are: Terra 23, Arc 24, Luna 18, Charlotte 14, Laura 18, Saphira ~20, Cain 15, Anna & Noel 12, Radomus ~40, Taka 22 IIRC Aya and Hardy are 16 and so is Fern or was Fern 15 smth like that? But don't quote me on that one In-game Lumi is 12, Eve is "a bit older", Zero is 21 Blake is apparently in his late 20s I swear Ame also answered the ages of El, Solaris and Sirius, but tumblr's search function is hell :') But if you consider Taka being early twenties and Luna being 18 that's probably a good reference. And I /know/ Shelly and Heather's ages were stated at some point, I just don't remember, but iirc they're around the twins' ages The player character's age is technically not set because Ame didn't want to dictate what age we view them as, but she considers them adults around 18, yeah
  16. I mean, Lin actually dying right there and then would've made things too easy on us, wouldn't it? ;D Would've been mighty early for the "big bad" to bite the grass, so it was kinda predictable that something about it was too good to be true.
  17. Mocking your depression by doing all the chores on your list feels fucking powerful

    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      show depression who the most powerful being in the house is

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Ye you go! You show that dumb depression who boss!

      tbh... l get a weird sense of carthsis doing that type of thing. Just feels good to clean sometimes.

    3. Q-Jei


      Vade retro depressio!

  18. Trying to predict what's gonna happen with Taka in the route where he doesn't die in the desert is tricky for sure. I think so far the most popular theory is that he is going to die in both routes, and that the difference will be that in the desert route he gets to die free and finally able to be himself for just a little bit while he's with you, whereas if he survives, he'll continue to be with Meteor and ultimately die as "one of them", never able to break free from the life he's bee forced to live. I guess it makes sense and it's a fair assumption, but personally I've kept my main save file on the route where he survives for now. I actually am curious to see his possible interactions with other Meteor members still, and I'm not ruling out the possibility that if he dies regardless, it may still be in a situation where he's helping the player out. It seems very likely that the desert route ends up being the "better" ending for him, but I'm not yet convinced that whatever the other route holds won't also be interesting. But on a less plot related note.. yeah, sad to see Taka go :c The set-up was pretty harsh, letting you explore the desert with him and getting to see him happier than ever before, and suddenly he's gone. That said, I don't see Tania as the one to blame for this. Ultimately it was all Lin. Tania's attitude certainly doesn't help to endear her to everyone, especially when she's involved in a popular character's death, but at the end of the day, she didn't mean to hurt Taka - she meant to hurt Lin. And Lin seems to have a habit of setting up people to hurt each other. She showed that throughout the entire previous episode already, and what happened in the desert is just a continuation of that. I feel like blaming Tania for what happened is about as fair as, say, blaming Victoria and Arclight for fighting you in E16. ...Less so, actually, because at least the latter two knew what was going on and who they were faced with.
  19. hi bibble

    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      I swear I refreshed this by chance just now

      I wasnt obsessively refreshing the forum every minute


    2. ZEL
  20. @Ice you didn't tell me you have a twin what's up with that You like Scolipede, you like HGSS... you're good to stay, welcome c: What kinda "useless stuff" do you collect? You've got my interest.
  21. You sound like a good person. I like you. Please stay. Nevermind actually ..Just kidding. Welcome to Reborn c: Ya should check out our showdown server some time if you haven't already. Bit more quiet than the discord, but if you already go on showdown regularly, might as well join us!~
  22. Ayy, I started with Blue as well! Grass is a good type, I can respect grass. It's definitely one of the most fun to use in monotype IMO. Welcome to Reborn! Kinda neat to see that we've got people joining for Rejuv now, aha. Naturally I'd jump on the wagon encouraging you to give Reborn another try, but there's a bunch of other games floating around that you could check out as well, so really, it's not like there's a shortage of options~
  23. ZEL

    Reborn Quiz

    >Oh I know the lore of the game and the league fairly well, this should be oka- >questions about side quests/events I have done maybe 4 side quests in my entire life I didn't even know half of those were a thing rip 72% lolol This was pretty fun, though!
  24. After you beat Florinia, she tells you to visit the Jasper Ward next to help out with the plant problem over there. Jasper is accessible through the Peridot ward (the one that Julia's gym is in), so you simply go all the way north in Peridot and walk through the gate. (Don't confuse the Jasper gate with the gate at the end of the train tracks - that one's closed!) The city itself still looks pretty awful even after you got rid of the PULSE in Obsidia, it's just the weird plants that are gone^^ Edit: Dang that was some timing on our responses lol.
  25. Saphira: "You like revenge, right? Everybody likes revenge. Well, let's go get some!" Lin: "I've got a surprise for you after this next test. Not a fake, tragic surprise like last time. A real surprise, with tragic consequences." PC: "Okay, yes, it's a trap. But it's only way through. Let's just do it." El: "I thought about our dilemma, and I came up with a solution that I honestly think works out best for one of both of us."
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