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Everything posted by ZEL

  1. ZEL

    Dusk Lucanroc

    Nope^^ USUM content is not available in the game yet, including Duskroc.
  2. You have to use Power Gem / Earthquake during a battle in there to transform the cave^^
  3. Go to this thread to find the download link: All forum members are able to download and play the episode, but anyone not registered has to wait until the public release.
  4. ZEL

    Regional Variants?

    You can also obtain alolan evolutions by evolving them on Apophyll Island.
  5. Dunno whether to make an entirely new post or just point it out here, but I thiiink someone ought to put that Magnezone back in place on the old header & theme: It decided to start moving around rather than letting the background do so :') I mean, I'm all for freedom for all those poor PULSE mons, but we might have to make an exception for our pal up there. Other than that: I've been complaining about the "trivial" ace privileges for so long that it's honestly gonna be refreshing to finally be able to do the basic things. Thank you!~ Oh, and have fun @ everyone with the episode, I guess :')
  6. @DreamblitzX Yeah, I was bc i didn't see someone already linked you the thread you were looking for, rip Which i didn't see because the answer-format is terrible for my brain. Sorry man D: PS: The comment went bc I reported it to be deleted. Sorry²
  7. IIRC it was originally done because rep count was meant to be a factor in earning exp. That's also why the limit on how much rep you can give per day was lowered.
  8. Everything prior to December 2016 actually doesn't matter, as everyone's rep was reset back to 0 during the update^^ So whatever rep people have now is all from the past year.
  9. It's covered under the FAQ for the game, which can be found in the "Pokemon Reborn" part of the menu right below the download link^^ http://www.rebornevo.com/index.php?/pr/gamefaq/ The first question answered is "When can I expect the next release?", which refers to episode releases of all kinds.
  10. Hmm, we used to have a thread where people could post where they're from, but I'm afraid it's been moved to the archived topics after the forum update, and I don't think we've had a newer version ever since. But if you're curious about that kinda thing, it can still be read (I'm not sure if the list on the front page is up to date to the last page, but I think it isn't): Would be kinda nice to have a remake of this, actually. We've gotten a ton of new users since that update.^^
  11. actual image of me Welcome to the non-lurker life, I guess \o If you're worried that you're not gonna be very active on here even though you want to, you could try joining us on our discord server (if you haven't already). It has a channel for discussing the game as well, so if you're interested in the kinda small talk you wouldn't wanna start a thread for, that's ideal ^^
  12. Quote machine broke sorry bibs please have a nice day But this is very much a thing. More so, I actually often give up on even using the search function and wade through the board index pages manually to find what I'm looking for, because often I find myself in the situation where I know something has been discussed before, but using the search won't give me the results that I know are out there. Maybe because the actual thread doesn't use the keyword I'm searching for despite being about that thing, or whatever. Some keywords are also so broad that you have to wade through a ton of unhelpful results, and not everyone's good at figuring out how to narrow it down. On another site I'm on, I often get people asking me to help them with finding stuff, because they've been looking for [type of thread] and can't seem to find it, or they're trying to find a thread they already saw before, but can't seem to find again - and from them using the wrong words in the search, to our search function sometimes breaking, to them not searching in the right board because the thread isn't where they expected it to be... there's lots of ways for things to get wrong even if a person actually does try to help themselves. The other week I've tossed a link to a thread that's been in use for seven years to a user who's been active for nine years. It happens. Some topics are certainly easier to search for than others, but personally I find this forum overall not the easiest to navigate for newcomers. Hell, I still find it annoying to use at times, and the unfortunate bugs that staff are still trying to fight with don't help. For a teensy bit of advice, if a question comes up a lot, something I have done elsewhere is to keep a copy-paste response that covers everything related to said question. Explanation, maybe a few useful links... Never done this for Reborn because I don't use the forums here often enough / don't usually go around trying to answer questions, but having a bunch of pre-written responses to common questions makes life easier for me elsewhere^^ That said, I sign guilty as charged of using the "episode gets delayed" joke in recent history, so I guess this is also me saying I'll lay that to rest. Sorry!
  13. Personally I'd say wait until E17 is released. It really isn't going to be a long wait any more now. Beta started earlier this month, and Ame posted on her patreon that she dealt with the chunk of bugs found during Beta over Thanksgiving. This way you get to enjoy all the new Gen 7 content, including the new 'mons, items, updates to trainers' teams, and general fixes to issus in the game. (Most famously, E16 weather is majorly borked, and E17 fixes that. That'll save you some pain for weather based events.)
  14. ZEL

    Your E17 team.

    I always use a mix, I wouldn't have the heart to replace entire teams in already ongoing runs. My main team is definitely going to get a Silvally, which is probably gonna replace my Absol since I usually default Silvally to a Dark type if I'm not preparing for a specific battle. Psychic mono gets Bruxish as an addition. Flying/Normal team gets Toucannon. I started a Dark run during the Alpha that has Litten as its starter, so I guess that counts, too? So... Klinklang / Staraptor / Silvally / Mamoswine / Espeon / Arcanine + Noctowl and Metagross Espeon / Malamar / Sigilyph / Delphox / Metagross / Bruxish + Gardevoir Pidgeot / Swellow / Dodrio / Toucannon / Chatot / Staraptor + Fearow, Braviary and Noctowl Incineroar / Mightyena / Umbreon / Honchkrow / Weavile / Bisharp + Sharpedo and Houndoom
  15. wendel is cute af tbqh,,

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      10,000% agree.

      Gets mad at me every time l say that. lt JUST MAKE WENDEL CUTER DOE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    2. Chickens


      truest thing ever

  16. https://discord.gg/3GafgB aye
  17. Happy Birthday, Azery! With slight fear of repeating myself like a broken record: you're still a cool guy, and great to talk to, even if in our case it's just the occasional casual chatter every now and then. Sympathetic person, and someone I can't even imagine this place without tbh. Also, good taste in 'mons. Have a good one! Wishing you all the best.
  18. I'll always blame u bby

  19. Played the game per recommendation from my last ex. I originally wasn't terribly interested in it, since I was wary of how edgy it seemed, but after some days of hearing about various struggles with tough battles I decided to give it a go and see if I could do better. Ended up actually liking the game, much to my surprise. Didn't intend to join the forums, but my ex lost interest in the game soon after finishing it, and I wanted to have someone to talk to about it. Wouldn't have predicted that I'd stay, though.
  20. ZEL

    E17 release?

    Really? Aw, bummer. When will it be coming out now, someone give me a new estimate? Sorry to be a pest, I'm just so super excited to finally get Alola Ninetales, yknow? your move, amethyst.
  21. ZEL

    E17 release?

    When is E17 coming out tho? I'm dying to start this new run with my absolute favourite Pokémon Blaziken!
  22. The rupee system was removed because it wasn't compatible with the new site. It was no longer possible to use it at all, that's why it ultimately had to go.^^
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