Quote machine broke sorry bibs please have a nice day
But this is very much a thing. More so, I actually often give up on even using the search function and wade through the board index pages manually to find what I'm looking for, because often I find myself in the situation where I know something has been discussed before, but using the search won't give me the results that I know are out there. Maybe because the actual thread doesn't use the keyword I'm searching for despite being about that thing, or whatever.
Some keywords are also so broad that you have to wade through a ton of unhelpful results, and not everyone's good at figuring out how to narrow it down.
On another site I'm on, I often get people asking me to help them with finding stuff, because they've been looking for [type of thread] and can't seem to find it, or they're trying to find a thread they already saw before, but can't seem to find again - and from them using the wrong words in the search, to our search function sometimes breaking, to them not searching in the right board because the thread isn't where they expected it to be... there's lots of ways for things to get wrong even if a person actually does try to help themselves.
The other week I've tossed a link to a thread that's been in use for seven years to a user who's been active for nine years. It happens.
Some topics are certainly easier to search for than others, but personally I find this forum overall not the easiest to navigate for newcomers. Hell, I still find it annoying to use at times, and the unfortunate bugs that staff are still trying to fight with don't help.
For a teensy bit of advice, if a question comes up a lot, something I have done elsewhere is to keep a copy-paste response that covers everything related to said question. Explanation, maybe a few useful links...
Never done this for Reborn because I don't use the forums here often enough / don't usually go around trying to answer questions, but having a bunch of pre-written responses to common questions makes life easier for me elsewhere^^
That said, I sign guilty as charged of using the "episode gets delayed" joke in recent history, so I guess this is also me saying I'll lay that to rest. Sorry!