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Everything posted by ZEL

  1. ZEL

    ZEL Lore

    Hmm, this is a tricky one, re: 'same disease'. Lumi's diary does say that "now mama has gotten very sick, too", implying that they lost their father to some sort of sickness. But we never actually find out in-game what exactly was the cause of their father's death. All we know is that Lumi was afraid that her mother would "leave [her] like papa did" - which can mean just about anything from "I don't want my other parent to die as well" to "I don't want her to die early, too" to "I don't want her to die the same way that my father did". And while the mentions of the "polluted city" and moving to Ametrine certainly seem to imply that the smog in the city was detrimental to her mother's health, I'm reluctant to assume that both of them suffered the same diagnosis as the father. Lumi mentions that the disease she and her mother have "ran in the family", and that the actual surprise was the early onset, rather than the fact that she got sick ("nobody thought it would happen so soon") - which would imply that it is genetic. The odds that her father had the same condition would be rather low in that case.
  2. In the exact scenario you mentioned, I've always interpreted that what happens is that you tell Amaria ... well, exactly what happened. That Titania thought you read her diary and didn't believe you when you said you didn't, so she talked to you about its contents. You would be telling Amy all the things you just found out, but since you said that you didn't actually read the diary yourself, she'd probably still want to check it out to learn the details. Basically, you go "So... Titania just told me she's faking the relationship" and Amy goes "Is that so? Let's take a look". Originally the scene with Titania's diary didn't even give you a choice not to read it. It was a relatively recent addition. Previously you would be unable to continue the plot of the game until you went and read the diary, so the whole scene is kind of working around that now by making it so that Tania doesn't believe you. Since the scene has to end in Amy finding out the truth and jumping off the waterfall regardless of your choices, there's no timeline in which you don't learn about the diary's contents, and no timeline in which Amy believes you if you claim nothing is going on.
  3. Their main purpose seems to be to unlock postgame content, but I recall reading through the neat guide ICSW made and noticing that [E17] So it seems that your scores can already affect the game in some way, even if it's not anything huge yet
  4. >it's midnight and I'm already asleep >phone is actually charged ...Yeah that's how I'd realize I'm just in a cheap nightmare and wake up. I'm such a champion at forgetting to charge my phone that there's a good chance I'll randomly see a missed call twelve days later I guess that person could leave me a voicemail, but I feel like the message loses its dramatic impact if I'm hearing it on a fine monday morning while brushing my teeth. I mean, it's a fucking monday morning and I'm about to go to class; hearing someone telling me they want me dead would sound like an invitation at that point because honestly? Big mood.
  5. Tuna pizza with onions and champignons is the way to my heart tbh
  6. I'd argue against Fern being pride because it's very doubtful that he truly thinks himself better than the MC (or anyone). Ame has stated he's got a superiority complex, which, in her words, is " born out of feelings of inferiority. it’s just away of masking them." I've always seen Fern's theme as being about desperately trying to convince others and himself that he's as cool and talented and admirable as he poses himself to be. I don't think for a second that he believes he's that awesome - he's just incredibly desperate for people's attention without knowing how to actually make himself popular. I would say that Fern is more envy-like: His issue with the MC is that we have everything he wants to have. We're respected and well-liked (well, by a lot of characters at least) and talented (shhh, he doesn't know if you battled Solarischomp once or twenty times), we're (as of E16) hailed as a hero. We've got everything Fern wants. The same is, to an extent, also seen with his interactions with Florinia - notice how bitter he is that Rini's still got people admiring her and sticking up for her despite her attitude of not caring?
  7. No worries haha, I meant that reaction jokingly. I honestly don't remember if I had issues with Shade in my mixed run, but I don't think so. I didn't think to take a consistent amount of screenshots the first time I played, so I don't even know any more what my team looked like at that point :c It's probably Charlotte who gave me the most issues in that one?
  8. Who said you could roast me like that This was the flying team I went up against Shade with. (Well, that's them shortly after beating him, as you can probably tell from Pigeot being a level over.)
  9. Shade. Could be that he felt the most annoying to me because I did a Psychic and a Flying run right after each other, but jfc he left me with a burning hatred for the Rotom line.
  10. I feel it is of dire importance that I let you know there was a dream sequence in my dream tonight where I was on the forums to see that ICSW released a mod for reborn in which all the characters were turned into cat versions of themselves. Complete with little kitty sprites and all. Except Cain, who was a dog. (Which I can only assume to mean he is a Cainine, but I don't want to give my sleeping brain that much credit.)

    ...If Sirius would be a dog too, by pun logic, is sadly not known to me, as none of the Meteors made an appearance :c (Which is a shame in and by itself - I would have loved to meet the AlCATara family and Lumeow.)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      That dream was a glimpse into the future. I plan on doing exactly that. 

    3. ZEL


      I'm taking that as a promise.

    4. Q-Jei


      What an inspirational dream! ~

  11. This poll reminds me of how much I enjoyed playing Pokémon Dash back then. I should hunt down a copy of that game some time, I always borrowed it from my cousin. It's such a great time killer while travelling. My first game was Blue~ Fave is Gold, though. Out of the spin-off games I enjoyed Conquest the most thus far. [youtube commenter voice] FIRST!!1!
  12. Fern was set on fire five seconds after the picture was taken and you know it
  13. ZEL


    >Klinklang Hi I already like you Looks like a nice selection of 'mons all in all, I'm sure you'll have little trouble with Devon! Wishing you much success c: Salazzle is incredibly fun to use imo. Which of those mons are your most used ones so far, out of curiosity? (And, of course, welcome to the forums~)
  14. getting a litten toy at mcdonalds like the adult i am

    1. Wolfox


      you're only a true adult when you can say you bought a happy meal at Mcdonalds and got the toy you wanted without shame

    2. Josef


      Following your interests without worrying about what other people might think of you is a sign of mental strength and maturity. So long as its not irresponsible or harmful to yourself and others, feel free to do whatever you want.

  15. do my friends know I love them a lot because I hope they do,,

  16. You're my favourite person in this thread now. I'm cranky Fern no longer qualifies for "other" and I therefore couldn't vote for him.
  17. My favourite gym leader is Aya because I find her to be the most relatable of them. I know a lot of people see her behavior played up as typical teenage angst, but with my personality disorder, a lot of what she says and how she thinks hits close to home. I'd have to type out multiple paragraphs if I wanted to elaborate on this, but I'd rather spare you. So let's just say I can sympathize with her a ton, and am very invested in seeing her (hopefully!) move into a better future. Also, her relationship with Hardy is wholesome. My favourite of the non-leader/non-Meteor characters is Laura. I'm not really super invested in her character, but out of the choices we were given, I find her to be the most likeable. She's one of the more gentle characters in the game, and I appreciate that. I'll leave my Meteor vote a mystery. I'm sure you'll never guess.
  18. Aaaall the long hair is gone again~
  19. It's perfect, thank you and have the best of days! :3
  20. I'd say that's a good pace, especially for a first-time playthrough! You can take as much time as you want, whatever makes it the most fun to you. It's not a competition, after all! Reborn likes to reward exploration and patience (hidden items, sidequests, time specific events, etc), so it can be a good idea to take your time instead of trying to breeze through every part. Some neat 'mons and items are often locked behind events (in the case of 'mons often way before they are available in the wild), so it makes sense to stop and talk to NPCs and check out locations under different weather conditions, all that stuff.
  21. Oh most generous Christmas Kitten, do you have a hat to spare for these tired souls I would be most grateful and indebted to you, for I have been awaiting a hattening thread ♥
  22. Heya, and welcome \o Don't worry - you don't actually have to be some sort of competitive pro to be able to play and finish Reborn. I fucking suck at comp and still beat the game multiple times. It's all about encouraging you to get creative, whether that be with the 'mons you like, or by trying out ones you've never used before^^ We believe in you! (But if you do need help, people here are more than willing to provide, too~) Enjoy your stay here !
  23. Brain be like: Feel vaguely distressed over nothing? [Y/Y]

  24. Time for an ama you say Well here I am I even brought some of those party blowers Happiest anniversary of the day on which you were born In a few more years you're gonna be a grey fox Now I must know... Can you tell me the difference between Taka Alcantara and a large bird Also if you could visit any city in the world, which would be the first you'd wanna go to?
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